The best immortal emperor

Chapter 461 Fatty Situ, are you here too?

Chapter 461 Fatty Situ, are you here too?
In China, at the end of the year, it is indispensable to visit friends in love.

Daqin is no exception!
After New Year's Eve, the number of people on the street increased significantly.

Those guys who have been retreating all year round will also come out for a walk at this time.

Residents of some small cities will also visit Qindu.

The business of the store is booming.

Li Ming's shop will only open when borrowing books at the Lantern Festival, otherwise, with this flow of people, I'm afraid he can make back half a year's rent in no time.

In the blink of an eye, the lantern festival began.

Three days, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen.

Fifteenth is the official day, the day before and the day after, respectively rising and falling.

After the sixteenth, the flow of people in Qindu will drop sharply, those who should retreat will continue to retreat, and those who should return to the small town will return to the small town.

Of course, the prosperity of the capital of Qin will not change much.

Fourteenth, the Lantern Festival kicks off.

It was still dark, and the streets were filled with lanterns.

This is the busiest festival of the year. No matter what kind of store it is, there will be a few lanterns hanging at the door.

These lanterns are not like those paper lanterns in Huaxia, they are all low-level magical instruments, very delicate.

If it is placed in China's auction, it will definitely fetch a sky-high price.

Just after dark, Situ Jianren came to Li's mansion and invited Li Ming to enjoy the lanterns.

Naturally, Li Ming would not refuse, and he also wanted to see the poetry and song competition that Situ Jianren said.

There are two kinds of poetry and song competitions, one is privately held, and the other is officially held by Daqin.

Those who want to participate in the Daqin official organization must have a certain reputation, otherwise they are not eligible to sign up.

And if you want to gain fame, you must first win the rankings in some privately held competitions, or write some well-known and popular poems and lyrics.

Some teahouses and restaurants hold competitions for the sake of a gimmick and to increase popularity.

Walking on the road, Situ Jianren couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "There are lantern festivals every year, this year is very different."

"Different? What's the difference?" Li Ming asked curiously.

"Because there is His Highness Yue, and tomorrow we will celebrate the Lantern Festival with His Highness Yue, it's exciting just thinking about it!" Situ Jianren said with a mean look.

Li Ming blushed for a while, and said in a low voice, "It's different because of His Royal Highness Yue?"

"Otherwise?" Situ Jianren asked back.

Li Ming was speechless for a while, not knowing what to say, so he simply ignored Situ Jianren and watched the lanterns on the street by himself.

Seeing these lanterns, Li Ming couldn't help but think of the Lantern Festival that his son Tan Siming had when he was a child.

It was in a small town below the Daxing'an Mountains.

Seeing the smile on Li Ming's face, Situ Jianren couldn't help asking curiously, "Li Ming, what are you thinking?"

"Home." Li Ming replied.

Hearing this, Situ Jianren couldn't help but startled, his expression became a little complicated, with an indescribable feeling.

Seeing this, Li Ming paused and asked, "Situ, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing. Let's go, I'll take you to the largest tea house in Qindu, it will be absolutely lively tonight!" Situ Jian said excitedly, sweeping away the previous gloom.

"Wait, I'll buy a lantern." Li Ming said.

"Okay!" Situ Jianren replied.

Afterwards, Li Ming picked out a lantern with a peculiar shape and spent ten middle-grade spirit stones!
After buying the lanterns, Li Ming and Situ Jianren went to the best teahouse in Qindu, Tomorrow Xuan.

The tea house is a place where literati and elegant guests often gather.

Today, Tomorrow House is naturally full of guests, but anyone who is a bit famous will come to Tomorrow Xuan to sit.

Just as Situ Jianren led Li Ming into Tomorrow Hall, he heard a voice, "Fatty Situ, are you here too?"

(End of this chapter)

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