The best immortal emperor

Chapter 469 Don't Believe My Situ Family Can't Cure Him!

Chapter 469 Don't Believe My Situ Family Can't Cure Him!

" a bit strange." Situ Jianren looked suspicious.

Slightly startled, Situ Jianren seemed to realize something, his expression changed, and he asked, "You mean that Miss Du is weird?"

"Cannibalism." Li Ming said.

"Cannibal energy?" Situ Jianren was stunned, and immediately became furious, "How dare you suck my young master Situ's energy, don't you want to live?"

With that said, Situ Jianren turned around and walked towards Chunmanlou, as if he was going to demolish Chunmanlou.

Seeing this, Li Ming grabbed Situ Jianren.

"What are you doing?" Situ Jianren asked displeased.

"What do you want?" Li Ming asked.

"Of course they demolished the Chunman Building and beat Miss Du to death!" Situ Jianren said angrily.

"Do you know who is behind that surnamed Du?" Li Ming asked.

"I don't care who he is, I don't believe that my Situ family can't cure him!" Situ Jianren said arrogantly.

Li Ming shook his head and said, "Situ, if you believe me, don't make trouble, and don't go to Chunmanlou to see Du Yueya in the future."

"Why? She sucked my energy and won't let me take revenge?" Situ Jianren said angrily.

Li Ming looked at Situ Jianren, not knowing what to tell him.

Behind Du Yueya is the old devil, and the old devil is an existence that even Brother Zhu fears.But Brother Zhu was once a guest of Emperor Qin.

Counting it, Lao Mo is at least on the same level as Qin Huang.

Even if only Yuanshen is left of the old devil, it is definitely not something that Situ Jianren can provoke.

No matter what the reason was, Li Ming didn't want Situ Jianren to provoke him!

Situ Jianren looked angry, but seeing Li Ming's serious face, he gradually calmed down.

Slightly startled, I only heard Situ Jianren asking: "Li Ming, is there something else hidden in this?"

"Situ, I don't know how to explain it to you. If you believe me, don't provoke Du Yueya, she is not simple, very simple!" Li Ming warned seriously.

"My Situ family can't be provoked?" Situ Jianrenchi asked.

"Maybe." Li Ming said without affirmation.

"This..." Hearing this, Situ Jianren couldn't help but fell silent.

"It's fine if General Situ is in the house, but..." After saying this, Li Ming didn't go any further.

Situ Jianren is a smart person, and he immediately understood what Li Ming meant.However, it was still hard for him to believe that there was someone his Situ family could not provoke.

Slightly startled, Li Ming changed the subject and said, "Today is really hard to memorize. Mingrixuan and Chunmanlou didn't count as a competition. This time should be almost over. Do you have any good suggestions?"

Hearing Li Ming's words, Situ Jianren came back to his senses and said, "There are so many interesting places. Let me think about what else is interesting."

Immediately, Situ Jianren fell into deep thought.

After a while, Situ Jianren said, "Why don't you go to Qin Hao? That's the city that never sleeps."

"Qin Hao? Is it the restaurant where you hosted everyone last time?" Li Ming asked.

"Yes." Situ Jianren replied.

"Then go there and have a look." Li Ming said.

Immediately, the two walked towards Qin Hao Restaurant.

However, at this moment, both of them's thoughts were on that woman Du Yueya.

Situ Jianren was thinking about whether to take revenge, but he was weighing Li Ming's words.

After all, it's serious.

However, Situ Jianren didn't think that he could not be provoked by Situ Mansion!
However, I felt that Li Ming didn't need to exaggerate.

Li Ming was thinking about Du Yueya's intentions and the old devil who couldn't hide!They must have some purpose here!
 After being sealed for so long, it can finally be updated!

(End of this chapter)

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