Chapter 480

After a while, the host of the contest came out, an official from the Ministry of Rites, with a loud and clear voice.

I saw that he greeted everyone first and said some polite words.

Then six judges were invited, all of whom are celebrities with profound attainments in poetry and poetry.

However, Li Ming didn't know any of them.

Li Ming, who was sitting below, was thinking, what kind of poem should he come up with?
Patriotic poems and songs?

Xin Qiji's "Yongyule Jingkou Nostalgia"?
Xu Xilin's "Out of the Fortress"?Among them, if you die for the country directly on the battlefield, why return the shrouded body in horse leather?

Although these two lines are magnificent, the entire poem is too short, only four lines in total, and if they are recited on the battlefield, the effect is definitely not as good as expected.

After all, human emotions always need to be guided slowly before they can be stimulated.

Thinking about it, Li Ming couldn't help frowning slightly.

Seeing this, Qin Yue wanted to repeat what she had said just now, but she stopped when it came to her lips.

Since Li Ming chooses to compose poems by himself, he should be trusted!

After a while of pleasantries, the poetry and song competition officially started, and it was conducted according to the number issued at the time of registration.

Situ Jianren is number 36 and Li Ming is number 72.

There is still a while before they play!
This period of time is enough for Li Ming to think.

No. [-] came to the stage, without too much nonsense, introduced himself briefly, and then began to chant.

"When will the double-flying swallows come back? The peach blossoms on the Jia'an dipped in the water and bloomed. People don't read when the spring rain breaks the bridge, and the boat is propped out of the shade of the willows."

It is the first poem about spring, which is not very elegant, only a few lines.

Immediately, the six judges raised their placards and gave corresponding scores.

Comprehensive consideration, the final score is 61 points.

With a passing score of sixty, there is no doubt that the poem is barely passable.

After Li Ming listened to the first few poems, none of them were good poems, and his scores were all in the 72s and the highest one was only [-] points.

It seems that the competition is not as fierce as expected!
So, Li Ming continued to think about his own affairs, what poems and songs should he use for the battle?
Soon, it was NO.30.

Seeing that he was about to arrive at Situ Jianren, Situ Jianren remembered that Li Ming was talking about poetry with him, so he secretly pushed Li Ming.

Li Ming came back to his senses, seeing Situ Jianren's eyes asking for help, he couldn't help but froze.

Situ Jianren was ready. If Li Ming couldn't come up with better poems, he would go on stage and recite the song "The Thatched House Was Broken by the Autumn Wind" again.

Anyway, there is no rule in the competition that you cannot use poems that have already been born!
Slightly startled, Li Ming came back to his senses, and then remembered that he hadn't written a poem for Situ Jianren yet.

Looking at Situ Jianren, then at Qin Yue, Li Ming was determined, and he said: "Situ, I have a courtship poem, do you think it is good?"

"Courtship poem?" Situ Jianren was startled, and immediately understood Li Ming's intentions, and responded repeatedly: "Very good, very good!"

"Then you should remember it well!" Li Mingchuan read this poem to Situ Jianren.

Situ Jianren listened carefully. Although he doesn't know how to compose poetry, he is still a master in the later stage of Jindan. It is not difficult to remember, basically he has a photographic memory!

This is generally possessed by Golden Core cultivators.

After a while, Li Ming finished reading, Situ Jianren nodded, expressing that he had remembered clearly, he was very grateful in his heart, and secretly said: "Li Ming, no matter whether the matter between me and His Royal Highness Yue is successful or not, you are my Situ Jianren. Best bro!"

"No. 36!" shouted the host of the etiquette department on stage.

"Here we come!" Situ Jianren replied, and then walked onto the stage carelessly.

I only heard Situ Jianren's brief introduction: "My lord, Situ Jianren, I want to write a poem today, dedicated to the girl I have a crush on."

Off the court, when they heard this, they immediately booed, and someone even asked: "Which girl? Which girl? Tell me your name?"

On the stage, Qin Yue's complexion was a little bad. She had already felt that Situ Jianren was interested in her.

However, she had no idea about Situ Jianren.

(End of this chapter)

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