The best immortal emperor

Chapter 484 The Righteousness Song

Chapter 484 The Righteousness Song

Li Ming said flatly: "I don't have anything to do at home, so I came earlier, it's also a matter of my mind."

"It's all right? How can it be all right? Shouldn't there be many people visiting?" The chief was a little surprised.

Li Ming smiled and said, "I haven't been in Qin for a long time, and I don't have many friends."

"Oh." The principal looked like this before, and then said: "This way please."

"Thank you." Li Ming thanked him.

Immediately, the principal took Li Ming into the library.

The library is very large, and there are many rooms in it, where all kinds of classics are placed.

These classics are not recorded with jade slips, but written with parchment, each stroke contains the truth of heaven and earth.

After a while, the principal took Li Ming to a side room where four characters of poems and songs were written, only to hear that the principal said: "This is the place, let me repeat the rules, you can only read it, you can't take it away, and you are not allowed to copy it. No damage is allowed!"

"My lord, I know." Li Ming said.

"You have one day, and I will call you out after one day." The chief said again.

"Thank you." Li Ming thanked.

"You're welcome, it should be." The chief said.

Afterwards, the principal left, and Li Ming also entered the study.

This is a library of poems and songs. Li Ming was somewhat disappointed, thinking that he could see some extraordinary classics.

However, thinking about it in a blink of an eye, if it was just simple poems and songs, how could Daqin's library collect them?
Thinking of this, Li Ming suddenly regained his energy and began to read these classics.

These sheepskin classics are very well protected, you are not allowed to touch them with your hands, you can only use real money to flip them through.

Li Ming flipped through these classics. Although these poems and songs are very good, they are not as mysterious as he thought, and they contain the truth of heaven and earth.

Li Ming felt a sense of loss and indescribable disappointment.

But it's all here, so it doesn't hurt to have a look.

After all, this place is not something you can enter if you want to!
Li Ming took a rough look and found that there are at least [-] books in the collection here. At Li Ming's speed, he can read at most half of them in a day.

However, because it was just poems and songs, Li Ming was not in a hurry to read them all.

In a blink of an eye, half a day passed.

Li Ming's eyes were a little sore, he was dazed and moved around inside.

Inadvertently, Li Ming caught a glimpse of a book with the words "Song of Righteous Qi" written on it.

Seeing the words "Song of Righteous Qi", Li Ming couldn't help being startled, and a person quickly appeared in his mind, Wen Tianxiang, the national hero of the Southern Song Dynasty!
I remember that Wen Tianxiang also made "Song of Righteousness", could it be the same song?

Immediately, Li Ming became inexplicably nervous.

Li Ming took a deep breath and turned the pages of the book with his real energy.

As soon as the pages of the book were opened, Li Ming's eyes froze, and his face froze.

I saw that the first sentence read: "There is righteousness in the world, and miscellaneous Fu is popular."

"This..." Li Ming was dumbfounded, with a look of disbelief on his face, "Is it my own eyesight?"

Only seeing Li Ming rubbing his eyes again and again did he dare to believe it.

"Is it by chance? Or..." Li Ming's expression froze, and he couldn't turn his head around.

Li Ming took a deep breath, calmed down his excited heart, and continued to read.

The lower part is Heyue, and the upper part is the sun star.Yu Ren said Hao Ran, Pei Hu Sai Cang Ming.

Huanglu should be Qingyi, Hanhe Tu Mingting.I will see you when the season is poor, and you will see them one by one.

In Qi Taishi Jian, in Jin Donghu's pen.In Qin Zhang Liangzhu, in Han Su Wu Festival.

He is the head of General Yan, and he is blooded by Ji Shi.It is Zhang Suiyang's tooth, and Yan Chang's tongue.

Or a Liaodong hat, clearing Li Bingxue.Or to be a teacher, ghosts and gods weep heroically.

Or to cross the river, generously swallow Hu Jie.Or to strike a thief, the reverse vertical head is broken.

It is majestic, fierce and fierce forever.When it pierces the sun and the moon, life and death are safe and secure.

Dimensions depend on it, and Tianzhu depends on it.The three cardinal principles are really related to life, and morality is the root.

Sigh to Yu Yangjiu, Li is also weak.The prisoner of Chu tasseled his crown, and sent the chariot to the poor north.

The tripod wok is as sweet as sugar, and it is impossible to ask for it.There is ghost fire in the yin house, and it is dark in the spring courtyard.

Niu Ji is the same soap, chickens live in phoenixes.Once covered with fog and dew, it is divided into barren ditch.

So no matter how cold or hot it is, Baimo will be able to heal itself.You are so sad, I am happy for my country.

There is no such thing as Miao Qiao, yin and yang cannot be thieves.Thinking about it, I looked up at the floating clouds.

My heart is sad for a long time, the sky is so terrific.The day of the philosopher is far away, and the punishment is in the past.

The eaves show books and read, and the ancient roads shine in color.

Li Ming finished reading it in one breath, stunned, word for word, exactly the same, it's too unbelievable!

"Could it be the same person? Or someone came to Star Continent after the Southern Song Dynasty?" Li Ming thought to himself.

Li Ming couldn't help but read the Zhengqi song again to make sure there was no difference.

After reading it twice in a row, Li Ming finally confirmed that there was no difference, they were exactly the same!
I saw Li Ming shaking his head for a while, and secretly said in his heart: "It's incredible!"

However, at this moment, a sense of grandeur surged from Li Ming's heart and rushed straight into his mind.

"This..." Li Ming didn't know what was going on, but felt that his whole body's aura had changed.

I don't know how long it took before a soft call came from outside the library: "Li Ming, Li Ming..."

Only then did Li Ming come to his senses. It turned out that the head guard of the library was calling him.

Li Ming walked outside, only to hear the head of the library say: "Li Ming, the hour of the day has come."

"Ah!" Li Ming was stunned, with an incredulous expression on his face, remembering that there was still half a day left when he was flipping through "Song of Righteousness", and the remaining half day passed in the blink of an eye?
"Is there a problem?" The chief asked in surprise.

"Nothing." Li Ming said with a slight smile.

Afterwards, Li Ming followed the principal and walked out.

The chief looked at Li Mingyuan's back, and said in a low voice: "I don't know why, but I always feel that Li Ming's aura has changed. Is it my eyes?"

After leaving the library, Li Ming walked towards the Li Mansion.

At this moment, all that reverberated in Li Ming's mind was the song "Song of Righteous Qi".

I don't know why, but an ordinary poem has such charm!

After leaving the palace, walk along the inner city avenue and walk directly to the outer city.

After a little effort, Li Ming returned to the mansion.

As soon as he entered the mansion, Li Ming just sat in the gate, quietly comprehending this wonderful feeling.

I don't know if it was interrupted or for some other reason, but Li Ming, who sat quietly, couldn't feel the wonderful artistic conception.

"What's going on here?" Li Ming frowned, a little puzzled.

After trying several times, Li Ming still couldn't feel that feeling again, so Li Ming had to give up.

Li Ming sighed helplessly and walked out of the retreat room.

Some things are just like this, they are sent to you inadvertently, and when you react and want to grab them, they are quietly messaged again.

Li Ming doesn't think about "Song of Righteousness" for now, and when he sees Brother Zhu, maybe Brother Zhu knows the reason!
(End of this chapter)

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