Chapter 495

"Say, who ordered you to smash my store?" Li Ming asked coldly.

"This..." Geng Changfeng looked perplexed, which is impossible to say.

"Can't say? Then pay [-] million yuan!" Li Ming said bluntly.

"I said, I said." Geng Changfeng said quickly.

"You'd better not lie to me, or the consequences will be serious!" Li Ming warned.

I saw Situ Jianren hummingly smiled, and said: "Yes, you'd better not lie, or if I find out, it's not a matter of compensation. Don't have any luck, with my Situ Jianren's strength , It is not difficult to know!"

"Yes, yes, I dare not lie." Geng Changfeng nodded repeatedly.

"Tell me, who is it!" Li Ming asked.

"The boss of the opposite shop called Zui Qingfeng asked me to do it." Geng Changfeng said hastily.

Among the crowd watching from a distance, someone suddenly shouted: "Don't talk nonsense, when did I give up?"

Obviously, that person is Zui Qingfeng's boss!

"It's you, you asked me to do it!" Geng Changfeng insisted.

"Master Situ Mingjian, even if I have the guts, I don't dare to let people smash your shop. Moreover, my Zui Qingfeng is a restaurant, and the main business is completely different from your small shop. There is no conflict at all. Why did you smash your shop?" Zui Qingfeng's boss said hastily.

Situ Jianren paused, thought for a while, and felt that what he said made some sense, his face suddenly darkened, and he said gloomyly: "Geng Changfeng, it seems that you don't cherish this opportunity, so don't blame me, Situ. Already!"

However, just as Situ Jianren was about to make a move, a voice suddenly came from a distance, "His Royal Highness is here!"

Immediately, the two teams of Jinyiwei quickly cleared the streets of idlers and others!
Situ Jianren paused, looked at Li Ming in surprise, and asked, "How did His Highness Yue come?"

Li Ming shrugged his shoulders and said, "I only have three friends in Qindu. If such a big incident happens, I can't find friends to support me?"

"Ah." Situ Jianren paused, and said displeasedly: "Isn't there still me? Is this trivial matter necessary to alarm His Royal Highness Yue?"

"You still have the nerve to say it? Did you agree to meet in the morning?" Li Ming asked.

"This..." Situ Jianren's expression was suddenly awkward, as if he had some difficulties!
At this time, the guard of honor of His Royal Highness Yue approached, very mighty.

His Royal Highness Yue's chariot followed closely behind, and it turned out to be four dragon horned horses!

The dragon horned horse is all white, without a single hair.

Moreover, the steps of the four horned horses are uniform and their movements are exactly the same.

Obviously, these four horned horses were not chosen at random, but were qualified to be the mounts of His Highness Moon's chariot after undergoing very strict training!

Geng Changqing almost fainted when he heard the conversation between Li Ming and Situ Jianren.

He is actually friends with the current Highness Yue!

"This..." Geng Changfeng didn't know how to describe his mood at this moment, it was like a hundred thousand mud horses galloping around!

At this time, four dragon-horned horses came and stopped in front of Li Ming.

The servant girl following the chariot quickly lifted the curtain, and His Highness Yue walked down with the help of the servant girl.

Seeing the smashed shop, His Royal Highness Yue frowned slightly, and asked, "What's going on?"

"His Royal Highness Yue, please forgive me. I drank too much wine and went crazy. I accidentally smashed this shop." Geng Changfeng apologized quickly.

"Really? But I heard that someone is bullying the market and doing something wrong." His Royal Highness Yue snorted coldly.

"His Royal Highness Yue is a clear lesson, the little ones really drink..." Geng Changfeng still wanted to quibble.

Only His Royal Highness Yue snorted coldly, "Put it on for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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