The best immortal emperor

Chapter 497 Homecoming

Chapter 497 Homecoming
Li Ming sighed, and murmured: "In such a vast star world, there are countless stars and thousands of races. If you want to gain a foothold in this world and dominate it, you must have extraordinary strength!"

Become stronger, must become stronger!

From now on, Li Ming is not alone, there is also his family!

Sighing a little, Li Mingpan sat down, ready to retreat and attack the late stage of Jindan.

During this year, Li Ming used the psychic bones to refine all the monsters he hunted and collected into spiritual water.

Sitting cross-legged, Li Ming took a mouthful of spiritual water and practiced meticulously!

Time flies, and eight months have passed in a blink of an eye.

The aura on Li Ming's body increased sharply, and he would break through the late Jindan stage within a few days.

Li Ming picked up the white porcelain bottle containing the spiritual water, and murmured, "Spiritual water is worthy of being spiritual water, and its efficacy is extraordinary. In just half a month, it has already touched the threshold of the late stage of Jindan. Pills are incomparable!"

After a short pause, Li Ming drank a sip of spiritual water and continued to practice. He must strive to break through the late stage of Golden Core when he returns to Water Blue Star!

The real essence is becoming stronger and thicker day by day, and the aura on his body is also increasing day by day.

Now, Li Ming already has the demeanor of a master with every gesture!
Half a month later, the threshold for Jindan's late stage became more and more clear.

Li Ming drank a mouthful of spiritual water, ready to try the final attack!

The true essence is like the tide, surging and torrential, and each wave is higher than the other.

In the eyes of others, the gate of the later stage of Jindan, which can only be looked up to, slowly opened with the increase of Li Ming's true energy!

Suddenly, the breath on Li Ming's body swelled up, like a balloon full of air.

There is no doubt that Li Ming's impact was successful and he stepped into the late stage of Golden Core!

Li Ming slowly opened his eyes, those deep pupils were as bright as stars.


Li Ming let out a turbid breath slowly, and murmured: "It's a success, I finally broke through to the late stage of Golden Core!"

After a slight pause, Li Ming asked: "Brother Zhu, how long will it take to reach Shuilanxing?"

"Six days!" Brother Zhu said.

"Okay, okay!" Li Ming said "Hello" twice, his excitement was beyond words.

But, at the same time, a little nervous.

Decades have passed, how are the relatives on Water Blue Planet?
The older generation should have gone, right?

What Li Ming cares most about is his wife and son. Now his son Tan Siming should also be a father, right?

Li Ming took a deep breath, trying to calm down his excited emotions.

Six days, for a monk, is almost a blink of an eye.

Li Ming sat and collected himself, and six days passed.

At this moment, I only heard Brother Zhu say: "Li Ming, we're here!"

Li Ming stood up, walked to the window of the driver's cab, and really saw a water-blue planet in front of him.

There is no doubt that this is the Shui Lanxing that Li Ming's soul lingers in his dreams!

"I'm back! I'm finally back!" Li Ming murmured, but his voice was trembling.

Li Ming couldn't help but think of a line in a poem, "It's more timid to be close to the nostalgia!"
In an instant, Tiansuo landed on Shuilanxing, on an isolated island in the sea!

Walking out of Tissot, Li Ming couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Although the air on Shuilanxing is far inferior to Star Continent, the air here makes Li Ming feel kind and at ease.

Also excited is the white jade jinglin python. After decades of absence, the little white jade jinglin python should have grown up too, right?
Brother Wenzhu said: "I won't go down."

"Okay!" Li Ming replied.

Immediately, Li Ming Yukong flew away.

Brother Zhu continued to go back to the evergreen basin to cultivate his soul!

Li Ming flew towards Shui Lanxing based on his feeling!
(End of this chapter)

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