The best immortal emperor

Chapter 499 Rejuvenation

Chapter 499 Rejuvenation

The drowsy eyes opened a curtain first, and suddenly became clear.

At this moment, when Tan Xiaoling saw Li Ming in front of her, she couldn't help being stunned, and she was stunned, with a look of incredulity on her face, and asked in a dull voice, "You..."

"It's me." Li Ming nodded to her.

Immediately, Tan Xiaoling hugged Li Ming and cried like a child.

Li Ming caressed the back of Tan Xiaoling's head, instilling true energy.

Tan Xiaoling only felt that her mind was confused, but her thoughts gradually became clear.

"You are back, I thought I would never see you again in this life." Tan Xiaoling choked up.

"I'm sorry." Li Ming blamed himself very much in his heart. He has been away for decades, and he has not fulfilled the responsibility of a husband and father at all.

At the beginning, when he entered the Star Realm, Li Ming thought that he would be able to return with the Resurrection Pill in ten years at the most.

However, when he reached the Star Realm, Li Ming realized that he had overestimated himself.

ten years?

Now 50 years have passed, and there is still no useful news about the resurrection pill.

Li Ming patted Tan Xiaoling lightly to calm her down.

The nanny chased into the room, but found that the door couldn't be opened, so she yelled twice, but no one answered.

Li Ming cast a curse on the room to isolate all sounds.

It took a long time for Tan Xiaoling to calm down from her excitement.

I only heard Li Ming ask: "Where is Siming?"

"Siming?" Tan Xiaoling was startled, scratched her head, and said falteringly: "I don't know where he went, it seems to be on some mission."

"Execute the mission?" Li Ming was startled.

Tan Xiaoling is eighty years old, her brain vessels are stiff and aging, and she suffers from mild dementia.

It's normal to not remember anything!

However, after being baptized by Li Ming's true energy, Tan Xiaoling's brain has returned to normal.

Li Ming was not in a hurry to give Tan Xiaoling the Rejuvenation Pill. After all, she was in a very poor physical condition and might not be able to bear the effects of the Rejuvenation Pill.

I plan to take some time to recuperate it before giving it to him.

Tan Xiaoling nodded and said, "After you left, Siming joined the army within a few years. Later, he stayed in the army."

"Oh." Li Ming nodded, and continued to ask: "What's the matter with the child in the living room?"

Those two children didn't look like Siming at all, so they shouldn't be his children.

"It belonged to Siming's comrade-in-arms. His comrade-in-arms sacrificed, and the child's mother saw that the family could not survive, so she left. So, Siming adopted these two children." Tan Xiaoling murmured.

"Oh." Li Ming responded.

"By the way, have you found the Resurrection Pill?" Tan Xiaoling asked.

Li Ming shook his head slightly, a little disappointed, and said: "Not yet, but I have some clues.

"Then..." Tan Xiaoling wanted to ask Li Ming if he wanted to leave.

Li Ming interrupted: "Xiao Ling, I am coming back this time to take you to the Star Continent."

"Ah, take us with you?" Tan Xiaoling was really surprised.

"En." Li Ming said with certainty.

After a pause, Tan Xiaoling gave a bitter smile, and said, "I'm already an old woman, and I won't be alive for a few days. I'm very satisfied to see each other before I leave. As for the Star Continent..."

Although Tan Xiaoling didn't say it clearly, her meaning was very clear.

"Fool, how could you die? How could I be willing to let you die?" Li Ming said.

"This..." Tan Xiaoling paused, a little confused, but vaguely guessed something.

I only heard Li Ming said: "Don't worry, you will rejuvenate and return to youth in less than a month."

(End of this chapter)

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