The best immortal emperor

Chapter 515 The will from Emperor Qin's edict?

Chapter 515 The Emperor Qin's order?

Li Ming looked at Situ Jianren who was full of anxiety, smiled wryly, shook his head, and said, "It didn't work."

"What? Didn't work? Didn't His Royal Highness listen to you the most? How could it not work? You lied to me?" Situ Jianren looked at Li Ming in disbelief.

Li Ming didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he could only say: "His Royal Highness Yue said that this is the will of Emperor Qin, and she can't change it."

"What? The order sent back by Emperor Qin?" Situ Jianren was really surprised.

"Well, His Royal Highness Yue said so." Li Ming said again.

"Then I... it's over, my life is over!" Situ Jianren cried bitterly, wanting to grab the ground with his head.

Li Ming was bitter, and patted Situ Jianren on the shoulder, and said, "Situ, just be content, what an honor is it to be bestowed by the Emperor Qin to marry you? How can you keep up with the execution ground for a blessing that others can't get in a few lifetimes?" ?”

"I...would rather not be the young master of Situ Mansion!" Situ Jianren said bitterly.

"Appointment, in the whole world, who dares to go against the will of Emperor Qin? You still dare to resist the order?" Li Ming said.

"I...I..." Situ Jianren muttered for a long time, but didn't dare to take a step.

Although Situ Jianren is a tiger, he is not a brainless person. If he openly resists the edict, it is disrespectful to Emperor Qin, and he will be beheaded!

"Okay, don't be sad, I'll have a drink with you. His Royal Highness asked me to tell you..." Before Li Ming finished speaking, Situ Jianren asked first: "What did you say?"

"His Royal Highness Yue asked you to prepare. In half a month, the envoy of the Tang Dynasty will arrive. Don't embarrass her when the time comes." Li Ming said.

"This..." Situ Jianren's face was full of bitterness, and he couldn't say a complete sentence.

"By the way, there is also "The Song That Thatched Cottage Was Broken by the Autumn Wind", which has already been passed down to the Tang Dynasty. The envoys will probably mention it at that time. You should pay more attention to it, and it is best to prepare another song." Li Ming reminded.

Hearing this, Situ Jianren's face suddenly turned bitter, and he said: "It's not that you don't know how much I weigh, even if you give me a year, you still can't prepare it!"

"Eh...then let me help you think about it." Li Ming smiled wryly.

"By the way, Li Ming, do you think it's because of my poems that I became so famous that I was favored by the Princess of the Tang Dynasty? That's why we got married, and that's why Emperor Qin ordered it." Situ Jian Ren asked with an open mind.

"Isn't it possible that one or two poems can capture the heart of Princess Datang?" Li Ming obviously didn't believe it.

"It's very possible!" Situ Jianren looked convinced, and then said: "Li Ming, if you let everyone know that the two poems were written by you, do you think the marriage partner will become you?"

"What do you want to do?" Li Ming suddenly had a bad feeling and asked vigilantly.

"Of course it's to rectify your name!" Situ Jianren said seriously.

Li Ming didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he said: "It's useless, Your Highness Yue already guessed that those two poems were not written by you, and she asked about it just now when I entered the palace."

"Ah...His Royal Highness Yue already knew?" Situ Jianren was surprised.

"Yes." Li Ming replied definitely.

"No wonder she announced me into the palace before, and asked me to write a poem about the lotus in the pond when she was walking, so she had doubts for a long time." Situ Jianren muttered.

"What else? Did you write poetry?" Li Ming asked curiously.

"Of course I didn't. It's not like you don't know my details." Situ Jianren said angrily.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but smile.

"You still have the nerve to laugh, what do you think we should do now?" Situ Jianren said bluntly.

Li Ming thought for a while and said: "First of all, your idea will definitely not work. Since it is the imperial decree of the Emperor Qin, the reason for it will not be as simple as one or two songs. Secondly, you must prepare well. If you are using You made a fool of yourself in front of the minister, and His Royal Highness Yue’s face is also dull. Don’t forget, although His Royal Highness Yue is sitting in that position, how many princes are staring at him! If you mess up the marriage, other princes are likely to pick up the plane. Make trouble. At that time, His Royal Highness Yue will be in trouble."

Hearing this, the irritable Situ Jianren couldn't help but calm down.

After a while, Situ Jianren said: "Li Ming, you are right. I can't embarrass His Royal Highness Yue, let alone implicate His Highness Yue. I will definitely prepare well!"

Li Ming paused, Situ Jianren at this time and Situ Jianren just now were completely different!
Startled, Li Ming asked concerned: "Situ, are you alright?"

"What can I do? I'm going back to study." After Situ Jianren finished speaking, he turned and walked towards Situ's mansion.

Li Ming looked at Situ Jianren's back and didn't know what to say for a while.

Situ Jianren walked a few steps, stopped suddenly, and asked: "Li Ming, tell me, if you like someone, do you have to be with her? As long as she is happy?"

"This..." Li Ming was speechless, and thought to himself, "Who is talking nonsense?" But he couldn't say that to Situ Jianren.

After a slight pause, Situ Jianren took a deep breath and said, "Li Ming, I understand, this should be the highest state of love!"

Li Ming was speechless, he didn't know how to answer Situ Jianren, so he could only say kindness bitterly.

"Okay, I'm going back. Don't look for me for half a month, I want to change myself!" Situ Jianren said very seriously.

Afterwards, Situ Jianren strode towards Situ's mansion.

Seeing the figure of Situ Jianren going away, Li Ming didn't know what to say, but felt that this former dude had matured!

After a while, Li Ming left the inner city, but he felt a little uneasy.

It is the matter of Situ Jianren, and it is also the matter of summoning disciples for the God of Medicine Sect!

All the disciples summoned by the God of Medicine Sect must have an unprecedented event.

Li Ming thought for a while, and thought: "First find a way to find out what's going on, and then decide whether to go back or not."

It has been a long time since I came to Daqin, although Li Ming knew something about the resurrection pill from Qinyue.

But that's all just scratching the surface.

But the whereabouts of the resurrection pill is not known at all.

Moreover, looking at Qin Yue's current state, it seems that she is not in a hurry to find the Resurrection Pill.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been busy with government affairs all the time!
Faintly, Li Ming smelled a dangerous smell. The God of Medicine Sect summoned all the disciples to return to the sect. The Great Qin Dynasty and the Great Tang Dynasty were married, and the Great Ming Dynasty has blocked the border so far.Li Ming felt that there should be more or less connection between these things!
After a little effort, Li Ming returned to the mansion.

It's just that until now, Li Ming was restless.

After a long time, Li Ming took a deep breath and said in his heart: "Right now we can only take one step at a time, maybe there will be a new turning point!"

At this time, Tan Xiaoling and her group, who were out shopping, came back, full of joy, and it seemed that they had a great time shopping!
(End of this chapter)

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