The best immortal emperor

Chapter 526 The World-Destroying Rain

Chapter 526 The World-Destroying Rain ([-])

When Li Ming noticed these monsters, he couldn't help but pause in his heart, and suddenly came up with an idea. It was Chuan Nian who said to these monsters: "Everyone, Mieshijingyu is so terrifying. If it continues like this, the ice layer will soon be destroyed." It will reach [-] meters, and everyone's life will be in danger at that time. Why don't you join hands and work together to heat up the sea water and slow down the condensation of the ice layer."

Li Ming himself felt ridiculous when he said these words, can these monsters understand?

However, with a little effort, Li Ming felt a heat rising from a thousand meters away.

Obviously, a certain monster was inspired by Li Ming and joined Li Ming's ranks!
With a little effort, Li Ming's sound transmission spread, and more and more monsters joined in, like a spark of fire!
The sea water is boiling, and the heat is rushing upwards, forming one piece.

The Rain of Mieshijing is still falling, as if this world is not wiped out and is not willing to go up!

The experts from the mighty sect arrived in Beihai, but they didn't dare to rush to collect the Mieshijingyu, even if they already had the cultivation level of transforming gods.

After all, Mieshi Jingyu is really terrifying, it can not only freeze flesh and blood, but also freeze real essence!

In a blink of an eye, half a month passed, and more and more powerful people gathered.

However, none of them made a move, they were all waiting for the opportunity, waiting for Mie Shi Jing Yu to weaken a bit!
But, look at the black clouds, covering the sky.

This world-destroying net rain will not stop for a short time!

However, these powerhouses in the God Transformation Realm were not in a hurry, they waited patiently without any sign of impatience!
After all, Mieshijingyu is a rare treasure that cannot be found!
Under the burning of the spark, the speed of the ice layer thickening seemed to slow down.

However, it is still increasing.

Li Ming didn't know what to do, and so did the demons, they didn't know what the outcome would be!
die?still live?
Now, we can only see the face of God!
On the Continent of Stars, it is common for a rain to fall for three to five months, or a year.

What's more, here is still on the sea!

If this world-destroying net rain really falls next year, not to mention creatures at [-] meters under the sea, creatures at [-] meters, [-] meters, and [-] meters will all die!

On this day, a huge force suddenly gushed out from the bottom of the sea, reaching the sky like the sun.

There is a big monster to make a move, at least there is Nascent Soul Realm!

Apparently, this big demon also realized the danger.

At this time, the ice layer had reached 7000 meters!

In another 3000 meters, it will reach [-] meters!

One after another, big monsters kept attacking, and the temperature of the sea water rose steadily.

The speed at which the ice layer thickened has slowed down a lot!

Li Ming has already made a decision. If the ice layer really reaches [-] meters, he will go into the Evergreen Basin.

Although entering the Evergreen Basin is likely to sink to the bottom of the sea forever, there is always a glimmer of possibility and hope, that is, Li Ming has cultivated to a certain terrifying state and can completely ignore the water pressure on the bottom of the sea.

Although this possibility is very small, it is not impossible!
This is the worst plan!

At this time, the black clouds began to dissipate, and the power of Mieshi Jingyue also weakened a little.

The master who has been waiting for a long time finally made his move!

Who wouldn't want to obtain such a treasure as Mieshijingyu?
However, collecting the Mieshijingyu is not an easy task, if you are not careful, you will be injured!
Wealth and wealth are sought in danger, among these masters in the realm of transforming gods, who does not have the spirit of adventure?

If not, he would not have set foot in the realm of transforming gods.

After all, the road of cultivation is not smooth sailing!

And the higher you go, the higher the difficulty.

With the attack of the masters of the God Transformation Realm, the black clouds faded again, and the power of Mie Shi Jing Yu weakened a bit again!
(End of this chapter)

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