Chapter 531
The golden thunder and lightning in the body has naturally grown a lot!
The practice in this Thunder Demon Valley can be described as repeated. When Li Ming stays in one place for a long time and his body can fully withstand the power of lightning here, he needs to move towards the center of the valley.

According to Li Ming's estimation, it is impossible for him to walk to the middle of the valley with his current strength in the late stage of Jindan.

Even if Li Ming is carrying a golden thunder and lightning, and his physique is different from ordinary people, it still won't work!
There are many basketball-sized thunder clusters in the center of the valley. The thunder and lightning are densely packed like hair.

In the center of the thunder group, Li Ming could faintly feel an unusual presence.

As for what kind of existence it is, Li Ming can't tell now.

These are not what Li Ming can think about now.

After breaking through the Nascent Soul Realm in the future, it may be possible to find out what is wrapped in the thunder group!
Continue to the middle of the valley, but still only a step or two.

Li Ming didn't dare to rush forward greedily, because even if he only took one or two steps forward, the power of lightning would be doubled, very powerful!
Accompanied by the thunder and lightning bombardment, Li Ming's physical body became stronger and stronger, and the golden lightning in his body also became stronger and stronger.

At this time, Li Ming couldn't help thinking, "If the golden lightning in my body is strong enough, will it swallow up the thunder from Nascent Soul Realm?"

After all, the golden thunderbolt is no ordinary thunderbolt.

Before the ages, the emperors of the Dajin Dynasty were successful in cultivation because they attracted golden thunder and lightning, and they created the current Dawang Dynasty in one fell swoop!
Thunder and lightning are so terrifying!
No matter how advanced the monks are, they keep their secrets secret, and the color of talking changes!
Thinking to himself, Li Ming had already made a decision.

The Dajin Dynasty left the country with thunder and lightning, and thunder repairs must be prevalent. I am short of a skill to practice thunder and lightning. It is very necessary to go to the Dajin Dynasty!
If Li Ming knew that there was a golden thunder and lightning in his body, before coming to Thunder Demon Valley, he would definitely go to the Great Jin Dynasty to find a way to get a Thunder Cultivation Technique!
Now that the matter has come to an end, Li Ming doesn't think too much about it, he tempers his body with peace of mind, and strengthens the golden thunder and lightning!
There are no Jiazi in the mountains, and there are no years in the caves.

In the blink of an eye, a spring and autumn has passed!
The hardness of Li Ming's physical body has reached a very terrifying level, which is enough to support the supernatural power of cultivation method, celestial phenomenon and earth.

At the same time, the snake-like golden lightning in Li Ming's body had also grown to the size of an earthworm.

But at this moment, Li Ming realized that he couldn't go any further.

It's not that the physical body can't bear it, but its own soul.

It would be a pity to leave Thunder Devil Valley now, but a wise man knows how to do what he can.

Li Ming got up and walked towards the outside of Thunder Demon Valley.

Knowing the existence of Thunder Demon Valley, and breaking through the Nascent Soul Realm in the future, it will not be too late to practice again!

Accompanied by the thunder and lightning bombardment, Li Ming not only strengthened his physical body, but also condensed his true essence.

Even if he didn't use the power of the golden thunder and lightning, Li Ming could easily defeat the monks of the same level in the late stage of Jindan!

After coming out of Thunder Demon Valley, Li Ming entered the Evergreen Basin, and told Brother Zhu about his idea of ​​going to the Dajin Dynasty.

Brother Zhu didn't have any opinion on this, but just told Li Ming not to show the golden thunder and lightning at will!

If it is revealed, the person who sees it must be completely beheaded!

Otherwise, once the news about the Golden Thunder gets out, life may be in danger.

After all, the former used the golden lightning to set up the Ming Dynasty. As for the achievements of the latter?One can imagine.

Although the star world is full of stars, resources are a fixed number after all. Some strong people don't want to see new strong people born!

Therefore, many geniuses died young!

(End of this chapter)

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