Chapter 533

The shop clerk smiled, and said happily: "Secondly, the ratio of male to female disciples of this Great Sage Leiyinmen is very strange. In general sects, there are more males than females, or both men and women are equal. However, this Great Saint Leiyinmen is There are more women than men, and the ratio is almost twenty to one! You say it’s weird or not!”

Li Ming nodded, feeling a little strange.On the Star Continent, there are sects that are all women, but there is no sect with such a proportion!

"The third is their door rules."

Before the waiter could finish speaking, the shopkeeper reprimanded, "What are you doing there? Hurry up and serve the food!"

The waiter quickly responded, and apologized: "Guest officer, I'm sorry, I have to go to work."

"Go ahead, take this spirit stone too." Li Ming said.

"Thank you, guest officer, thank you, guest officer." The waiter said repeatedly.

Although Xiaoer of the third strange shop didn't give details, it doesn't matter.

Great Saint Leiyinmen?
After a slight pause, Li Ming said in his heart: "Anyway, there is no good place to go, so let's go to the Great Sage Leiyinmen to have a look."

Li Ming's main purpose is to find a technique of Lei Xiu, as for which sect it is, it doesn't matter.

After a little effort, the waiter in the shop brought up the dishes, and Li Ming started to eat slowly.

The diners in the restaurant are a mixed bag of people of all kinds.

Li Ming didn't deliberately inquire, and he could hear that they were talking about Yaoshenzong.

I only heard one of them say: "Two years ago, there was a traitor from the God of Medicine Sect, and he joined forces with outsiders to kill the direct disciple of the God of Medicine Sect's lord, causing a storm in the world, and I don't know what happened afterwards? Have you caught it?"

"Fuck you. Although his God of Medicine Sect is powerful and controls half of the pills in the entire continent, but the world is so big, it's not easy to find someone to come out? I haven't heard that God of Medicine Sect has brought that person to justice."

"Who is that person? He is so courageous that he dared to kill the sect master's direct disciple?"

"I heard it was for a female disciple, but I don't know if it's true or not?"

"How is it possible? I heard it was for a treasure."

"Really? But I heard that they had a great revenge for killing their father, and that man worshiped the God of Medicine Sect for revenge."

"Is there such a thing? Let's hear it."

Li Ming was drinking a little wine, and laughed secretly in his heart, this is a rumor!
After eating, Li Ming paid the money and left the restaurant, ready to go to the Great Sage Leiyinmen to have a look.

The name of the Great Saint Leiyinmen is quite domineering, but I don't know how big the sect is!
Li Ming found the location of the Great Saint Leiyin Gate in the city, and Li Ming set off.

Traveling day and night, wearing the stars and wearing the moon, this situation has become an indispensable part of Li Ming's daily life!
Half a month later, Li Ming came to the Great Sage Leiyin Gate!

The Great Saint Leiyin Gate is located in the mountains in front of you. If you look around, you can directly see the Great Saint Leiyin Gate.

The area is not small, occupying more than ten hills.

It seems that it is not a small family.

I don't know what level of monk the suzerain of the Great Saint Leiyinmen is, the early stage of Nascent Soul, or the middle and late stage of Nascent Soul?
Given Li Ming's current situation, it is very unlikely that he would join such a sect.

However, Li Ming decided to give it a try.

Otherwise, how to obtain the Leixiu technique?
Steal?steal?Rob?or buy?Or, barter?

Few people will sell exercises, unless they really need Lingshi urgently.

On the way here, Li Ming passed through those black markets and went in to inquire.

However, none of the black markets had Leixiu exercises for sale.

(End of this chapter)

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