The best immortal emperor

Chapter 543 Isn't there anyone?

Chapter 543 Isn't there anyone?

Li Ming walked out of this shop and walked to a weapon shop on the opposite corner of the street.

Treasures are not so easy to buy, especially in such small and medium-sized cities.

However, Li Ming still decided to visit every weapon shop.

If not, forget it.

If there is, it will be better!

After leaving the shop, Li Ming felt uncomfortable behind his back, as if someone was peeping on him.

Li Ming was startled, and quietly released his soul.

Immediately, Li Ming shrouded everything around him, everything was under his nose!
"Huh? It's the waiter from the weapon shop just now. What is he doing with me?" Li Ming frowned and thought to himself.

Li Ming remained calm and continued to walk towards the weapon shop on the opposite corner of the street.

After entering the weapon shop, Li Ming directly stated his intentions.

The owner of this shop is also an honest person, so he directly said no.

Li Ming had expected such a result, but he was still somewhat disappointed in his heart.

When I entered the city, I heard that there were three weapon shops in the city. No, the remaining one is not strictly speaking a weapon shop. It is at most a grocery store, and its scale is very small. There are customers.

However, Li Ming decided to take a look.

After all, everyone has come, maybe there is one in that house!
The weapon store known as a grocery store is not on this street, but in an inconspicuous alley in Beicheng.

It took Li Ming a lot of effort to find it. It is not so much a shop as a private house.

Indeed, this is a house.

It's just that a pole flag was planted on the wall, and it said that weapons were sold.

This shop is really too small and crude, there is not even a signboard, and it is enough to hang a flag on a pole.

The door was ajar, Li Ming called out, "Is anyone there?"

After a while, there was no response from the yard.

Li Ming couldn't help but frowned, secretly said: "Is there no one?"

After a slight pause, Li Ming sighed.Said: "Forget it, if there is no one, there will be no one, and this store doesn't seem to have one."

After speaking, Li Ming was about to turn around and leave.

However, at this moment, a muddled voice came from the yard, as if Ling Ding had just woken up from a drunk, asking, "Who is it?"

"Is it a weapon shop? I want to buy something." Li Ming said.

"Come in by yourself, the door is open." A lazy voice came from the yard.

Li Ming thought about it, since everyone is here, let's go in and have a look.

Immediately, Li Ming pushed open the door of the courtyard and walked in.

However, as soon as he entered, Li Ming regretted it.

Weapon shop?Hehe, it is not bad to say that it is a grocery store!No, not even the grocery store.

Grocery stores have counters at any rate, where products are sorted and sorted.

This shop is good, the weapons are placed randomly like this, everywhere in the yard and in the house, it doesn't look like a shop at all.

When Li Ming frowned, a middle-aged man came out.

There is no doubt that this man is scruffy, with a beard that grows like fur, and his clothes are stained with oil and have many patches.

Li Ming was extremely disappointed. If he had known about it, he would have listened to the advice of passers-by. Don't come here. It's a waste of time!
At this time, I saw the man took out a wine jug out of thin air, gulped it down a couple of times, he was a little proud, pointed at Li Ming and said, "Young man, you really have vision, you are different from others, I have been in this shop for more than half a year. No one came. Today, no matter what you buy, I will give you a [-]% discount! No, [-]% discount!"

Obviously, the middle-aged man was very surprised and happy about Li Ming's arrival.

Having said this, the middle-aged man picked up the jug and took another two sips.

 My mother had an operation this morning, and she is waiting for her recovery!Not surprisingly, there will be three more today.

(End of this chapter)

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