Chapter 549

I saw the seventh bolt of lightning striking down on the golden bell, and only heard the rumbling sound, echoing non-stop.

Li Ming was dizzy from the shock, but this golden bell was able to withstand a lot of power from the thunder and lightning.

Otherwise, this blow will definitely kill Li Ming.

However, even with Admiralty, Thunderbolt's remaining prestige is not weak.

Li Ming's bruised body was once again electrocuted.

The most dangerous thing is the Yuanshen in Yufu, who was almost defeated.

Once the primordial spirit collapses, it will die.

Li Ming took a deep breath, feared for a while, and secretly said: "It's dangerous! Fortunately, the response was timely, otherwise it would be dangerous!"

Unexpectedly, when the black clouds cleared, the thunder and lightning were actually struck down. This is too unreasonable.

Thief God, really a thief, hard to guard against!
Li Ming drank the spiritual water and lay on the ground to heal his wounds, but he didn't dare to remove the golden bell, and he didn't know if there was an eighth thunderbolt!

The sky was clear and cloudless.

Li Ming who was lying on the ground only felt that his Yufu was restless for a while, and then began to change.

Li Ming knew that this was the process of transforming into a baby.

I saw a turmoil in Yufu, which was scorched by lightning, and the remaining Yuanshen began to form a Nascent Soul.

The spirit water he drank flowed along the veins and came to the Yufu. The Yufu, which was scorched by lightning, began to slowly burst into vitality.

In a blink of an eye, three days passed, and God did not strike thunder and lightning again.

At this time, the primordial spirit in Li Ming's body had formed a baby.

There is no doubt that Li Ming has successfully crossed the catastrophe and officially entered the Nascent Soul Realm!
The injury in the body has improved somewhat, but rest is still needed.

With a wave of his hand, Li Ming took back the golden bell.

I only heard Li Ming secretly said: "This time is very dangerous, if it is not for this golden bell, I am afraid that I will not be able to survive the seventh thunder calamity!"

Li Ming was very grateful to the middle-aged uncle in Luoshui City, and thought that he would go to Luoshui City again after his injuries recovered.For nothing else, send him some fine wine.

Li Ming entered the Evergreen Basin for recuperation.

The pace of development of the Yin Corpse Sect is getting faster and faster. Some time ago, an ancient family was actually wiped out.

Although the ancient family has declined, the emaciated camel is bigger than the horse.

However, the Yin Corpse Sect broke through and destroyed it overnight, occupying the territory of that ancient family.

This incident seemed to wake up all the sects and the four great dynasties.

The Infernal Corpse Sect is already strong enough to be able to fight against the ancient family. If the Infernal Corpse Sect continues to develop, I am afraid that the Infernal Corpse Nation will really be established!
Although the Longchen Continent is vast, it is rich in products, and the land with abundant resources is either occupied by the four great dynasties or occupied by super sects.

If the Necropolis Sect wants to establish the Necropolis Kingdom, it will undoubtedly expand and rob these rich places.

Just like dealing with that ancient family, destroy it and seize it!

The four dynasties made peace completely and sat down to discuss in detail.

I don't want to be like a few years ago, each has his own ghosts and schemes!
The same is true for super sects, the ancient family can't fight against the Infernal Corpse Sect, so can they?

I saw that the super sects joined forces and formed their own allies.

The situation in the world was turbulent, Li Ming planned to go to Luoshui City to thank the middle-aged uncle, and then quietly returned to Daqin.

I don't know how my wife and children are doing now.

It took several years to go away at the beginning!
A month later, Li Ming recovered from his injuries, and the Nascent Soul was undoubtedly stronger under the nourishment of the Nascent Soul Tree.

After leaving the customs, Li Ming flew towards Luoshui City.

Now, Li Ming has become a strong Nascent Soul, and his speed is naturally not the same. It only took half a day to reach Luoshui City!

(End of this chapter)

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