The best immortal emperor

Chapter 552 There may be Prince Lu's eyeliner near here

Chapter 552 There May Be Sixth Prince's Eyeliner Nearby
Habits are a very scary thing. When liking something becomes a habit, it is basically difficult to get rid of it in this life.

Among them, eating is one.

Li Ming had already given up hope and planned to use the Dragon Talisman in three days.

However, on the third day, the long-lost Qin Yue actually came.

As usual, Qin Yue wore simple clothes and didn't bring any followers. She also lined up like ordinary people.

Li Ming remained calm and followed in line.

When Qin Yue sat down in the store, Li Ming quietly sat on her back.

Qin Yue's complexion didn't look very good, she was a little tired and a little sad.

However, as soon as he smelled the smell of smoked phoenix feathers, those worries disappeared.

Immediately, Qin Yue started to move.

Li Ming was also eating the smoked phoenix feather, seeing that diners around him were all paying attention to eating.

Li Ming couldn't help but read: "Yue'er, it's me."

Qin Yue was stunned, and her face was filled with excitement. She was about to look around when she heard Li Ming continue: "Don't look, keep eating. There may be the sixth prince's eyeliner nearby."

Hearing this, Qin Yue calmed down and continued to eat her smoked phoenix feather.

However, all the thoughts are on Li Ming.

I only heard Qin Yue ask: "Li Ming, where are you?"

"I'm behind you, easy to see." Li Ming said.

Qin Yue released her primordial spirit, and she really found Li Ming's aura.

Although Li Ming changed his appearance, his aura remained unchanged.

However, Li Ming's aura is very powerful, and he has the cultivation base of Nascent Soul Realm.

Qin Yue was slightly startled, and asked in surprise, "Li Ming, have you broken through the Nascent Soul Realm?"

"Well, I just broke through not long ago." Li Ming Chuannian replied.

"Then why are you back? The Sixth Prince has not stopped chasing you for a moment." Qin Yue worried.

I only heard Li Mingchuan said: "I know that the sixth prince has not given up hunting me. However, I still want to come back."

Hearing this, Qin Yue couldn't help feeling shy, and thought, "Did you come back because of me?"

At this time, Li Ming Chuannian asked, "Yue'er, why did Situ Jianren go to the frontier?"

"En?" Qin Yue paused, wondering why did Li Ming ask Situ Jianren?
Li Ming explained: "Yue'er, when I was fleeing, I entrusted my wife and children to Situ Jianren."

"Wife and child?" Hearing this, Qin Yue froze like a bolt from the blue.

After a while, Qin Yue came back to her senses, a little embarrassed and uncomfortable.

"Yue'er, help me go to Situ's Mansion to find out. My wife's name is Tan Xiaoling, and my son's name is Tan Siming." Li Mingchuan read.

For a long time, Qin Yue didn't come back to her senses.

"Yue'er, did you hear that?" Li Ming asked anxiously.

At this time, Qin Yue came back to her senses and replied, "I see."

After finishing speaking, Qin Yue got up and walked out of the smoked phoenix feather shop without even finishing the smoked phoenix feather.

Seeing Qin Yue leaving, Li Ming said anxiously, "I'll be waiting for you here at Smokey Phoenix Feather Shop."

Qin Yue left without replying.

Li Ming paused, feeling that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

After eating the smoked phoenix feathers, Li Ming left without missing a beat.

Li Ming couldn't understand why the sixth prince was staring at him, and what benefits did the God of Medicine promise him?
Moreover, is he really worth the big price paid by the God of Medicine?

What if I killed myself?
Can Zhenjun Yinzheng of Huayang survive?
Don't think about these things, Li Ming's thoughts are now on his wife and children.

Qin Yue seemed to lose her mind when she heard the word 'wife and children', and she didn't even remember how she got back to the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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