Chapter 555

Back at the restaurant, Li Ming was full of doubts.

How could this be?
How did the sixth prince know?

Li Ming frowned tightly, feeling very heavy.

After staying up all night, Li Ming went to Yanyan Fengyu shop early the next morning.

When such a thing happened, Qin Yue would definitely not ignore it.

All morning, Li Ming didn't wait for Qin Yue.

It was not until the afternoon that Qin Yue arrived late.

As soon as Li Ming saw Qin Yue, he immediately asked, "What's going on?"

"I don't know, I'm investigating." Qin Yue said.

"Then how are my wife and children doing now?" Li Ming asked impatiently.

"This... I don't know too well." Qin Yue looked puzzled.

Li Ming's face was very ugly.

I only heard Qin Yue comfortingly said: "Li Ming, don't worry, I will definitely inquire for you and rescue your wife and children."

Slightly startled, Li Ming said, "Yue'er, I want to enter the palace."

"Entering the palace?" Qin Yue was startled, obviously not expecting it.

"The Sixth Prince arrested my wife and children, and probably imprisoned them in the palace. I want to go to the palace to investigate and rescue them." Li Ming said seriously.

Qin Yue was stunned, and replied: "Give me a few days to prepare, and I will go out of the city in the name of hunting. When the time comes, you will sneak into the imperial forest army and take the opportunity to enter the palace."

"Okay." Li Ming responded, thanking him: "Thank you!"

"No, I will send someone over tomorrow for the costumes and badges of the Imperial Forest Army," Qin Yue said.

"Okay." Li Ming replied.

Afterwards, the two left Yanxun Fengyu shop.

The next day, Qin Yue's personal servant girl really brought over the costumes and badges of the Imperial Forest Army, but it was not Xiang'er from last time.

Li Ming didn't pay much attention to it, he packed his things and left.

In the past two days, Qin Du has been posting announcements everywhere to capture Tan's mother and son, and they will be beheaded five days later!
Seeing the news, Li Ming was very anxious, five days, only five days left!
On the third day, His Highness Yue went out to hunt in the city.

Li Ming put on the costume of the Yuling Army, put on his waist badge, and sneaked into the team of the Yulin Army.

In the evening, His Royal Highness Yue returned to the palace, and Li Ming followed him.

Inside the princess hall, Li Ming asked anxiously: "Yue'er, do you have any news about my wife and child?"

"Yes, they were imprisoned in the dungeon above the Sixth Prince's Mansion." Qin Yue said.

"The dungeon in the Sixth Prince's Mansion?" Li Ming was startled, and said, "I'll go and rescue them tonight!"

There is no doubt that the Sixth Prince's residence must be a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, and there are countless masters sitting in it.

Even though Li Ming was already in the Nascent Soul Realm, it was not easy to rescue him from the Sixth Prince's residence.

I only heard Qin Yue say: "There is a master in the realm of transforming gods in the Sixth Prince's residence."

"God Transformation Realm!" Li Ming gasped, Nascent Soul Realm had no resistance in front of the Transformation God Realm.

Qin Yue continued: "Tonight I will host a banquet for all the princes, and then I will find a way to target the sixth prince and force him to pass on the master of the god transformation."

Hearing this, Li Ming didn't know what to say, but said seriously: "Yue'er, thank you very much."

"Thank me for what? Aren't we best friends?" Yue'er asked with a sweet smile.

Li Ming paused, nodded deeply, and replied, "En!"

"I'm going to hold a banquet. Here are the maps of the various departments of the imperial palace. When the time is right, you can go to the sixth prince's residence to save people." Qin Yue reminded.

"Well, I don't know, I won't act recklessly." Li Ming replied.

Afterwards, Qin Yue gave Li Ming the map of the imperial palace, and went out to host a banquet for all the princes.

Li Ming lurks in the Princess Palace, waiting for an opportunity.

Not long after, all the princes came one after another and sat down in the Xibian hall, among them was the sixth prince.

The princes appear to be harmonious on the surface, but in fact they have their own camps and are fighting each other.

Qin Yue is now at the helm of Daqin, and there are quite a few princes following her, Qin Yue secretly instructed them to attack the sixth prince.

Therefore, as soon as the banquet started, the sixth prince was targeted everywhere.

The sixth prince is a person who can endure, and he doesn't care about them.

However, no matter how good the temper is, it cannot withstand repeated provocations.

Finally, the sixth prince was angered.

This is exactly in Qin Yue's arms!

Those princes who secretly got Qin Yue's instruction immediately acted and let their subordinates control the sixth prince.

The sixth prince has never been so angry, so he summoned someone.

Sure enough, after a while, the top masters from the Sixth Prince's residence, the experts in the Transformation God Realm, arrived.

When the time was right, Li Ming immediately sneaked towards the Sixth Prince's residence.

Along the way, Li Ming didn't encounter any interrogations. The clothes and badges Qin Yue gave him were only owned by the deputy commander of the Yulin Army.

After entering the sixth prince's mansion, Li Ming restrained his breath and cautiously groped towards the dungeon.

After all, there are Nascent Soul masters in the house.

So, you have to be careful.

According to the map, Li Ming came to the entrance of the dungeon, guarded by two Golden Core monks.

Li Mingyin disappeared and came to the guardian monk without leaving a trace.

Immediately, a golden thunderbolt was released, knocking the two of them unconscious.

After dealing with the guards, Li Ming entered the dungeon smoothly.

Li Ming released Yuanshen, covering the entire dungeon, and soon found the three people from last night, one of whom was being interrogated.

This person is none other than Young Master Situ!
Li Ming frowned and approached carefully.

The interrogator asked, "Where is Li Ming?"

"I don't know." Young Master Situ said.

"I don't know? Then what are you doing with the Tan family's mother and son out of the city in the middle of the night? Are you meeting Li Ming?" The interrogator continued to ask.

"I don't know." Young Master Situ still insisted.

Young Master Situ had already suffered inexplicable injuries, but he didn't say a word.

Li Ming heard the content of the interrogation, and thought: "Is this Young Master Situ Situ Jianren's elder brother?"

Li Ming remained calm for the time being, and walked towards the cell where his wife and children were being held.

However, when Yuanshen probed just now, he vaguely felt that something was wrong.

When he walked to the door of the cell, Li Ming realized that something was wrong. These two people were not his wife and children, they were just wearing his wife's and children's clothes.

"What's going on?" A huge question mark popped up in Li Ming's heart.

Li Ming was stunned, and walked out of the cell calmly, thinking: "Could it be that the sixth prince imprisoned his wife and children elsewhere?"

Passing through the interrogation room, the interrogator continued to ask: "Are they Li Ming's wife and children? Did His Highness Yue ask you to bring them to meet Li Ming?"

"I don't know, I don't know anything, I only know their surname is Tan." Young Master Situ insisted.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, and was even more surprised in his heart.

Judging from Young Master Situ's tone and the tone of the interrogator, those two people were the ones arrested last night, and they were his wife and children.

However, they are really not!
"This..." Li Ming was even more confused, what happened?

Without thinking too much, Li Ming left the dungeon first.

 There will be another update later, and there will still be three updates today.Everyone who has a ticket, let's smash it!A reward for those who have money.Thanks!

(End of this chapter)

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