Chapter 560

The folk customs and feelings of the Tang Dynasty are completely different from those of the Great Qin Dynasty. The temples and monks that can be seen everywhere are amazing.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, the common people were dull and ruthless and drank blood.

The emperor of the Tang Dynasty set up the Zhenguo Temple to pass on the scriptures and worship the Buddha, and educate the believers.

Tens of thousands of years have passed, and Buddhist culture has been greatly promoted, and it can be said that it has penetrated into the bones of all believers in the Tang Dynasty.

In the Tang Dynasty, monks were a very noble profession. Only those with extraordinary minds and deep Buddhist ties could have the opportunity to become monks.

There are very few people like Li Ming who spent millions of middle-grade spirit stones in exchange for a monk's status, and this kind of thing only happens in this extremely bitter border.

In the hinterland of the dynasty, there were people offering incense, and the monks in the temple naturally did not have to worry about spirit stones, so the various systems were very strict.

But in the extremely bitter place on the border, where there are few people, the temple can only rely on the appropriation of the dynasty to survive.

Although the Tang Dynasty used money to build temples every year, it was deducted layer by layer, and very little of it fell into their hands.

So the abbot of Xiaotuoluo Temple saw millions of middle-grade spirit stones, and it was only human nature that his eyes would be straightened.

I'm afraid he has never seen so many spirit stones in his life, right?

After all, the abbot is only the peak of foundation building!

Leaving Xiaotuoluo Temple, Li Ming flew to the hinterland of the Tang Dynasty.

Before flying far, I saw a group of people in strange clothes.

I saw them wearing white robes and black three-pointed hats on their heads. They didn't look like normal people when they walked, they were very stiff.

Slightly startled, Li Ming couldn't help but pop up three words in his mind: "The Yin Corpse Sect?"

"Could it be that these are the disciples of the Yin Corpse Sect?" Li Ming paused in his heart, thinking about it for sure.

Li Mingyin lost his figure and fell down.

This pedestrian walks stiffly, but the leader's tail is like a normal person.

As soon as Li Mingyuan let go, he was really surprised. The pedestrians were dead, except for the leader and the tail.

Li Ming paused inwardly, and asked secretly, "What are they going to do?"

After a slight pause, Li Ming recalled that Brother Zhu once said that corpses are the supreme treasure for the Yin Corpse Sect. The way they practice is to refine corpses, refining corpses into extraordinary weapons for attack.

"Could it be that these two disciples of the Yin Corpse Sect want to transport these corpses to be refined?" Li Ming thought to himself.

Li Ming remained calm and quietly followed the two disciples of the Yin Corpse Sect.

The realm of these two disciples is relatively low, only in the early stage of foundation establishment.

Therefore, he did not notice Li Ming's existence at all.

As for these corpses, they were all weak monks under the ninth realm.

These two disciples of the Infernal Corpse Sect never rested for a moment, even though it was dark, they were still on their way.

Until the evening of the next day, the two disciples of the Yin Corpse Sect drove the group of seven corpses to a mountain range.

There were many trees and vines in the mountain, and it was difficult for the stiff corpse to walk, so the disciples of the Yin Corpse Sect took out a long pole.The pole is tied with a rope, tied with a knot, and has a round shape, like it is used when harnessing a horse, and it is also used when hanging a horse.

The two disciples of the Yin Corpse Sect directly used these ropes to wrap the necks of these corpses, and then they lifted them up and flew into the mountain forest.

These seven corpses looked like they had been hanged from a distance.

After flying for a while, it was almost dark, and they came to a cave.

The cave was opened up in secret, and the entrance of the cave was concealed by vines. If he hadn't followed them all the way here, Li Ming would never have thought of or discovered that there is a cave here!

The two disciples of the Yin Corpse Sect came down and carried seven corpses into the cave.

 There are two more updates, one in the evening.The mother's final examination is over, the cyst is benign, and she can be discharged from the hospital tomorrow!A heart can finally let go.In addition, have the audacity to ask for a recommendation ticket.For the sake of three shifts every day during this period, you guys just smash it.You're welcome, hit hard!


(End of this chapter)

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