The best immortal emperor

Chapter 565 What should I do now?

Chapter 565 What should I do now?
After flying for a while, Li Ming sighed helplessly, and muttered to himself: "I originally wanted to sneak into Tangdu as a monk, but now it seems that it is impossible!"

Yes, Li Ming got the status of a monk, but the Little Tuoluo Temple he worshiped was too small, so he was not qualified to enter the Tang capital to debate scriptures.

I wanted to use Lanruo Temple as a springboard, but they didn't take me in at all.

"What's the essential difference between Mahayana Buddhism and Hinayana Buddhism?" Li Ming said in his heart, "I'm not a real monk, how would I know!"

In fact, Li Ming was not to blame.

Even the painstaking efforts of growing up in the temple can't be expressed, let alone Li Ming.

Li Ming asked to himself, "What should we do now?"

After a slight pause, Li Ming thought in his heart: "It's better to go to the city affiliated to Tang Capital first and settle down, and see if there is any other way to enter Tang Capital."

There was no trade in Tang Dynasty, let alone shops, and all the people living in it were princes, ministers, and princes.

However, how can a city survive without commerce?It is indispensable to eat and use.

Therefore, five subsidiary cities were set up near the Tang capital.

The five cities form a constellation of stars and the moon, enveloping Tangdu in the middle.

On weekdays, Tang has any material needs, which are all supplied by these five cities.

It is not far from Changyang County to Tangdu.

However, Li Ming traveled day and night, without rest or sleep, and successfully arrived at the five affiliated cities of Tang Capital two months later.

Along the way, Li Ming always wondered why.

Why didn't the head of the Bodhidharma academy accept him to study?
Is it really the difference between Mahayana Buddhism and Hinayana Buddhism?

Li Ming thinks it's probably right, but he can't tell what it is.

When he arrived at the affiliated city of Tang Capital, Li Ming was exempted from the entry fee by virtue of his status as a mage.

This is the role played by the document identity so far.

However, Li Ming spent millions of middle-grade spirit stones to obtain this identity document.

If this is used to give spirit stones for entering the city, how many years will it take to use them up?
However, from another perspective, it seems worthwhile.

After spending millions of spirit stones, no spirit stones will be needed to enter any city in Datang in the future!
Entering one of the cities named Yulan City, it was very prosperous inside, with shops on both sides of the street, and pedestrians on the street bustling with each other.

Magnolia City mainly sells monsters, spirits, pets, slaves, etc.

Therefore, you can casually see pedestrians with spirit pets on the street.

Spirit... pets... are also monsters, but they are all beautiful and special monsters.

Just like people on earth keep pets, except for a very few people who keep some weird pets, most of them are cute.

Datang has a custom of raising pets. The richer and more powerful, the more they want to raise a pet. Otherwise, they will be ashamed to go out.

Due to the trend, the price of Ling. Pet. has been fired very high.

Some spirit pets with powerful bloodlines can even fetch a sky-high price at auction, provoking those rich kids to spend a lot of money!
For these, Li Ming doesn't have much to do with it. His only concern is how to enter Tangdu?
After traveling all over Yulan City, Li Ming did not find a way to enter Tang City.

However, they heard the news that half a month later, Yulan City will hold a spirit, pet, and competition.

At that time, anyone with a reputation will participate.

Li Ming thought to himself, Princess Danyang might not participate in this spiritual pet competition, but there must be someone who knows Princess Danyang. As long as he finds a way to get to know someone and ask him to help pass a letter, the matter will be resolved?
 The third update is here, thank you for your support and rewards!Let's vote!

(End of this chapter)

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