The best immortal emperor

Chapter 57 How Can You Be So Cruel?

Chapter 57 How Can You Be So Cruel?
Saying that, Xia Xiaoman drank it in one gulp, and then heaved a sigh of relief, so happy!
"Li Ming, try it too." Xia Xiaoman wanted to pour wine for Li Ming.

"No!" Xia Yunrou stopped.

Li Ming and Xia Xiaoman were startled at the same time, very puzzled.

I only heard Xia Xiaoman say: "Sister, it's just a glass of wine, don't be stingy."

"Is sister a stingy person?" Xia Yunrou asked back.

"This..." Xia Xiaoman frowned strangely, and said, "It seems to be quite stingy sometimes."

"You damn girl!" Xia Yunrou had nothing to do with her, so she explained: "This monkey head wine can nourish the bones and stimulate the real essence. Li Ming is now at the peak of the Nine Realms, and I am afraid that he will drink this monkey head wine , the true essence in the body will explode, attracting thunder and calamity."

Xia Xiaoman stuck out his tongue and said, "So that's how it is!"

Then he said regretfully: "Li Ming, you are out of luck!"

"What are you afraid of? Go back and ask the shopkeeper for a pot, pack it for Li Ming and take it away, drink it when he is ready to cross the catastrophe, maybe it can help him!" Xia Yunrou said.

"Thank you, Senior Yunrou." Li Ming said gratefully.

"Don't call me senior, it looks like I'm old, just call me Sister Yunrou!" Xia Yunrou said coquettishly.

On weekdays, Xia Yunrou is always serious and rarely interacts with people.

Even among fellow apprentices, Xia Yunrou's expression is rarely seen!
I don't know why they are like this to Li Ming today, maybe it's because they get along with each other these few days and listen to the stories Li Ming tells, and feel that they are familiar with each other?
"I'm eating! Stop chatting, if you eat any more, I'll eat up the entire table!" Xia Xiaoman reminded.

Once Li Ming came back to his senses, he realized that the table full of food was half missing!
"Li Ming, what are you looking at? Try the sea goldfish, if you don't eat it, I will eat it up." Xia Xiaoman pointed to the sea goldfish and said.

Li Ming was dumbfounded. How could this be a meal?It's even more ferocious than a pig's food!It's windy!

After getting acquainted with the two sisters of the Xia family, Li Ming was not polite, picked up chopsticks and started to eat.

"Li Ming, eat less, the goldfish in the sea are mine!" Xia Xiaoman said in a protective manner.

"Hey." Li Ming smiled honestly, and picked up another large piece of sea goldfish with his chopsticks, because it was so delicious.

Li Ming dares to use his five internal organs to guarantee that this is the best fish he has ever eaten.

Fresh, beautiful, to the extreme.

Maybe it has something to do with the growing environment?After all, the aura in the Star Realm is too strong, if you catch any fish or shrimp from the river, it is very likely that you will have the second or third level of Qi Refining!
Not to mention the boundless and unfathomable sea!
Eat and drink, talk and laugh.

In a blink of an eye, a full table was swept away!
Xia Yunrou ate very little, only a few mouthfuls.

After reaching her state, there is no need to eat fireworks, a few mouthfuls are just a taste.

Most of the others entered Xia Xiaoman's Wu Zang Temple.

Li Ming didn't eat too much, a normal person's appetite.

Seeing that Xia Xiaoman still couldn't get enough of it, he said: "It's delicious, if only there were two more plates of sea goldfish!"

"How about I go add some food for you?" Li Ming asked.

"What? Add vegetables? How can you be so cruel? What if I gain weight? What if I can't lose weight? I still treat you as a friend!" Xia Xiaoman was like a cat whose tail was stepped on, Suddenly screamed.

(End of this chapter)

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