Chapter 571

"Ah..." Princess Danyang was really taken aback, very surprised.

In this way, this Li Ming is Situ Jianren's friend who took risks with his own life?

After a slight pause, Princess Danyang asked vigilantly, "Why should I trust you? What can you prove that you are Li Ming?"

Li Ming was startled, a little surprised, and said, "You should have seen my wanted portrait in Daqin, right?"

"No, I seldom go out of the house." Princess Danyang said, and then added; "When a monk reaches a certain level, he can change his appearance at will. How do I know if you are pretending?"

"This..." Li Ming was stunned, he really couldn't prove it to Princess Danyang.

After a slight pause, Li Ming said: "In this way, you go back and tell Tan Xiaoling or Tan Siming, and they will know who I am."

"What?" Princess Danyang asked.

"IM FRO Mears." Li Ming said. (meaning I'm from Earth)
"What?" Princess Danyang was stunned for a moment, muttering in her heart, what are these words?

I saw Li Ming repeating it again, Princess Danyang tried to say it, but couldn't.

Li Ming taught it a few more times, and Princess Danyang could barely speak, but the pronunciation was not standard.

It was corrected several times before it looked decent.

After a while, Princess Danyang returned to the capital of the Tang Dynasty!
Within a few hours, Princess Danyang left and returned.

However, this time, there were two more people beside her.

There is no doubt that it is Tan Xiaoling and Tan Siming.

Seeing his wife and children, Li Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that Tan Xiaoling threw herself into Li Ming's arms all of a sudden, she choked up in a low voice.

Tan Siming also sniffed and shouted, "Father!"

The family is finally reunited!
Seeing that their family was reunited, Princess Danyang turned around and walked out quietly.

After a while, Tan Xiaoling calmed down from the excitement, wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and asked with a sob: "Where did you go? There will be no news after you leave. I'm so worried. I thought you..."

Li Ming patted Tan Xiaoling on the shoulder, and said in relief: "The people of the God of Medicine Sect have been looking for me all these years, and the sixth prince has also found me again. Some time ago, I broke through the Nascent Soul Realm, so I quietly went back to Daqin to look for you. But, no Thinking that Princess Danyang brought you to Datang, I searched for it again."

"Oh." Tan Xiaoling choked up.

On the same day, the family stayed in Yulan City.

The next day, I woke up very late.

This night, Li Ming was thinking about how to settle down for his wife and children.

It's really embarrassing to bother Danyang princess Li Ming all the time, not to mention, Danyang princess can't stay in Datang all the time, she is going back to Daqin, after all she is Situ Jianren's daughter-in-law.

"What are you thinking?" Tan Xiaoling snuggled into Li Ming's arms and asked in a low voice.

"I'm thinking about how to settle down for you mother and child." Li Ming said.

"You want to go?" Tan Xiaoling paused, a little unhappy.

"I won't leave in the near future, but..." Before Li Ming could finish speaking, Tan Xiaoling stopped Li Ming's mouth and said, "If you don't leave now, don't think about it. We'll talk about it when we leave."

Li Ming smiled wryly and didn't say any more.

There was nothing to do in Yulan City. After lunch, Li Ming left with his wife and children.

However, as soon as he arrived at the gate of the city, Li Ming noticed that something was wrong. Several people were secretly staring at him.

Li Ming frowned, and asked secretly: "Is it Shangguan Liuyun?"

Once out of the city, Li Ming hurried away with his wife and children.

Li Ming doesn't want to cause more troubles, one more thing is worse than one less thing, there is no need to compete with the sons of an official family!

(End of this chapter)

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