Chapter 575

After entering the border of Jiangzhou, Li Ming found a city and settled down for the time being.

For the past half month, his wife and children have been staying in the evergreen basin.

Li Ming didn't go into the Evergreen Basin to call them until his feet were down.

However, at this time Tan Siming was retreating to attack the Golden Core Realm, so Li Ming didn't disturb him.

It just so happens that I can live a two-person world with Tan Xiaoling.

I don't know how many years I haven't enjoyed such a good time!

The name of this city is Bamboo Leaf City, green pillars can be seen everywhere in the city, and there are even patches of pillars outside the city.

Long before the founding of the Tang Dynasty, the Bamboo Leaf City did not exist. It was later generations who cut down bamboo to build the city.

When the work was just started, there were often thousand-year-old bamboo demons coming to make trouble.

After all, these bamboo demons originally lived here, aloof from the world, and it was the monks of the Tang Dynasty who destroyed their lives.

However, these bamboo demons were all suppressed later.

Now, it is rare to see a thousand-year-old bamboo demon outside Zhuye City!
Eyes full of green, people feel good.

At this time, Li Ming suddenly thought of a person, maybe he could help take care of him temporarily, after all, he has such strength.

However, I don't have much friendship with him, how should I speak?And not be rejected by the other party?

Startled, Li Ming couldn't help but think of his hobby, no, it's a hobby!Drunk like hell!
Li Ming said secretly in his heart: "I will find some good wine to honor him, maybe he is willing to help!"

That's right, it's none other than that expert alcoholic in Luoshui City!

However, the Green Bamboo Wine in this Bamboo Leaf City is quite famous.

Li Ming tasted it himself, and it tasted really good.Although it is not as spicy as Wuliangye original brew, it is extraordinarily mellow.

After taking a few sips, Li Ming couldn't help but think of the bamboo leaf green wine from drunken restaurants on earth!
It seems to have the same purpose!
After making up his mind, Li Ming made a big purchase in Bamboo Leaf City.

Seeing Li Ming buying so much wine, Tan Xiaoling was very surprised, and asked in puzzlement, "Li Ming, why are you buying so much spirits?"

"I'll give it to you alone." Li Ming said with a slight smile.

"Give it away?" Tan Xiaoling was taken aback, and said in surprise, "You don't need to buy so much as a gift, do you?"

Li Ming smiled and said, "That's not too much. When we get to the next city, we'll have to buy some good local wine."

"Do you want to buy it again?" Tan Xiaoling was surprised, looking very surprised.

Li Ming nodded without explaining too much.

Li Ming has been cultivating and fighting all these years, but he has not been able to accompany Tan Xiaoling well.

Now, Li Ming has just broken through the Nascent Soul Realm, and there is no opportunity to compete for it. As for the cultivation of "Nine Heavens Thunder", there is no need to rush for a while, as he can just accompany Tan Xiaoling.

After purchasing the perfect wine, Li Ming took Tan Xiaoling to wander around the Bamboo Leaf City, tasting delicious food, looking at the scenery, and strolling around the shops.

Li Ming has not enjoyed such a leisurely life for many years.

In this big world of stars, there are murderous opportunities everywhere, a rain, a gust of wind, a fire, a thunderbolt may kill people.

Although these are all low-probability events, if you click your back, you may encounter them.

After all, Li Ming from Beihai encountered the extremely rare Pure Rain of Mieshi.

However, fortunately, there was no danger and escaped a catastrophe!
The food in Zhushan City is not bad, especially the special bamboo tube chicken.

Li Ming deliberately packed a lot, after all, it was a long way to Luoshui City, so it was good to eat food for entertainment along the way.

(End of this chapter)

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