The best immortal emperor

Chapter 579 did it become a middle-grade treasure?

Chapter 579 did it become a middle-grade treasure?
"Speak out loud!" Wang Er was furious, his aura rose, and he wanted to fight Li Ming to his death!

Li Ming's face remained unchanged, and he didn't pay attention to Wang Er at all.

This king's ear is only in the early stage of the Nascent Soul. Earlier, Li Ming killed two strong Nascent Souls with one enemy and two in the Tang Dynasty.

Therefore, in Li Ming's eyes, this Wang Er is just a dead body!
I saw Wang Er holding out a long spear, the whole body was dark, except for a cluster of red tassels hanging on the head of the gun, there was no decoration, and there were no glyphs on the gun.

However, when this thing came out, it was full of murderous aura!
Obviously, people who die here are long. People under the gun are not uncommon.

Otherwise, this gun could not have such a murderous look!
Wang Er looked at the long spear in his hand, and said proudly: "This is the Chisha Huanyu Spear! The top-grade treasure was made by me with a lot of money. You can die under my spear because of your eight lifetimes of cultivation. Blessing! Let your resentment become the tonic of my Chisha Universe Spear!"

Said, Wang Er swung the Chisha Huanyu Spear in his hand, and threw it at Li Ming.

As soon as the Chisha Huanyu Spear was fired, a burst of black energy dissipated, turned into a skeleton, and rushed towards Li Ming!
This is no longer a magic weapon, but a fierce treasure, or a magic treasure!
Li Ming looked at the black skeleton, his expression unchanged, and said coldly: "Wang Er, you look pretty good, but I didn't expect your heart to be black, and you actually refined such a magic treasure! Today If I don't accept you, it's too much for God!"

After saying that, Li Ming raised his hand and raised his hand to the sky.

Suddenly, the originally clear blue sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, thunder and lightning.

Wang Er was startled and asked, "What kind of supernatural power is this?"

Li Ming ignored Wang Er's question, only to see Li Ming waved his hand, and a bolt of lightning fell from the sky, directly dissipating the black air skeleton.

The black energy is transformed from the resentment of the tragic death under the gun of Chisha Huanyu. It is an evil thing, but the thunder and lightning are the righteousness of heaven and earth.

It is only natural for this lightning strike to directly dissipate the black air skeleton!
Wang Er was really taken aback, he didn't expect the other party to be so supernatural!
This is not some supernatural power, but "Nine Heavens Thunder Movement". It is a matter of course to use "Nine Heavens Thunder Movement" to save the disciples of the Great Sage Lei Yinzong.

I only heard Li Ming's voice transmission: "Listen, disciples of the great sage Lei Yinzong below, run for your life quickly and don't stay any longer. The aftermath of a Nascent Soul strongman's fight is not something you can bear!"

The corner of Wang Er's mouth twitched, and he said, "You think you can save them? Die for me!"

As he spoke, Wang Er threw the Chisha Huanyu Spear towards the Great Sage Lei Yinzong below.

Wang Er believed that the resentful spirit in this spear would definitely destroy the Great Saint Lei Yinzong!
Back then, it took a lot of effort to refine the Chisha Huanyu Spear.

Wang Er imprisoned tens of thousands of monks, including Golden Core monks and Foundation Establishment monks.

In order to make the resentful spirits of these monks stronger after death, Wang Er tortured them in every possible way, so that they could not survive or die!
It wasn't until these monks were full of resentment that Wang Er used them to sacrifice the Chisha Huanyu Spear.

The great achievement of the Chisha Huanyu Spear was originally a middle-grade treasure, but in the end it directly became a top-grade treasure!

And according to the craftsman who made the Chisha Huanyu Spear, the Chisha Huanyu Spear still has room for improvement. As long as there are enough resentful spirits and are strong enough, it is possible to become a top-grade treasure.

In this regard, every time Wang Er meets an opponent, he will not rush to kill the opponent, but torture the opponent first, so that the opponent will be resentful for a lifetime before killing him!
Today, it is no exception.

He originally wanted to torture the disciples of the Great Saint Lei Yinzong, to add some grievances to his Chisha Huanyu Spear, and to increase its power.

However, the plan was disrupted by the sudden appearance of Li Ming.

I wanted to kill Li Ming first, but I didn't expect that Li Ming could control the technique of thunder and lightning, completely restraining his own Chisha Huanyu Spear!

Only then did Wang Er directly throw down the Chisha Huanyu Spear, killing all the disciples of the Great Sage Lei Yinzong!
Li Ming looked at the Chisha Huanyu Spear that was thrown downwards, and without a word, he chased after it, grabbing the body of the gun.

Seeing Li Ming grabbing the Chisha Huanyu Spear with his bare hands, Wang Er laughed instead of anger, and said with a big smile, "Idiot, I don't dare to grab it with my bare hands without complaining on this gun, how dare you? You really want to die!" !"

Only then did Li Ming notice that Wang Er was wearing a pair of almost transparent silk gloves.

This glove also has a lot of background, it was specially made by Wang Er, and it was used to isolate the resentment on Chisha's Huanyu spear!

As soon as Li Ming's hand touched the Chisha Huanyu Spear, he felt something bad, and a black air instantly wrapped his hands, spreading along his arms and spreading all over his body.

"Haha, even if you don't die, you will be insane and deranged by these wraiths, and you will go back into a demon!" Wang Er said triumphantly.

Li Ming's face was solemn, and he urged his true essence to try to dispel the black air surrounding him, but it didn't work.

Fortunately, Li Ming has an aura of grandeur, otherwise these resentful spirits would have penetrated into Li Ming's brain.

However, even so, the situation is still not optimistic.

At this time, the resentful spirits in the Chisha Huanyu spear gushed out like a wave of hell.

In an instant, Li Ming was surrounded.

"Die, let me die! It is your own good fortune to die under my Wang Er Chisha Huanyu spear!" Wang Er said triumphantly, believing that Li Ming must die!

Li Ming's face was serious, his true energy could not dispel these resentful spirits, what should he do?How about trying the Golden Thunderbolt?

Thunder and lightning are the most righteous things in the world, and the nemesis of all evils, not to mention the golden thunder and lightning, the king of thunder and lightning!
Seeing Li Ming's thoughts move, the golden thunder and lightning circulated all over his body.

Immediately, Li Ming's body was radiant with golden light, like an eminent monk in the Tang Dynasty, as if he had cultivated into the body of Vajra Buddha!

However, upon closer inspection, the golden body was a bit different, it actually shone with thunder.

Afterwards, thunder and lightning flashed between the heavens and the earth, as if a thunder calamity had descended.

Wang Er's expression changed drastically, he didn't know what happened, and asked in panic, "What's going on?"

"Break it!" Li Min yelled loudly, and the black wraith wrapped around his body was instantly exploded.

At the same time, the black Chisha Huanyu gun was instantly enveloped in golden light, and the wraiths inside the gun were immediately blown away by the golden lightning!
The red universe spear of the top-rank treasure instantly fell back to the middle-rank treasure.

Wang Er's expression changed drastically, his eyes turned red, and he looked at the red Huanyu spear in disbelief, "It... how did it become a middle-grade treasure?"

Wang Er was furious and roared, "I'm going to kill you!"

Said, Wang Er rushed towards Li Ming desperately, wanting to fight Li Ming desperately.

Li Ming snorted coldly, and shouted: "You want to kill me just because of you? It's just a dream!"

Li Ming shouted loudly, holding the golden thunderbolt in his hand, and went to kill Wang'er!
(End of this chapter)

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