The best immortal emperor

Chapter 588 I don't need you to tell me what to do

Chapter 588 I don't need you to tell me what to do

To Li Ming, beheading two monks in the early stage of Nascent Soul was as easy as killing a watermelon.

However, this is not the case for the two Nascent Soul Realm cultivators in front of them. At least one of them is beyond Li Ming's understanding, and it is likely to be a strong man in the middle Nascent Soul Stage!
Therefore, Li Ming couldn't help but be careless.

What's more, I don't know what dangers will be underground in the future.

If they are seriously injured in order to kill them, the loss outweighs the gain.

Of course, Li Ming also has concerns. Once the treasure is found, he will become the public enemy of these two!

Li Ming was startled, and thought: "It's better than this!"

Immediately, Li Ming made a move and killed the guy in the early Yuanying period.

I saw a golden lightning flashed in Li Ming's hand, and the guy in the early stage of Nascent Soul was hit by Li Ming before he could react.

The guy was stunned on the spot, numb and unconscious.

When he reacted, Li Ming had already shattered his Yufu with a palm!
Immediately, it fell on the spot!
The somewhat advanced Nascent Soul Realm cultivator next to him changed his expression drastically, and looked at Li Ming vigilantly, for fear that Li Ming would attack him.

However, Li Ming didn't seem interested in him.

Turn around and continue to bombard the depths!
Now, Li Ming is like a traveler in the desert. He found a dry well that can dig out spring water, and he is full of strength!

The somewhat advanced Nascent Soul strongman looked at Li Ming, and did not dare to act rashly. It is definitely not easy to kill a person who is a Nascent Soul early-stage strong man in an instant!
When you are not fully sure, or when there is a conflict of interest, it is better not to provoke!
However, he was very curious about what Li Ming was looking for?
Moreover, why can this land heal itself?
Does it have life?

This person is unpredictable and can't make up his mind.

What Li Ming wants is this effect, to kill one person to frighten the other party.Let the other party not dare to attack him easily!
Obviously, Li Ming's goal has also been achieved!

In a blink of an eye, a month has passed, and Li Ming has reached a very deep place.

At this time, the speed of the earth's healing has suddenly increased, and it can be healed in half a day.

The Nascent Soul strong man who seemed a little advanced finally couldn't hold back, and reminded: "You still want to continue? The earth is healing faster and faster. If there is no special reason, it is best to turn back to the ground. Otherwise..."

"Otherwise what?" Li Ming asked in a choked voice.

"I will die, I will die!" said the man.

"If you are afraid of death, you can open a passage back to the ground yourself. What are you talking about?" Li Ming said.

The man smiled bitterly and said, "If I could, I would have left long ago!"

Indeed, after entering this place, that seemingly advanced guy was unable to shake the ground here.

So, at this moment, I told Li Ming like this.

Li Ming knew the result early on. He stared at the other party with a ray of soul all the time. He had seen the other party open a channel with his own eyes, but he couldn't shake it.

At first, Li Ming wondered why he could shake it?The other party can't?The opponent does not seem to be weaker than himself.

After a while, Li Ming guessed that it should be because of the golden lightning in his body.

Of course, this is just speculation.

After a slight pause, Li Ming asked with some displeasure: "So, are you threatening me now?"

"Don't dare, it's just a discussion." The man said.

"Discussion?" Li Ming smiled coldly and said, "Why didn't I see any meaning of discussion?"

"What do you want?" the man asked, frowning.

"You don't want to find out why the earth can heal?" Li Ming asked suddenly.

The man paused and said truthfully, "I want to!"

"Then don't talk nonsense!" Li Ming said bluntly.

"But... the healing speed of the earth is getting faster and faster, and if we go further down, we are likely to be trapped here to death!" the man reminded.

"I have my own measure!" Li Ming said very shamelessly.

"You..." The man was annoyed, but he didn't want to break his face with Li Ming yet, so he just said viciously: "I'll wait for another three days, if you insist on going your own way, I will attack you. I know, you are very strong , I am not absolutely sure of killing you. However, it is absolutely impossible for you to kill me in an instant! I believe that this land will be completely healed before we decide the winner. By then, everyone will be here and die together. !"

It turns out that what this guy meant when he said that we all die together!
Li Ming was startled, and suddenly asked: "What's your name?"

The other party couldn't help being taken aback, but still replied: "Fen Lin!"

"Fen Lin?" Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but startled.

After pondering for a while, Li Ming murmured: "The old department of Gu Yan, the royal family's surname is Fen, are you a descendant of the ancient Yan royal family?"

"Hmph! It's good to know!" Fen Lin snorted coldly.

Li Ming smiled, and didn't care about the attitude of the other party, but he didn't expect to meet the descendants of the ancient Yan royal family here!
Ancient Yan is a very ancient country, long before the founding of Great Qin.

At that time, the city of Dajin was still limited to the Liangjiang generation, and the Tang Dynasty only built four main cities, and the Ming Dynasty had just established the name of the country.

However, the ancient Yan Kingdom was a flash in the pan, but after 800 years of glory, it declined.

Today, the world has long forgotten that there was an ancient Yan State in history.

Such a short-lived big country like Gu Yan is not a special case, there are also Gu Long Kingdom, Gu Feng Kingdom and so on!

However, these ancient countries did not leave too many traces!

Li Ming knew the existence of the ancient Yan Kingdom because he had read a lot of books, especially about the rise and fall of the dynasty history.

Fen Lin is very proud and proud of his identity, and he has an extraordinary sense of superiority after mentioning the descendants of the ancient Yan royal family.

However, when Fen Lin came back to his senses, he couldn't help being startled, and asked, "How do you know that I am a descendant of the royal family of the ancient Yan Kingdom?"

The territory of the ancient Yan country was annexed by the current Dajin. The ancient Yan country always wanted to make the country rich, so it was inevitable to fight against Dajin.

Therefore, the ancient Yan royal family has become criminals who have been wanted over the years, so Fen Lin can't help being nervous!

Once the identity is spread out, they will be hunted down endlessly!

Li Ming didn't care, and murmured, "Guess!"

Fen Lin stared at Li Ming, his face was uncertain.

However, the episode was eventually given up.

I only heard that Fen Lin said again: "I only give you the last three days. Once the three days are up, you will either open a passage to the ground, or you and I will die here together!"

Li Ming turned his head and gave Fen Lin a cold look, and said, "Put away your threat, I don't need you to tell me what to do, just say something more! You know what will happen!"

"You..." Fen Lin was at a loss for words, with an unhappy expression on his face, he could only grit his teeth and say, "Then just wait and see! Let's see who will win after three days!"

"I'll wait!" Li Ming was also very stubborn, he didn't take Fen Lin's threats seriously!

The healing speed of the earth is getting faster and faster. Li Ming knows that he is getting closer and closer to that secret!
(End of this chapter)

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