Chapter 594

The Yufu Nascent Soul who lost the protection of his physical body was swallowed by the flames in an instant. Li Ming felt his headache was splitting, and his whole idea was about to collapse.

"Are you going to die?" Li Ming felt unwilling, but he had no strength to resist now!

Fen Lin looked at Li Ming who was slowly turning into ashes, and couldn't help but sneered, "He's dead, he's going to be turned into ashes at last! It's worth my bet on a hundred years of life!"

However, just when Fen Lin thought that Li Ming was going to be reduced to ashes, a red light suddenly flashed from the empty chest.

Then, flesh and tendons grow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This..." Fen Lin was dumbfounded, looking at Li Ming in disbelief.

After a little effort, Li Ming, who was about to be reduced to ashes, reappeared in front of Fen Lin.

Rise from the ashes?

This is a divine skill unique to Phoenix!

Fen Lin looked at Li Ming incredulously, and asked, "Are you a descendant of Gu Feng Kingdom?"

Li Ming slowly came to his senses. At this moment, those flames could not hurt Li Ming even a single bit!
Li Ming looked at Fen Lin, and said in a cold tone: "I don't know what you are talking about? But, I know, you have to die today!"

"No, don't kill me! Our Ancient Yan Kingdom and your Ancient Feng Kingdom are family friends, you can't kill me! If you kill me, your Ancient Feng Kingdom will not let you go!" Fen Lin panicked.

At this moment, Fen Lin's situation was over, and he could only be slaughtered!

"Ancient Feng Country? Ancient Yan Country? Family friend?" Li Ming snorted, and said, "When you wanted to kill me just now, did you ever think about your best friend?"

"I didn't know just now. If I knew, I would never have shot you!" Fen Lin said hastily.

"Die! Go to your best friend!" Li Ming didn't pay attention at all, and the golden lightning gathered in his palm, and he slapped Fen Lin.

Immediately, there was only a bang, and Fen Lin was crushed by the golden lightning strike.

After killing Fen Lin, Li Ming breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's dangerous!"

When Fen Lin died, the tricolor flag immediately lost its owner, and the flame disappeared.

Looking at the three-color flag, Li Ming sucked in his hand, and the three-color flag fell into his hand.

I only heard Li Ming muttering: "This time it's really awkward, I almost died in the hands of Fen Lin, thanks to the red gem-like crystal! It actually regenerates the body, but I don't know what it is ?”

After a slight pause, Li Ming continued: "The power of this tricolor flag is extraordinary, so I just accept it!"

After killing Fen Lin, Li Ming seized his magic weapon of storage.

However, apart from a small amount of spirit stones and some unscrupulous treasures, there is nothing good in it.

After a slight pause, Li Ming thought of the ancient Fengguo that Fen Lin had mentioned, and couldn't help thinking: "Could it be that the ruby-like thing is related to the Gufengguo?"

"Forget it, wait for Brother Zhu to finish his retreat and ask him to find out." Li Ming said.

Ming Kun's situation was in a mess, like a purgatory on earth, the monks who were hunting for treasures died in all odds, and only a few were left lingering.

Li Ming ignored them, and found a place where no one was around, and sat cross-legged to cultivate himself.

Li Ming drank a bottle of spiritual water and immersed himself in it.

This body was reshaped by ruby ​​crystals, but it was not the slightest difference from the original one, as if it had been reborn.

Phoenix Nirvana, reborn from ashes.

This ruby ​​is absolutely inseparable from Gu Fengguo!
In a blink of an eye, half a year has passed.

Liangjiang ushered in the annual dry season, and the door to Mingkun's realm was reopened again.

Li Ming didn't stay any longer, and immediately left this place of right and wrong!
(End of this chapter)

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