The best immortal emperor

Chapter 597 Uncle Jiu Does Not Give Face

Chapter 597 Uncle Jiu Does Not Give Face
A few days later, Li Ming and Niu Wudi left Daming, entered Dajin, and came to Luoshui City!
His wife and children have been living in Luoshui City, and with Uncle Jiu's protection, they have lived in peace.

Now, Tan Siming is a real Golden Core cultivator, and he is considered one of the best masters in Luoshui City.

There is still a long time before the opening of the ancient world. Li Ming plans to stay with his wife and children in Luoshui City for half a year before leaving for the ancient world.

The rumors about Mingkun's realm are buzzing, and there is movement in all directions. Not only the God of Medicine Sect, the Great Jin Dynasty, but even the Ancient Yan Kingdom and the Ancient Feng Kingdom have signs of activity.

The wind leaves a sound, and the geese leave traces.

Although Li Ming has always been very careful, and after leaving Ming Kun, he first went to Mo Niu Mountain, then detoured to the Ming Dynasty, and then returned to Luoshui City.

However, no matter how cunning a fox is, it cannot escape the nose of the hound.

Li Ming's whereabouts were finally discovered, but Li Ming himself did not know.

It was discovered by the disciples of the God of Medicine Sect, and now the elders of Tiangongge Tongshan are on their way to Luoshui City!
Elder Tongshan, who was His Royal Highness Yue's mentor, was an old friend of His Highness Yue's late mother, and had also met Li Ming.

However, don't expect to think that Tongshan Presbyterian will be lenient after meeting a few times.

This time, Elder Tongshan came with the suzerain's order, and absolutely wanted to take Li Ming back.

Is it okay to kill the disciple of the master of the Medicine God Sect?Undoubtedly, he slapped Yao Shenzong hard!

If Yaoshenzong didn't bring the murderer to justice and punish him with capital punishment, what face would he have to walk on the rivers and lakes?
This time, sending the elders of Tiangongge Tongshan is also paying attention to this matter, and it is bound to win!
News always leaks out, and the dispatch of a powerful existence like Elder Tongshan will definitely attract the attention of all parties.

The God of Medicine Sect is not monolithic. Some disciples are clearly disciples of the God of Medicine Sect, but in fact they are the spy sent by various forces behind their backs.

The Great Jin Dynasty got the news first, followed by the Great Qin Dynasty.

The Dajin Dynasty took the lead in taking action, after all, Luoshui City was on their Dajin territory!
On this day, the wind was sunny and the sky was cloudless.

Suddenly, a stream of light pierced the sky, and a figure suddenly descended on Luoshui City.

It is none other than Elder Tongshan from the Tiangong Pavilion of the God of Medicine Sect!
As soon as Elder Tongshan appeared, the drunk Uncle Jiu suddenly woke up, sent a message and flew out.

Li Ming's expression couldn't help changing when he received the message.

Elder Tongshan was condescending, looking down at Luoshui City. At the same time, his soul swept away and searched for Li Ming.

At this time, a powerful aura came from the small town, and then a figure stood in front of Tong Shan.

Tong Shan was stunned, he never expected that there would be such a master in the small Luoshui city, a master of the god transformation state!

I saw Tong Shan clasping his fists towards the visitor and said: "In Tong Shan, the God of Medicine Sect, there is no offence. I am the criminal who came to capture my God of Medicine Sect!"

Uncle Jiu looked at Tong Shan and said for a while, "I know you!"

"En?" Tong Shan paused and asked, "I don't know what your name is?"

"Let's go, Luoshui City is my territory. No matter who you want to arrest, please wait until he leaves Luoshui City. Otherwise, don't blame me for not reminding you!" Uncle Jiu said very shamelessly.

"You..." Tong Shan was startled, he didn't expect the other party to dare to say this after he reported himself, Tong Shan couldn't help being a little angry, and reminded with a suppressed voice: "He is a criminal of my God of Medicine Sect, if you stop him, then It is my enemy of the God of Medicine Sect!"

(End of this chapter)

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