Chapter 600

This is a golden lightning bolt. As soon as this thing came out, Niu Wudi's expression suddenly changed. He could feel the horror of the golden lightning. He didn't expect his elder brother to have such a hand!
Li Ming gathered his momentum and swung out violently.

The golden thunder and lightning blasted towards the cloak of the stars that covered the sun, and there was only a bang, followed by a shocking explosion.

However, the cloak that blocks the sun and stars is fine.

Li Ming frowned suddenly, and said, "This cloak is unusual."

"Brother, you and I work together, try again! Maybe we can break through!" Niu Wudi said.

"Okay!" Li Ming replied.

Immediately, Li Ming and Niu Wudi accumulated energy together.

With a loud shout, they attack at the same time.

Li Ming and Niu Wudi had used the strongest attack method, but even so, the attack fell on the cloak of the sun and stars, and it was still like drizzle, without any improvement.

Seeing this, Li Ming and Niu Wudi frowned immediately.

Niu Wudi scolded: "What kind of broken cloak is this? Can it withstand the attacks of the two of us?"

Li Ming felt helpless, shook his head and said, "This thing is really not simple!"

How could a treasure from the hands of an expert in the Transformation God Realm be so simple?
"Brother, what should we do now?" Niu Wudi asked.

Li Ming was silent for a while, and said, "Wait!"

"Wait?" Niu Wudi was taken aback for a moment, thinking he heard it wrong, he asked again: "Just waiting?"

"Yes!" Li Ming said.

This cloak of covering the sun and stars is extraordinary, the two of them can't break it together, and it's useless to try again, and they can't break it, they can only wait!

Let's wait until Tongshan and Uncle Jiu in the different dimension decide the winner.

At this time, I heard Li Ming say: "Niu Wudi, if Uncle Jiu loses and loses later, I will take the initiative to let Tongshan capture me. When the time comes, you will find an opportunity to escape with my wife and children."

"Brother, no, I will die if I die! How can I let you go? After all, I killed Yin Zheng, and I feel sorry for causing you. How can I let you take the blame for me?" Niu Wudi said emotionally.

Li Ming had a serious face, and said in a low voice: "Okay, don't talk anymore, this matter is settled like this!"

"No, big brother, I can listen to you about everything else, but this is the only one I can't do." Niu Wudi denied it straight away, and he also has a bad temper.

"You..." Li Ming was still about to say something, but Niu Wudi said again: "Brother, you listen to me, I will explain the situation to Tongshan, and then you take the opportunity to take sister-in-law and the others away."

Li Ming was startled, at this critical moment, Li Ming was really moved by Niu Wudi's friendship.

Li Ming patted Niu Wudi on the shoulder and said, "Good brother!"

Niu Wudi grinned and said, "Good brother!"

At this time, I heard Li Ming say: "Wudi, don't argue with me about this matter."

"Brother..." Niu Wudi suddenly became anxious.

"Listen to what I have to say." Li Ming said.

Niu Wudi said patiently, "Brother, tell me."

I only heard that Li Ming said: "It's like this. I got a treasure in the Mingkun realm some time ago, and that treasure merged into my body. Even if my body is destroyed, it can grow again. So, I don't necessarily die if I go. .”

"Is that so?" Niu Wudi was taken aback, looking very unbelievable.

Immediately afterwards, Niu Wudi said, "Brother, don't lie to me, I don't believe it! Let me go, I know you don't want me to go!"

(End of this chapter)

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