Chapter 605

"Okay, listen to your second brother."

"Let's go!" the elder of the Feng clan who controls the bone spirit Heiyan shouted.

Immediately, the two left with Li Ming.

"Where are you going!" Uncle Jiu, Tong Shan, and General Jinling Long Snake could not let Li Ming, a veteran of the Feng clan, be taken away, and they immediately chased after him.

Seeing this, Niu Wudi in Luoshui City immediately took his sister-in-law and nephew to leave the place of trouble.

The Feng clan always saw these three chasing after them, only to hear the second elder brother say: "Third brother, look at this kid, I'll teach them a lesson!"

"Okay!" The elders of the three Feng clans responded.

Immediately, the elders of the second clan released Hei Yan, the bone spirit.

Suddenly, there was a gloomy burning around.

The faces of the three who caught up changed, they were very ugly.

General Jinling Long Snake shouted coldly: "This Li Ming is the one wanted by my Dajin Dynasty. You Feng clan will hand it over quickly, or my Dajin's iron cavalry will crush your entire Feng clan!"

"Noisy!" The elder of the second clan of the Feng clan snorted coldly, and Hei Yan, the bone spirit in his hand, surged with momentum, and attacked General Jinling Long Snake.

The elders of the second clan of the Feng clan are especially stronger than the elders of the third clan, and the elders of the third clan can fight against the three of them, let alone the elders of the second clan.

As soon as the bone spirit Hei Yan attacked, he immediately attacked the golden spirit long snake general with overwhelming aura.

General Jin Linglong snake used the golden spear in his hand to resist.

However, the strength difference between the two is too great.

With a bang, the golden spear in the hand of General Golden Spirit Long Snake was knocked into the air.

Afterwards, General Jinling Long Snake spat out a mouthful of blood, obviously suffering serious injuries.

Seriously wounding General Jinling Long Snake, the old man of the second clan snorted and warned coldly: "If you dare to pursue him again, you will die!"

After saying that, the elders of the second clan turned and left.

Tong Shan and Uncle Jiu didn't dare to pursue anymore, they were really afraid of each other's strength!

After a little effort, the two elders of the Feng clan disappeared from the sight of the two of Tongshan.

Li Ming was captured, unable to move, and could only be manipulated by them.

Bai Yuncanggou, fighting to turn the stars.

After flying for a few days, the two elders of the Feng clan stopped.

Obviously, it should be the place.

Li Ming's six senses were blocked, and even his soul was imprisoned, so he couldn't explore the outside world, so he didn't know where he had gone all the way.

When they arrived at the place, the elders of the Feng clan lifted the ban.

Li Ming opened his eyes, only to see a small path in front of him, with phoenix trees planted on both sides.

The sycamore tree is shaded from the sky, with luxuriant branches and leaves, and the thick trunk shows that it has existed for many years.

Fengqi phoenix tree.

Thinking about it, this should be the territory of the Feng Clan.

The two elders of the Feng clan led Li Ming to the territory of the Feng clan, no, they should be holding him!

Li Ming followed carefully, not daring to move rashly.

In fact, Li Ming himself wondered why he could dissolve the immortal heart of the sacred relic of the Phoenix clan?

If he had known that the ruby ​​was the heart of immortality, the sacred object of the Phoenix clan, Li Ming would definitely not have fought for it.

Although the power of the Immortal Heart is extraordinary, it is also very troublesome.

Now, the two clan elders in front of them could easily crush Li Ming to death.

Not to mention the elder of the Feng clan.

Li Ming's heart was hanging all the time, anxious and uneasy. He didn't know whether he was going to live or die this time, and he didn't know what method the Feng clan would use to get out the immortal heart?
Passing through the path, the eyes suddenly opened up, and towering palaces were suspended in mid-air.

Below the palace is a flat land, on which there are many wooden houses made of plane trees.

The people of the Feng clan live on this land, and only the elite can go to the palace above!

(End of this chapter)

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