Chapter 621

After a little time, all the clan elders gathered in the Phoenix Hall, each of them looked suspicious, wondering if there was anything to discuss in the Phoenix Hall.

Seeing that several other clan elders had come, the elder of the great clan directly said: "Everyone, everyone is invited to discuss the matter of resurrecting the dead and returning to life. The Emperor Feng intends to go back to the old place of the Feng clan to get the pill."

"What? Resurrection Pill?"

"Go back to the old place of the Feng clan to get the pill?"

"How can this work? It's too risky! I don't agree!"

"I don't agree either!"

"Definitely disagree!"

When everyone heard the words of the old man, they jumped up and refuted one after another.

Originally, the resurrection pill and alchemy techniques were forbidden by the Feng Clan, not to mention returning to the old place of the Feng Clan to retrieve the unformed furnace of the Resurrection Pill.

The reaction of the clan elders was also expected by Li Ming.

Seeing Li Ming stepping forward unhurriedly, the clan elders immediately shut up and waited for Li Ming to speak.

Li Ming first looked around at the clan elders, calm and thought-provoking.

After a little silence, Li Ming said, "Do you all want my Phoenix clan to rise again?"

"Of course!"

"Does that even need to be said?"

"I definitely hope!"

There is no doubt that it is the long-cherished wish of every Feng Clan to reinvigorate the Feng Clan and win the world.

Such an answer was still within Li Ming's expectations.

Li Ming still looked around, and continued to ask: "Resurrecting is not empty talk, and it is not something you can rise if you want to rise. Do you have any good suggestions?"


"Develop the population vigorously. When the population of our family reaches a certain scale, it will naturally rise."

"Well, that's right, it's the last method. But, how much has the population of the Feng Clan increased over the years?" Li Ming asked.

The clan elder who suggested it immediately shut up. Over the years, the population of the Feng clan has not increased, but has actually decreased.

"Any other suggestions?" Li Ming continued to ask.

"Plunder resources and enhance cultivation." Another clan elder said.

Li Ming nodded, approvingly said: "That's right, it's the last solution. The world of stars has countless planets and abundant resources. However, the resources that can really change the quality of cultivation are not occupied by the four dynasties. It is occupied by the world's great sects and great clans. With the current strength of the Feng clan, if they want to seize food from the tiger's mouth, they will undoubtedly hit the stone with an egg. And if they want to find an undiscovered planet with the best resources in the vast star world, I'm afraid It's not easy."

"This..." The clan elder was also at a loss for words.

"Any other good suggestions?" Li Ming asked, looking around at the clan elders.

The other clan elders frowned and kept thinking.

For a long time, no one answered.

Seeing this, Li Ming said: "Since everyone has no good solution, I propose to return to the old land of the Feng clan and get back the resources hidden in the old land of the Feng clan! Including the resurrection pill!"

"It's too dangerous. I don't know how many forces in the world are staring at my old place of the Feng Clan!"

"Yes, this is too risky!"

"I don't agree anyway."

Li Ming smiled and said: "There are adventures, there are rewards. Moreover, we can use some tricks to muddy the water, and then wait for the opportunity. The soldiers are not many, but the most valuable. Believe, the four dynasties , the Dazong clan will not send a few masters with the strength of the clan elders to guard the old land of my Feng clan day and night, right?"


"What you said seems to make sense, but... why do I always feel that something is wrong?"

"Too risky, really too risky!"

Li Ming continued: "There should be a lot of good things hidden in the old land of my family, and only the royal family can open it. I think it must be related to the blood of the Phoenix King, right? Based on this, we have an absolute advantage! Or, once successful, the benefits will be infinite! Not to mention anything else, let’s talk about the resurrection pill! If two pills are formed, it can completely resurrect the previous patriarch. If there are more than two pills, more powerful people will be resurrected. Yes Say, this is an action that is definitely worth the risk!"

The old man smiled bitterly, and said: "Fenghuang, the former Fenghuang's body and spirit have long been wiped out, even with the resurrection pill, he cannot be revived."

"En?" Li Ming couldn't help but startled.

I only heard the big clan elder continue to say: "The Resurrection Pill can only revive the body and primordial spirit that still exist. If the physical body and primordial spirit are all destroyed, the Resurrection Pill will have no effect, only the Creation Pill will do it!"

"Good fortune pill?" Li Ming was taken aback, he had never heard of this pill.

"Yes, Creation Pill!" The old man nodded.

Li Ming was thinking about Lin Ruyu, she was beaten to death by the old Taoist Baihe, she should have just let go of her anger, her consciousness turned into a ghost, and she went to the underworld!

With Bai He's old ways, it shouldn't be able to hurt Lin Ruyu's consciousness!

"Okay, everyone express their opinion, do you agree or disagree? But before that, let me say something, I will go, and I must go! It doesn't matter whether you agree or disagree!" Li Ming said seriously Said.

"This..." The elders of the clan hesitated and looked at each other.

After a slight pause, several clan elders knelt down one after another, shouting: "I hope Emperor Feng thinks twice!"

Li Ming frowned, these clan elders are really old-fashioned, they are talking about this, but they still don't nod!
Li Ming was full of enthusiasm, and continued: "I understand everyone's feelings, and I am worried that something will happen to me. However, if I am always so timid and do nothing, how can my Phoenix clan have a tomorrow? Could it be that I will be trapped here for the rest of my life?"

"What's more, my Feng clan was able to prosper and win the world in the past, and the art of alchemy was absolutely indispensable. I think there should be many high-quality alchemy furnaces in the old land of my clan?"

"Actually, I haven't figured out why the alchemy talent of my Feng clan was banned? Is it because the alchemy technique harmed the whole clan back then, so I had to give it up and give up because of choking?"

Li Ming asked loudly.

A group of clan elders looked at each other, lowered their heads one after another, and remained silent.

Li Ming looked at the elder of the clan, and suddenly asked: "Elder of the clan, what do you think? Do you want to continue to stand still? Suppress the talents of the clansmen?"

The old man of the clan was intoxicated for a while, and after a long time he said: "Fenghuang, I will accompany you to the old place!"

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help smiling and said: "Very good, very good!"

"Fenghuang, big brother, think twice!" the other clan elders wailed.

"Okay, don't talk about it anymore. Fenghuang is right. You can't give up eating because of choking. The talent of my Feng clan is to control fire, and my attainments in alchemy are very high. From now on, I will open up the art of alchemy. Everyone can enjoy it." Learn, everyone can practice!"

Li Ming nodded in satisfaction. If an organization wants to develop and grow, it must first break the old thinking, let go of the shackles on the body, go out, and bring in!
After a slight pause, Li Ming asked, "Old man, when are you leaving?"

 There will be three chapters today.Originally, I was going to write three chapters yesterday, but the state was too bad. I wrote Chapter 2, wrote, deleted, and deleted, so I didn't write it at all.Okay, let’s continue writing, see you in chapter three.In addition, a chapter of the manuscript will be saved for the outbreak at the end of the month.Surprise at the end of the month! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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