Chapter 628
Kunpeng was slightly silent, and said: "Boy, I admire your courage. How dare you talk to me like this. However, don't think that you will be fine if you have a little courage? If you don't speak out, I will But it will really swallow you alive!"

"Senior Kunpeng, don't worry, if I don't tell you a method, I don't want you to do it, I will finish it myself." Li Ming said sonorously through voice transmission.

"Okay!" Kunpeng replied.

Immediately, Li Ming swam towards Kunpeng's tail.

The two elders of the Feng clan followed closely behind, protecting Li Ming.

However, Kunpeng was obviously afraid of the elders of the second clan and the elders of the third clan, so he let out a muffled thunder and shouted, "Stop, and only allow him to approach alone!"

The old man of the second family wanted to say something, but Li Ming already said via voice transmission: "Old man of the second family, old man of the third family, just stay there, I will be fine!"

The two clan elders were very worried, and only heard the elder of the second clan say in a deep voice: "Kunpeng, although you are powerful, but if you dare to hurt my clan leader, even if our clan fights the whole clan, you will pay the corresponding price!"

"En? Your clan?" Kunpeng was startled, and looked suspiciously at the elder of the second clan.

"Feng clan!" The elder of the second clan revealed his identity.

"Feng Clan?" Kunpeng paused and couldn't help being startled.

Although the Feng Clan has already become history, the strength of the Feng Clan is beyond doubt. A skinny camel is bigger than a horse!

Li Ming dived into the deep sea and came to the tail of Kunpeng.

Immediately, invite brother Zhu from the evergreen basin.

Brother Zhu only took a glance at the iron chain, and he determined its material.

Sure enough, one of the three materials, water flame cold crystal.

Afterwards, Brother Zhu returned to the evergreen basin.

Li Mingyou walked in front of Kunpeng.

After a while, Li Ming came to Kunpeng.

Wen Kunpeng asked deeply: "How? Don't think that you are the patriarch of the Feng Clan and I am afraid of you. If you don't tell me a way, I will still swallow you alive!"

"You..." The elders of the second clan and the elders of the third clan were furious.

With a wave of his hand, Li Ming stopped the angry two people, looked at Kunpeng and said unhurriedly: "Senior Kunpeng, if I read correctly, the iron chain that binds you should be the cold crystal of water flame!"

"En?" Kunpeng was taken aback, he didn't expect that the little Nascent Soul cultivator in front of him actually had two brushes.

After a slight pause, Kunpeng's face sank, and he asked in a low voice: "How can there be any way to break through this cold crystal of water flame?"

Li Ming smiled and said: "Shuiyan cold crystal is a very special material, water and fire are impenetrable, metal and stone are difficult to refine, can bind heavy objects without breaking, and have very high ductility, it is..."

"Don't talk nonsense, just explain the solution!" Kunpeng asked impatiently.

In the past few years, Kunpeng has not yet made clear the characteristics of the Shuiyan Cold Crystal, so there is no need for Li Ming to explain it.

Li Ming was not angry with Kunpeng's attitude, he was still not in a hurry, and said: "It's not very difficult to dissolve the cold crystal of water and fire, you just need to supplement it with a touchstone, and then forge it with the different fires of heaven and earth, and change it easily to disconnect it." .”

"Touchstone? What is that?" Kunpeng asked curiously.

Li Ming smiled and said: "Touchstone is something that lowers the melting point of metal materials, and all crafts need to rely on this thing. However, water flame cold crystal is a very special material, so a good touchstone is also needed!"

"A good touchstone? Where can I get it?" Kunpeng asked impatiently.

At this time, I only heard the elder of the second clan say: "Don't go anywhere, I have it here!"

Saying that, the old man of the second clan flipped his hand and took it, and a golden thing appeared in the middle of the old man's hand!
 I will go back to my hometown later. If I still have time to write in the evening, there will be a third update. If not, there will only be two updates today.

(End of this chapter)

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