The best immortal emperor

Chapter 63 Thunder Tribulation

Chapter 63 Thunder Tribulation
There is miasma in the mountains, too much of it is not good for the body.Moreover, divine consciousness is difficult to penetrate, and only the primordial spirit can be cultivated!

Zhu Wei and others chased Li Ming into the mountain, but they lost sight of Li Ming after a while.

"Run fast!" a monk cursed.

I only heard Zhu Wei say: "Li Ming can't run far, everyone chases separately, once there is a clue, the cloud piercing arrow will be the number!"

"Yes!" Several subordinates immediately dispersed.

Li Ming flew for a while, seeing that no one was chasing him, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, no one came after him!"

However, Li Ming didn't dare to be careless, and flew into the deep mountains for a while.

After walking through five or six mountains in a row and changing direction three times, Li Ming felt somewhat safe.

Li Ming couldn't be more comfortable getting rid of tracking this matter!
However, fortunately, there is a miasma in this mountain, otherwise, in the plains, no matter how good you are at hiding your divine actions, you will have nowhere to hide under the scanning of your spiritual consciousness!
Li Ming opened up a simple cave, sat in it to retreat, and then sealed the entrance of the cave with rocks.

In a blink of an eye, four or five days passed.

The true energy in Li Ming's body had gathered to the limit, and there were occasional black clouds gathering above the cave.

Li Ming knew that the day of crossing the catastrophe was coming soon!
Zhu Wei and others wandered around the mountains for several days, but they still couldn't find Li Ming.

However, on this day, they saw a group of black clouds gathered above the mountains not far away.

Zhu Wei said coldly, "He hid there!"

Immediately, Zhu Wei used the cloud-piercing arrow for communication, and several subordinates quickly gathered.

"Brother Zhu, have you found that kid Li Ming?"

"There's a cloud of black clouds above the mountain, and nine out of ten it's Li Ming! Let's go, we must deal with him before he crosses the catastrophe, otherwise it will be quite troublesome!" Zhu Wei said.


Immediately, Zhu Wei and the others flew towards the mountain.

When Li Ming came out of the cave, there was a thunderbolt in the clear sky, the originally vain black clouds suddenly became as black as ink, and the surrounding area was even more violent.

Li Ming looked up at the black clouds in the sky, and murmured, "My Thunder Tribulation is coming too!"

Before and after, Li Ming saw Longquan patriarch Ying Jie, Wu Daozi crossing Jie, and Mo Xia crossing Jie.

Among the three, only Mo Xia succeeded in crossing the tribulation.

Afterwards, I heard from Mo Xia that thanks to the magic circle she arranged, it would have been dangerous otherwise.

It can be seen that crossing the catastrophe is a very dangerous thing!
Li Ming took a deep breath, looked at the Lightning Inducing Talisman and the Spirit Healing Pill in his hands, and said to himself, "It should be fine, right?"

As he spoke, Li Ming swallowed the Linghe Pill in one gulp, and then stuck the Lightning Charm on his body.

Hearing Brother Zhu's words, Li Ming set up a simple magic circle around the surrounding area with thunder charms.

This magic circle is not used for defense, but to let more lightning enter the body!

When Li Ming thought of what Xia Xiaoman said about being burnt on the outside but tender on the inside, he felt goose bumps all over his body.

Just after setting up the formation, a bright light suddenly flashed across the sky, like a snake letter, descending from the sky and slashing straight at Li Ming.

"It's coming!" Li Ming took a deep breath, and activated the effect of He Ling Pill to protect his internal organs.

There was a flash of lightning, followed by a bang, like an explosion that opened up the world, and it was deafening, and it spread to Leixing Mountain dozens of miles away!
The louder the thunder, the stronger the Lei Wei, and the stronger the person who crosses the tribulation!

Generally, for a small calamity like Foundation Establishment, it is already very powerful if the sound of thunder can travel four or five miles.

Not to mention, tens of miles, dozens of miles!

The thunder of dozens of miles can only be achieved by those super talented disciples of super sects!

Li Ming has no background and no more resources, but he did it!

The thunder of Wa Ke woke up every monk in Leixing Mountain, including the owner of Leixing Mountain.

I only heard Master Lei Shan muttering to himself, "Which super sect's super genius is going through the tribulation here? Do you want to go and see?"

(End of this chapter)

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