The best immortal emperor

Chapter 632 Fenghuang, let me wait for a hexagram!

Chapter 632 Fenghuang, let me wait for a hexagram!
Li Ming can feel the respect that the elders of the Fengzu clan have for him, and it's definitely not hypocrisy.

However, the heart of defense is indispensable!

Before seeing a person clearly, it is better to keep some vigilance.

After all, this is a completely different world from Earth!
At this moment, the elder of the great clan released his primordial spirit, covering the entire Nine Dragons Divine Cauldron.

However, this Nine Dragons Divine Cauldron is the only treasured cauldron in the world, except for the owner of the cauldron furnace, outsiders cannot find out the situation inside the cauldron furnace at all.

And this Nine Dragons Divine Cauldron is the supreme treasure of the Feng Clan, and only the patriarch has the right to refine it.

However, Li Ming is only in the Nascent Soul Realm now, and it will be impossible to refine this Nine Dragons Divine Cauldron within five or six years!

After a while, the elder of the great clan withdrew his primordial spirit, looked helpless, shook his head and said, "Fenghuang, I don't have that ability, and I still can't find out everything inside the Nine Dragons Divine Cauldron."

Even the most powerful clan elders can't find out, let alone the rest of the clan elders.

Li Ming was stunned, and couldn't help frowning, thinking: "What should I do? If you can't find out the situation inside the Nine Dragons Divine Cauldron, you will have no way of knowing the situation of resurrection. If you open the cauldron cover rashly, it is very likely that the cauldron The Resurrection Pill is scrapped."

You know, with the current level of alchemy of the Feng clan, it is impossible to refine the resurrection pill.

Looking at the Nine Dragons Divine Cauldron that felt warm to the touch, Li Ming was very anxious and didn't know what to do.

But speaking of it, this Nine Dragons Divine Cauldron is quite miraculous.

Tens of thousands of years have passed, but it is still warm, like a warm cradle nourishing the resurrection pill.

This is also the reason why Li Ming believes that the resurrection pill inside has not yet been scrapped!

In the silence, the high priest stroked his beard and said, "Fenghuang, let me wait for a divination!"

Li Ming was stunned. Besides being proficient in alchemy, the Feng clan was also proficient in divination and deduction.

However, not all clansmen can become priests.

Only very few people with talent in this area can do it.

Although priests have no real power in the Feng Clan, their status is very high.

Even Feng Huang couldn't offend the priest casually.

After all, priests pray for blessings and avoid disasters.

Who doesn't want to seek good luck and avoid bad luck?

Li Ming heard what the high priest said, although he was skeptical in his heart.

But thinking about what he has seen and heard over the years, this priest's method may not be the right way.

The High Priest Li Mingchao nodded and said, "Then the High Priest will be here."

"Fenghuang, these are what we should do." The high priest said humbly.

Afterwards, they nodded to each other.

The high priest and several other priests came forward and surrounded the Nine Dragons Divine Cauldron.

All clan elders and Li Ming stepped back to one side, don't disturb them.

Several other priests danced to the high priest's recitation, chanting words, but they couldn't tell what they were chanting.

Li Ming didn't know what the purpose of their dance was, but it was a bit like the great dancer in the southern border of the earth.

This ceremony lasted for half an hour, and finally accompanied by the high priest shouted, "Take it!"

The other priests stopped immediately.

The high priest took out a bamboo tube out of thin air, and there were some bamboo sticks in the bamboo tube, and the high priest shook the bamboo tube.

It lasted for almost half a stick of incense, and the sticks flew out from the bamboo tube.

If he hadn't known that this was the most respected high priest of the Feng clan, Li Ming would have thought he had encountered a charlatan.

The bamboo stick fell to the ground, and the high priest picked it up.

I saw the high priest waved his sleeve, and suddenly the plain bamboo stick emitted a brilliant light, and four characters appeared on the white bamboo stick, sign up, good luck!

(End of this chapter)

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