Chapter 645

To create such an extraordinary thing as Tissot, you need to spend a lot of manpower, material resources, and financial resources!
Even if the Feng Clan was determined to win, it would not be easy to build a Tiansuo when the Feng Kingdom was established, let alone the current down-and-out Feng Clan.

It was beyond anyone's expectation that Li Ming could produce such a treasure.

I only heard Li Ming say: "The elder of the clan, first send the clansman to the Star Continent through the secret teleportation array, and then use the Tianshuo to transport the supplies."

The flying speed of Tiansuo is not as fast as that of the teleportation array. The Star Continent is far away, and it seems impossible to use Tiansuo to transport nearly ten thousand people to the Star Continent.

The teleportation array is still convenient and fast, but there is a possibility of being discovered by the Star Continent forces!
Now, it's just a race against time.

Li Ming followed the whole process, and if he was discovered by accident, he would enter Tiansuo, escape to the interstellar space, and then plot slowly!

The elder of the great clan nodded and said, "Second brother, you should first go to Xingchen Continent to find a place to stay. Third brother, you are in charge of gathering the clan members. Fourth brother, you are in charge of the classics in the clan. Fifth brother, I will hand over the nine-heart phoenix tree to you. , and others cooperate.”

"Yes, big brother!" Everyone responded, and then got busy!

The elders of the second clan take the lead, and the elders of the third clan gather their clansmen.

Everyone went to the Star Continent through the teleportation array.

Li Ming was the first group to arrive at the Star Continent, but he still doesn't know where he went. When the elders of the second clan came back, all the clansmen gathered near the teleportation for the time being.

In about five or six days, nearly [-] members of the Feng Clan arrived at the Star Continent.

By this time, the various forces in the Star Continent hadn't noticed anything, and Li Ming couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

However, the elders of the second clan still have not responded.

Li Ming didn't care too much, and settled the old and young in the clan into Tiansuo first.

When the elders of the second clan come back, they will set off immediately!
Tissot's space does not include him, and at most five or six hundred people can be accommodated at a time.

If you want to bring all the clansmen to the new home, you need to go back and forth at least sixteen or seven times!
In the evening of that day, the elder of the second clan finally came back and said, "Fenghuang, I found an island in the sea, which is very suitable for the clan to settle down."

"Okay, let's go immediately!" Li Ming said.

"Yes!" The elder of the second clan replied.

Immediately, Li Ming drove Tissot to the new residence under the guidance of the elders of the second clan.

The flying speed of Tissot is unparalleled, even the elders of the second clan are a bit inferior!

In less than an hour, they arrived at the island mentioned by the elders of the second clan.

Li Ming controlled Tiansuo to land and put down all the young and old.

Immediately, return immediately to pick up the rest of the tribe.

If it is true, it took sixteen times to go back and forth, and then all the clansmen were brought to Xinju Island.

The elders of the second family stayed on the island and began to lay the foundation for the formation.

Li Ming returned to the Feng clan from the teleportation array after sending off the clansmen.

All the materials have been put in place, and Li Ming started to ship them as soon as he arrived.

Among them, the most troublesome one is the nine-heart sycamore tree with a lifespan of 3000 years.

Because it is too large to fit into Tissot at all.

Until now, I have not thought of a good way!
The other materials have been packed almost seventy-eight eighty-eight, and only this huge nine-heart sycamore is left.

I only heard the elder of the great clan say: "Feng Huang, this Nine Hearts sycamore is too big to fit into Tiansuo. Now the only option is for a strong man to cut off his wrist, cut off this Nine Hearts sycamore, and pack it separately."

In this way, the 3000-year-old Nine Heart Indus will be destroyed.

This is too serious a loss for the Feng Clan.

But what if you don't?

(End of this chapter)

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