Chapter 650

After getting off the fairy ship, Li Ming took Tan Xiaoling and Lin Ruyu to Luoshui City.

Luoshui City is a small city, the kind where you can see the end at a glance from the gate.

It was hard for Lin Ruyu to imagine that such a small city hides such a master. If Li Ming hadn't told them, they would not have believed it!
After paying the Lingshi, the group of three entered Luoshui City.

Tan Xiaoling lived in Luoshui City for a while, so she is very familiar with the situation in Luoshui City.

After a while, the three of them arrived at Uncle Jiu's shop.

The door of the shop was still ajar as usual, Li Ming whispered twice: "Uncle Jiu, I'm the one who's back."

However, Uncle Jiu's voice did not come from the shop.

Li Ming was slightly startled, and opened the door suspiciously.

The yard was in a mess, with obvious signs of fighting, and even the trees were uprooted.

Li Ming's expression couldn't help changing, and he asked himself: "What's going on?"

After a slight pause, Li Ming hurriedly walked inside, shouting as he walked, "Uncle Jiu, Uncle Jiu."

However, no one responded.

All of a sudden, Li Ming couldn't help being anxious.

Pushing the door open and entering the house, the wine jars inside were scattered all over the floor, with a lot of dust on it.

Obviously, no one has lived here for a long time.

Li Ming's face sank to the bottom, he didn't know what happened, "Could it be that Uncle Jiu left this place after the incident that day?"

However, just when Li Ming was hesitating, a voice came to Li Ming's ears, "Li Ming, is it you?"

Li Ming paused, who else could this voice be from Uncle Jiu?
Li Ming asked, "Uncle Jiu, where are you?"

"Don't bark, I sensed that a strong man was nearby, and his aura was very similar to that of the Feng Clan member who caught you last time, so I hid on purpose." Uncle Jiu Chuannian said.

It turned out that the situation in the yard and the house was deliberately created by Uncle Jiu to deceive others.

It's just that Uncle Jiu didn't expect Li Ming to come at this time.

Li Ming couldn't help laughing when he heard Uncle Jiu's words, and said, "Uncle Jiu, come out, you're one of us."

"One of our own? What's the situation?" Uncle Jiu was stunned, confused, not sure what the situation was.

At this time, I saw Li Ming raised his head and shouted to the sky: "Second Clan Elder."

The next moment, a figure descended from the sky, landed beside Li Ming, and asked respectfully, "Feng Huang, what are your orders?"

I only heard Li Ming say: "Uncle Jiu, come out, you are really one of your own."

Uncle Jiu secretly saw the attitude of the elders of the second clan towards Li Ming, walked out dubiously, and looked suspiciously at Li Ming and the strong man of the Feng clan!
Li Ming introduced: "The elder of the second clan, this is Uncle Jiu, who used to take good care of me."

Uncle Chao Jiu nodded slightly, and apologized: "I'm sorry last time, the shot was too much."

"It's okay, it's okay, you said you knew me from Li Ming, so I won't do anything." Uncle Jiu said with a smile.

"Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings. The matter has passed, so don't take it to heart." Li Ming smoothed things over.

"Haha." Uncle Jiu smiled and didn't care.

I saw Li Ming take out the fine wine that I bought along the way, and said: "Uncle Jiu, these are the fine wines I bought along the way."

"Is there any from your hometown?" Uncle Jiu asked impatiently.

"Eh..." Li Ming paused, embarrassedly said: "Uncle Jiu, I haven't been back to my hometown for a long time, I will definitely bring it for you next time I go back."

"Not only do you have to bring it, but you also need to measure it enough, at least three thousand altars!" Uncle Jiu was not polite to Li Ming either.

"No problem, no problem!" Li Ming said in one go.

(End of this chapter)

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