Chapter 653

Uncle Jiu gritted his teeth and said, "You're so cruel, I can't go!"

"No!" The city guard said with a smile.

"Hmph!" Uncle Jiu turned and left.

However, he passed on the idea to Li Ming and said, "Li Ming, I can't get in. You can find a way to help me steal some high-level wine. This hateful blood spirit lion!"

The blood spirit Qiushi can recognize thousands of smells, and Uncle Jiu was blacklisted, although he changed his appearance.

However, there is no way to change the smell on the body.

Therefore, as soon as Uncle Jiu walked towards the city gate, the blood spirit Qiushi noticed and appeared to block Uncle Jiu's way.

At this time, the guards of the city walked towards Li Ming and said, "Guys, I don't know what kind of relationship you have with Jiang, but I need to remind you that this is Gaotian City. When you come to Gaotian City, you will You have to abide by the rules of Gaotiancheng!"

Hearing this, the elders of the second clan couldn't help but change their expressions, a little annoyed.

Li Ming, on the other hand, said with a smile on his face, "Naturally, we are actually not familiar with that person."

"Unfamiliarity is best!" the city guard snorted coldly, and then jumped back to the tower.

Seeing Uncle Jiu fly away, Xueling Qiushi walked towards the original position step by step.

Then he sat down, and in less than half a moment, he turned into a stone lion again.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, Li Mingyan would not have believed it!
After a slight pause, Li Ming said, "Let's go, let's go into the city!"

Afterwards, the group entered Gaotian City.

It's just that Uncle Jiu's confession before he left made Li Ming frowned, stealing wine?

This is so out of standard!

I only heard that Li Ming said in his heart: "Let's go to the city and have a look. It would be great if you can buy spirit stones with flowers. If not, then think of a way."

After entering the city, the streets were bustling with monks, and everyone came to the auction house.

Now, there are still two days until the auction.

Li Ming first found a restaurant and planned to stay.

Although the number of sects who came to participate was not as high as usual, there were quite a few, and the restaurant was almost full.

Li Ming searched six or seven restaurants before finding two vacant rooms.

Moreover, it was just an ordinary room, and the better ones had been booked half a year ago.

Li Ming didn't have any requirements for accommodation.

If he was alone, it would be no problem to eat and sleep in the open.

However, now that the second daughter is by her side, she must not be so casual.

After checking in, I found an empty table and ordered some dishes.

Li Ming, Uncle Jiu, and the elders of the second family are so powerful that it is no problem not to eat or drink.

However, Tan Xiaoling and Lin Ruyu couldn't do it, they were just ordinary monks.

Especially Lin Ruyu, who has not even reached the stage of foundation establishment.

Along the way, I hardly ate much, and I was already hungry.

After a while, the waiter in the shop brought up the dishes.

Lin Ruyu was already so hungry that she couldn't care less about her ladylike image, so she picked up chopsticks and started eating.

"Come, come, let's eat together." Li Ming said frantically.

The elders of the second clan hadn't eaten these whole grains for many years, and had already forgotten the taste of these vulgar foods. They took a few bites with their chopsticks and then put them down.

Tan Xiaoling's attachment to food is weaker than Lin Ruyu's, and her food taste is not as exaggerated as Lin Ruyu's.

Li Ming has long since gotten rid of his attachment to food, he eats what he has, and he is fine if he has nothing to eat.

Eating and chatting, how pleasant it is.

However, at this time, there was a jeer from the next table, and a woman said to the man next to her, "Look, what's the difference between that woman's eating and pig's? What a disgrace! She's sitting next to us! How unlucky!"

 The eruption starts at 11:30 tomorrow.In two days, it is estimated that about [-] chapters will erupt, and everyone who has a ticket will smash it.This is the most updated hero ever!

(End of this chapter)

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