The best immortal emperor

Chapter 657 I Like Drinking

Chapter 657 I Like Drinking

"Okay, okay, absolutely okay! However, I can't make the decision on this matter alone. I have to go back and discuss it with a few people." Elder Su said.

"Okay! I live in Yueming Restaurant. If you agree to take it over, you can find me there." Li Ming said.

"Yueming Restaurant? Alright, I'll remember." Elder Su said.

Afterwards, Li Ming and his party left the auction house.

At this time, it was already dark.

However, Gaotian City is brightly lit and bright.

Hearing Lin Ruyu's stomach growling, Li Ming smiled and said, "Let's go back to the restaurant to eat!"

Lin Ruyu lowered her head shyly, looking at her disappointing stomach.

After a little effort, Li Ming and his party returned to the restaurant.

All the tables in the restaurant were full, so Li Ming could only ask Xiao Er to deliver the food and drinks to the room.

The elders of the second clan were not interested in eating, Chuannian said: "Fenghuang, I'm going back to my room first."

"Okay." Li Ming replied.

Upstairs, the elders of the second family went back to their room, while Li Ming and the others sat in the room and began to eat and drink.

Li Ming and the others left the auction house, and Elder Su reported the matter of Lingshui to the owner of the auction house.

Finally, report to the Gao family in Gao Tiancheng.

The next day, Li Ming was still asleep when he was awakened by the voice transmission of the elder of the second clan.

Li Ming was startled, it turned out that Elder Su from the auction house came.

Immediately, Li Ming got up.

Last night, the phoenix and the phoenix were turned upside down, and the battle was in the dark.

The second daughter is unstoppable and exhausted.

At this moment, the second daughter is sleeping soundly.

Li Ming walked out of the room lightly, without disturbing them.

Open the door, the elders of the second clan are already waiting outside.

Afterwards, a group of two people went downstairs.

As soon as he came to the hall downstairs, Elder Su led a follower into the restaurant.

Elder Su smiled and asked, "Li Daoyou, how did you rest last night?"

"It's okay." Li Ming said, cutting straight to the point, "Elder Su came to the door early in the morning, so there must be a result."

"Li Daoyou, you are satisfied with the safekeeping this time." Elder Su said with a smile.

"Elder Su, please tell me." Li Ming said.

I only heard that Elder Su said: "Li Daoyou, you can only give up four points at most."

"Four points?" Li Ming couldn't help but frowned, looking a little displeased, and said, "Elder Su, your bank has no sincerity at all!"

Li Ming's bottom line allowed at least five points, six points would be even better, but the opponent only allowed four points.

This made Li Ming very unhappy, and the elders of the second clan were also very unhappy.

Elder Su said hastily: "Li Daoyou, don't worry, I haven't finished yet."

Li Ming was startled, and looked at Elder Su suspiciously.

I only heard that Elder Su said: "In addition to giving up four points, we allow Li Daoyou to give priority to picking one lot and sell it at the original purchase price."

"En?" Li Ming was startled, looking a little surprised.

Elder Su continued: "Li Daoyou, you should know that the items that can be auctioned in our auction house are not ordinary goods. How is it? Is this preferential treatment okay?"

Li Ming pondered for a while, and added: "I have one more request!"

"Any more requests?" Elder Su was taken aback, frowning a little.This is already the biggest discount given by their auction house, but they still said patiently: "Please tell me!"

"I like to drink, especially the wine from your Gao Tiancheng, so I hope..." Li Ming said with a smile.

"It's easy to say, easy to say! Enough!" Elder Su's face suddenly glowed, and he laughed. He thought Li Ming wanted something, but it turned out it was just drinks.

(End of this chapter)

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