Chapter 661

After flying for a while and leaving Gao Tiancheng's sphere of influence, Li Ming let the elders of the second clan fall back to the ground.

I only heard that the elders of the second clan asked worriedly: "Fenghuang, what happened?"

"I've found a treasure. I've definitely found a treasure this time! Quickly set up a large formation to conceal the sky, and I will let this treasure come out and see what kind of treasure it is!" Li Ming said excitedly.

The second and fifth elders were at a loss, not knowing what Li Ming was talking about.

However, he still followed Li Ming's instructions.

Immediately, the elders of the second clan set up a small concealing array.

Immediately, Li Ming was seen taking out the colorful phoenix feather cloak.

I saw Li Ming cut a cut in the palm of his hand, and shouted: "Second Clan Elder, help me!"

The elders of the second clan immediately understood what Li Ming meant, and helped Li Ming squeeze out a few drops of blood.

The elders of the two clans were puzzled, and thought to themselves: "Could it be that there is something weird about this colorful phoenix feather cloak? Did I miss it?"

The phoenix blood dripped onto the cloak of colorful phoenix feathers, and immediately ignited a raging fire. This is the fire of the real phoenix, and it is powerful!

In an instant, the colorful cloak was burned to ashes by the fire of the real phoenix.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help but startled, and said to himself: "Could it be my fault? But I was accidentally scratched by the feathers on the seven-colored phoenix feather cloak in the treasure house just now. The kind of heart-to-heart sympathy has never been seen before." Is the resonance just my illusion?"

The elders of the second family were full of question marks, and looked at Li Ming in puzzlement. A good seven-color phoenix feather cloak was turned into ashes like this?
However, at this moment, the ashes on the ground suddenly ignited flames, stabbed open with a puff sound, which frightened Li Ming and the second clan.

Seeing the raging fire, Li Ming was stunned for a moment, only feeling that there seemed to be something calling him in the raging fire.

I saw Li Ming reaching out his hand and looking towards the raging fire.

"Fenghuang..." Seeing this, the elders of the second clan were really surprised, that raging fire is not simple!
"It's okay!" Li Ming said, telling him so intuitively!
I saw Li Ming stretching his hand into the raging fire, and the raging fire spread out all of a sudden, and Li Ming instantly became a burning man!
The old man of the second clan was startled, and wanted to help, but Li Ming waved his hand and said, "No, I feel fine!"

Agni gradually weakened, and finally only Li Ming's back was left.

After a while, the flames receded slowly, but something appeared.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a cloak with golden feathers.

"This..." The old man of the second clan was taken aback, and couldn't believe his eyes.

When Li Ming's true essence moved, his cloak ignited a raging fire, very majestic.

At this time, the elders of the second clan were sure that this was not something else, but one of the eight sacred objects of their Feng clan, the golden flame and phoenix feather cloak!
The elders of the second clan had to admire Li Ming's vision, even the elders of the second clan hadn't seen the true face of Lushan Mountain in the colorful phoenix feather cloak, Li Ming could!
At the same time, I was secretly glad that Li Ming saw it, otherwise it would be a great loss for their Feng Clan!
Compared with the Jinghe Dragon Stone, Sun Piercing Star Arrow, and Miechen Halberd, the Golden Flame Phoenix Feather Cape is undoubtedly more valuable to the Feng Clan!

The old man of the second family asked curiously: "Fenghuang, how did you see its true face in Mount Lu?"

Li Ming smiled and said: "Actually, I'm not sure. When I saw it for the first time, I felt inexplicably kind. Later, when I held it in my hand and was about to put it back, the feathers on it accidentally pricked my finger. At that time, This thing actually resonated with the immortal heart. Therefore, it was recognized as extraordinary. Otherwise, how would I choose it!"

"So that's how it is, that's how it is! It's a great blessing for my Feng Clan!" the elder of the second clan sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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