Chapter 671

Soon, Uncle Jiu took Li Ming and caught up with the elders of the second clan.

Uncle Jiu Chuannian asked, "Li Ming, what happened?"

Li Ming briefly explained everything that happened in Gaotian City.

Hearing this, Uncle Jiu couldn't help frowning, and said: "Although the Taibai Sect is not a top sect, their sect Zhang Pengyi has some skills."

"En?" Li Ming paused and asked, "Uncle Jiu, how do you compare?"

Uncle Jiu's expression became slightly unnatural, and he said awkwardly, "I'm not his opponent."

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help taking a deep breath, no wonder Elder Su reminded himself to be careful, it seems that this Taibai sect is not a soft persimmon!

I don't know who else Taibai Zongzong advocated Pengyi invited?
Li Ming frowned slightly, hoping to be safe and sound!

The old man of the second clan and Uncle Jiu flew into the sky to escape, leading Li Ming and his party to rush in the direction where the old man came from!
As soon as the auction ended, Taibai Zong advocated Pengyi and received the news that Li Ming would leave the city early.

Immediately, Zhang Pengyi didn't care about the follow-up matters of the auction, so he invited a few friends who had made an appointment before, and chased him out of the city!

After leaving Gaotian City, there is wilderness everywhere, extending in all directions, who knows where Li Ming and the others are flying to.

However, Zhang Pengyi was already prepared and took out a flat, round copper box with his hands.

Open the round copper box, and a colorful butterfly flew out of it.

I only heard Zhang Pengyi chanting: "Die Er, it's up to you!"

The colorful butterfly circled Zhang Pengyi twice, and suddenly flew in a certain direction.

It wasn't another direction, it was the direction Li Mingdun was going in.

This colorful butterfly is nothing but a causal butterfly!
The tragic death of Zhang Pengyi's second daughter involved several people, but the ultimate root cause was Li Ming.

Zhang Pengyi feeds the karma butterfly with his own blood, which is to add this karma to his body.

As long as Li Ming is not dead, and the causal butterfly is not dead, even if Li Ming goes to the ends of the earth, Zhang Pengyi can find Li Ming by relying on the causal butterfly.

The causal butterfly is not an ordinary butterfly, and its flying speed is also extremely fast, not slower than Zhang Pengyi.

At this moment, the causal butterfly turned into a ribbon and fled away quickly!
Zhang Pengyi and the few friends he invited followed closely behind.

Uncle Jiu was not as strong as Zhang Pengyi, and his flying speed was also slightly slower.

At this moment, Uncle Jiu was even taking Li Ming with him, and he couldn't maximize his speed.

However, Zhang Pengyi was different, chasing him at the fastest speed.

One ebb and flow, the result can be imagined.

In a blink of an eye, it was dark.

Li Ming and the others didn't dare to have any delays, they traveled non-stop without stopping.

The King of Hanzhong was deceived by the Yue Xinghu for [-] million. The King of Hanzhong couldn't deal with the Yue Xinghu, so he naturally took his full anger on Li Ming.

However, when he came out of the auction house, he learned that Li Ming had already left Gaotian City.

In the end, King Hanzhong had no choice but to swallow his sulking stomach!
It was night, the moon was shining brightly, but the forest was silent.

The two figures quickly passed by, startling a bird in the forest.

After a while, several figures chased after him.

It was none other than Zhang Pengyi and his friends who caught up!
At this moment, the elders of the second clan had already sensed Zhang Pengyi and the others, so they passed on and said: "Old Jiu, please take Li Ming and his two wives away safely, I will stop them!"

"This..." Uncle Jiu hesitated a little, feeling that it would be unfair to do so.

I only heard Li Ming say: "Uncle Jiu, listen to him."

"Okay!" Uncle Jiu responded.

Immediately, Uncle Jiu took the three of them and flew away.

Because of bringing three people with him, the speed of the flight suddenly slowed down a bit.

At this moment, the elders of the second clan flew towards Zhang Pengyi, blocking their way.

Zhang Pengyi paused and asked, "Who are you?"

"I'm the person you're looking for, and I'm responsible for your daughter's death!" said the elder of the second clan.

"En?" Zhang Pengyi paused for a while, then came back to his senses and asked, "Are you that old man next to Li Riyue?"

"That's right, it's the old man!" The elder of the second clan snorted coldly.

"Okay, okay! It's just in time. I will give you a chance to catch you without a fight, and I can leave you a dead body!" Zhang Pengyi snorted angrily.

"The whole corpse? The little Taibai sect is so rampant! If you want my life, show your real skills!" The elder of the second clan shouted coldly.

"Looking for death!" Zhang Pengyi was furious, and immediately attacked the elder of the second clan.

According to the eldest disciple, Li Riyue is only in the Nascent Soul Realm, and the only thing to be feared is the old man who follows him, that is, the old man of the second clan!
Zhang Pengyi invited three friends to deal with the elders of the second clan!
At this moment, Zhang Pengyi made the first move, while the other three friends swept aside, waiting for the opportunity to move.

Zhang Pengyi was alone, and the elders of the second clan didn't take him seriously, and after a little show of power, they easily suppressed Zhang Pengyi.

Obviously, fighting alone, Zhang Pengyi is not the opponent of the elders of the second clan.

Zhang Pengyi saw that the situation was not good, and shouted: "Everyone, let's fight together, first capture and kill this old thing, and then go after Li Ming!"

"Are you going to go together? Hehe!" The elder of the second clan sneered.

"Come on, let's talk about the capture!" Zhang Pengyi already disregarded any morals.

The three friends who were invited by Zhang Pengyi bowed their hands to the elders of the second clan and said, "Your Excellency, we have no personal enmity with you. We are simply using other people's money to eliminate disasters for others. Please forgive me!"

"Taking people's money?" The elder of the second clan paused, and asked, "How much benefit does the surname Zhang give you?"

The three looked at each other, but no one answered.

I only heard that the elder of the second clan continued to say: "No matter how much Zhang Pengyi has given you, I will double it to you. I don't ask you to kill Zhang Pengyi for me. I just hope that the three of you will stop meddling in this matter, okay?"

The elders of the second clan said that they didn't really expect these three to stand by and watch.People who can be invited by Zhang Pengyi must have deep friendship besides money, and they will definitely not be incited to rebel just because of a few words from the elders of the second clan.

The old man of the second clan just wanted to delay the time, and his intuition told him that big brother and the others are coming soon!

The three of them paused when they heard what the elders of the second clan said.

I saw that Zhang Pengyi was quite self-confident: "Do you think you can instigate rebellion by paying double the benefits? Naive! These three are my life-and-death friends with Zhang Pengyi. Why would you stand by and watch because of your benefits? My dead second daughter , but call them uncle!"

After a slight pause, Zhang Pengyi continued to shout: "Let's attack together, let's deal with him first!"

"Okay!" The three friends responded.

Immediately, the four of Zhang Pengyi attacked the elders of the second clan.

The elders of the second clan looked stern, and released the bone spirit Hei Yan, ready to fight to the death!
That day, the elders of the two clans relied on the bone spirit Heiyan to deal with three masters of the god transformation with ease, and seriously injured one of them!
Now, when dealing with the four masters of the God Transformation Realm, they dare not relax in the slightest.

Obviously, it is the limit of the elders of the second clan to deal with the four gods!What's more, each of these four is better than last time!
 Ask for a reward, ask for a vote.This is the day with the most updates for heroes in a single day, 18 updates.Didn't let everyone down?It will be updated one after another tomorrow, and strive to reach a total of thirty chapters.Ask for support, ask for rewards, ask for recommendation tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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