Chapter 675
"Want to escape?" The elder of the clan snorted coldly, seeing a flaming lotus rising from his palm, he shouted loudly: "Go!"

Immediately, the flame lotus flew out.

This thing is nothing else, it is the red lotus karmic fire that only the underworld has!

As soon as the red lotus karma came out, the surroundings were immediately oppressed. Even if the old people of the second clan were protected by the bone spirit Hei Yan, they still felt very uncomfortable!Not to mention, Zhang Pengyi and the others!

The complexions of the people invited by Zhang Pengyi changed instantly, and only one of them begged for mercy: "Senior, it's none of our business, we just use people's money to eliminate disasters for others, in fact, we don't have any friendship with Zhang Pengyi!"

"Yes, yes, seniors don't kill us, we are willing to..."

"Whoever hurts my clan will die!" The elders of the clan didn't listen to their sophistry at all!

Seeing this, Zhang Pengyi could only grit his teeth and shouted: "In this case, you two, we can only fight to the death!"

"It's up to you? Die!" The big clan elder smiled dismissively, and the power of the red lotus fire increased tremendously.

Knowing that the most dangerous moment had come, Zhang Pengyi and others resorted to housekeeping skills in an attempt to escape.

However, how can the big family's old Red Lotus Ye Huo be so easy to deal with?

In an instant, the magic weapons sacrificed by Zhang Pengyi and others were melted by the red lotus fire.

Immediately after, Zhang Pengyi and the others followed in the footsteps of those magic weapons!
As for the guy who saw the situation was not good and turned around and ran away, he also failed to escape death. After he was caught up by the elders of the big clan, he was beaten to death!

At this time, I only heard the elder of the second clan ask: "Where is the patriarch? Can you find the patriarch?"

"Don't worry, second brother, fifth brother is guarding the patriarch!" said the elder of the three clans.

Hearing this, the elders of the second clan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The big clan returned as soon as they got old, beheading a master of the god transformation in an instant.

Seeing Uncle Jiu beside Second Brother, he asked, "Second Brother, who is this?"

"Brother Hui, this is Jiang Shili, the patriarch's friend, Uncle Jiu. Thanks to him, I was able to persist until you came, otherwise..." said the elder of the second clan.

The old man of the clan nodded his head, and said to Uncle Jiu: "Brother Jiang, we will keep this love in our hearts, and if we are assigned in the future, we will definitely die!"

"Senior is serious." Uncle Jiu was terrified.

"Don't mind, if you don't mind, just call me big brother like my second brother!" said the old man of the rich family.

"Brother!" Uncle Jiu shouted.

"Let's go, get out of here first!" said the big clan elder.

Immediately, a group of people flew into the sky and escaped from the ground, rushing to meet Li Ming!

Li Ming was relieved when he saw that the old man of the second clan and Uncle Jiu were safe and sound.

Uncle Jiu drank the holy wine, and the overdraft was too serious, so Li Ming took out a bottle of holy water and gave Uncle Jiu to drink it.

Immediately, Uncle Jiu felt different.

It takes at least half a year for the sequelae of holy wine to disappear, but at this time Uncle Jiu feels that he will be cured within three days!

Sure enough, Uncle Jiu recovered after three days.

When it came time to say goodbye, Li Ming took out Gao Tianjiu and gave it all to Uncle Jiu.

Uncle Jiu is full of joy, nothing makes him happier than wine!
The group bid farewell, and Uncle Jiu returned to Luoshui City!

Li Ming went back to Fengdao with the elders of the big family!
Along the way, there is not much delay, day and night.

Half a month later, a group of people came to Fengdao.

In mid-air, Tan Xiaoling looked down at Fengdao below, and couldn't help praising: "What a beautiful island!"

Indeed, Fengdao is very different now, it is no longer the deserted island before!

After returning to Fengdao, it didn't take long before the day when the patriarch took over the ceremony!

(End of this chapter)

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