Chapter 682

The two stayed in this empty house for a long time. After Lin Ruyu accepted the facts before him, Li Ming took Lin Ruyu to the tomb of Lin's father and Lin's mother!

Seeing the familiar name engraved on the tombstone, Lin Ruyu, who had just stopped crying, began to cry again.

Lin Ruyu knelt down and cried, "Dad, Mom, I'm back to see you."

Li Ming also knelt down and said seriously: "Uncle, Auntie, rest in peace in Jiuquan, I will definitely treat Ruyu well."

This cry was like a mountain torrent bursting its embankment, out of control.

It wasn't until dark that Lin Ruyu regained consciousness.

The old house of the Lin family was empty, and the Lin family didn't know where they had moved, and they couldn't be contacted for a while.

I only heard Li Ming say: "Ruyu, find a hotel to stay in today, and tomorrow I will check to see where Rumeng and the others have moved."

"Okay." Lin Ruyu replied.

Immediately, Li Ming took Lin Ruyu to the sky to escape, and left the cemetery in the blink of an eye.

They found a top-notch hotel, and Li Ming and Lin Ruyu stayed there.

Li Ming will be over a hundred years old next year, and his identity information will no longer be available, but this does not bother Li Ming.

The Nascent Soul strongman is proficient in the art of transformation, so he randomly took two ID cards on the street, changed into the appearance on the ID card, and moved in easily.

Today is a painful day for Lin Ruyu.

For Li Ming, it was also a day of cutting dust.

When this matter is over, Li Ming's relationship with the world will also be cut off. In the future, he will not be entangled in such mundane things and disturb his mind in the way of practice!
In the middle of the night, Lin Ruyu, who was nestled in Li Ming's arms, suddenly said, "Li Ming, I want to go for a walk and eat something along the way."

"Okay!" Li Ming replied.

"Do you know? I once had two wishes. The first is to watch the stars in the sky with you, and the second is to walk around the streets and alleys of Sijiu City hand in hand with you." Lin Ruyu said shyly.

Li Ming's heart trembled, and he said affectionately: "Ruyu, as long as you want, I can watch the stars with you at any time, and I can also go back to Sijiu City at any time."

"En." Lin Ruyu responded obediently.

After a little effort, the two got dressed and left the hotel.

I only heard Li Ming ask: "Where do you want to go?"

"Huh?" Lin Ruyu thought for a while, and said, "I remember that there are snacks in the alley behind Huaqing Academy, and the taste is also very good. I used to eat there often."

"Okay, let's go there." Li Ming said.

"It's just..." Lin Ruyu hesitated.

"What's wrong?" Li Minghu questioned.

"After so many years, I don't know if that snack alley is still there." Lin Ruyu said with some concern.

"It's okay, let's go and have a look first. If not, we'll change places." Li Ming said.

"Okay!" Lin Ruyu replied.

Immediately, Li Ming released Yuanshen, quickly searched Huaqing Academy, and brought Lin Ruyu there in an instant.

The alley is quaint, and the buildings on both sides are retro, and they seem to be exactly the same as decades ago.

Seeing this, Lin Ruyu breathed a long sigh of relief, and said, "It's such a familiar feeling, as if I've returned to my college days!"

"Did you go to college here?" Li Ming asked.

"En." Lin Ruyu replied.

"Then we can go to school after eating." Li Ming suggested.

"That's exactly what I mean!" Lin Ruyu said playfully.

After crying all day, I finally smiled!
"What do you want to eat?" Li Ming asked.

"Let's go shopping first, and then make a decision." Lin Ruyu said.

"Okay!" Li Ming replied.

(End of this chapter)

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