Chapter 686

The elders of the three clans and the elders of the fourth clan gasped and asked, "What is he here for?"

"I don't know, I just asked for a drop of my blood." Li Ming said.

"What? King Qin Guang asked for a drop of your blood?" The elders of the three clans and the elders of the four clans froze for a moment, then frowned.

"What's the problem?" Li Ming asked.

The elders of the third and fourth clans were silent for a while, and after a while, they shook their heads and said, "We can't guess this yet, but it definitely won't be a good thing."

After a slight pause, the elders of the three clans asked: "Patriarch, did King Qin Guang say anything else?"

"Other things?" Li Ming shook his head, and said, "That's not true, just promise me not to embarrass Ruyu any more."

"One drop of blood for one life?" The elders of the four clans were slightly surprised.

"En." Li Ming nodded.

"This..." The elders of the third and fourth clans were silent for a while, and said for a while: "Patriarch, return to the clan as soon as possible, we have a hunch that something big will happen."

"A big event happened?" Li Ming was startled, not quite understanding.

"The head of King Qin Guang's ten halls cannot ask for your blood for no reason. There must be an amazing secret." The elder of the three clans said.

Li Ming nodded, and replied: "Okay, I'll finish the matter here as soon as possible, and set off to go back as soon as possible."

Afterwards, the elders of the three clans and the elders of the four clans left and returned to the deserted island where Tissot landed before.

Li Ming and Lin Ruyu returned to the hotel, Li Ming didn't sleep all night, his mind was full of King Qin Guang's affairs.

What is the purpose of King Qin Guang asking for his own blood?

The next day, Li Ming found Lin Ruyu's younger sister through some means.

It turned out that as early as seven years ago, the Lin family had moved out of Yanjing and returned to their hometown in Beihe!

Li Ming took Lin Ruyu to flee to Beihe Province.

It didn't take a quarter of an hour to arrive at the place.

Lin Ruyu froze when she saw her sister Lin Rumeng.

In her memory, her sister is a lively and beautiful elf.

However, what she saw now was an old woman who was dying.

Lin Rumeng's old eyes were dim, but she still recognized Lin Ruyu at a glance.

"Sister?" Lin Rumeng shouted inarticulately.

"Sister." Lin Ruyu threw herself in front of Lin Rumeng, choked up and began to cry.

A farewell that day is actually most of my life.When we met again, it was already like this.

Time urges people to grow old, it is impossible to refuse to accept it!
I only heard Li Ming say: "You talk, I'll go outside."

"Okay." Lin Ruyu replied.

Afterwards, Li Ming walked out.

During this conversation, the two sisters actually forgot the time, and they didn't come back to their senses until they felt hungry at noon.

After lunch, the two sisters had a long chat again.

Both of them knew that this meeting, if there were no accidents, might be the last time they met.

In the future, there must be a separation between yin and yang.

Therefore, cherish this opportunity to meet!
In a blink of an eye, ten days have passed.

On the day of parting, Lin Ruyu left behind many exercises, pills, and even a small bottle of spiritual water.

I only hope that the members of the Lin clan can pass it on!
In the past ten days, Li Ming went to Wuliangye Winery, bought a lot of good wine, and also bought the formula!
Only with the formula in hand can we truly use it inexhaustibly!
Li Ming took Lin Ruyu to Zhong Hai, called Tan Xiaoling and Feng Luan, and prepared to leave for Star Continent.

Originally, according to Li Ming's plan, he planned to stay on Earth for three to five years.

However, because of what happened to King Qin Guang, he had to go back as soon as possible!
(End of this chapter)

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