The best immortal emperor

Chapter 688 I still need 1 island

Chapter 688 I still need an island

"Yes." Li Ming nodded without explaining too much.

The elder of the great clan didn't ask too much, and said: "It's just that if you need monsters, it's easy. There are countless water monsters in the sea. You can gain a lot by just strolling around in the sea!"

"Indeed." Li Ming replied.

"Then let's go to the sea to catch it." The old man said.

"No hurry, I still need an island to build a spiritual pool!" Li Ming said.

"This is also easy, I'll take a small island right now!" said the elder of the great clan.

Afterwards, the clan elders dispersed and got busy.

Three days later, the old man of the rich family came to a small island, and after some repairs, he dug out a large pool that can accommodate 500 people to bathe in!

Afterwards, the veteran of the big clan fixed the small island, and then set up a magic circle!
More than ten days later, the clan elders came back one after another, bringing a large number of big deep sea monsters, filling the island with them!
Li Ming sacrificed the psychic bone and refined it into spiritual water.

A monster like a hill can only refine three or five drops.

Li Ming wanted to build a pool filled with spiritual water, but it definitely wouldn't happen in a short while.

However, this matter is a century-old plan for the development of the Feng Clan, and it will not hesitate to spend some energy and manpower!

Half a year later, the spirit water covered the bottom of the pool, less than one-fiftieth of the pool's volume!

Filling the pool to the brim will not happen overnight.

However, even with these spiritual waters, the extraordinary has been revealed.

The aura on the island is obviously higher than that of other islands. It is dense and full of aura. When you come here, you feel like you are in a fairyland!
I only heard Li Ming said: "The elders of the big clan, the effect of the spiritual water is obvious, you can choose some clansmen to practice here, I believe it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort!"

"Okay!" The elder of the big clan responded, and immediately selected a hundred clansmen carefully to practice here.

Of the hundred clansmen, [-]% are adults, and the rest are new generations.

The training time is not long, only three months.

Although it is only three months, it has benefited a lot. Everyone's progress is very fast!
As the days went by, there was more and more spiritual water in the pool.

The clansmen who came here to practice have also rotated several times.

In the blink of an eye, more than three years have passed!
In the past three years, besides refining the spirit water, Li Ming spent more time practicing in the Primordial Spirit Tree.

With the establishment of the spirit pool, the Feng clan became stronger and stronger, and more and more new babies were born.

In order to prevent the birth of close relatives, Li Ming deliberately introduced the knowledge related to the population on the earth.

Counting with fingers, nearly eight years have passed since the 36-strong coalition rallied to crusade against the Yin Corpse Sect that day.

It has been almost eight years since the Feng clan moved here!

Now the population of the Feng Clan has increased to [-], of which there are over [-] Nascent Soul masters!
This is something that the Feng family didn't even dare to think about before!
How many Nascent Soul masters are there for a sect like the God of Medicine Sect?At most a thousand!

Now, the overall strength of the Feng Clan, even if not comparable to the first-rate sects, at least comparable to the second-rate sects!
Eight years have passed, and the situation in the world has been peaceful for eight years.

In the past eight years, the Yin Corpse Sect has not expanded, and the major sects and dynasties have not sent troops to encircle and suppress the Yin Corpse Sect. They are all waiting for the result of the duel between top experts!
However, this balance was suddenly broken in half a month. The Yin Corpse Sect, which had been silent for eight years, was about to move again, attacking the city and conquering the territory.

Obviously, the Infernal Corpse Sect should have gained an advantage in the duel of top experts.

Otherwise, I would never dare to expand with such fanfare now!
However, what kind of master does the Infernal Corpse Sect have that can defeat the spirit of the top 36?
(End of this chapter)

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