Chapter 692

There is no doubt that the elders of the great clan are powerful, and even the black and white impermanence of the underworld has to be given three points, and there is even a different fire in the underworld.

At this moment, the elder of the big clan made a move, and the whole hall felt a strong sense of oppression.

Immediately, someone went to sue the elders of the Qin clan.

The elder of the God of Medicine Sect was also taken aback, he didn't expect this ordinary looking old man in front of him to be so powerful.

However, this shot, if you don't distinguish between a male and a female, there is no reason to stop!

The elders of the great clan attacked the elders of the Yaoshenzong.

The domineering and arrogant Elder of the Yaoshen Sect just now turned very ugly.

However, even if it is ugly, even if you kneel down and beg for mercy, it will not help.

On the way to the inner city, Li Ming had already figured out the path he should take in the future. This blind elder of the Yaoshenzong happened to use him as a stepping stone!

The elders of the great clan were ruthless, and the elders of the Yaoshenzong had no chance at all.

In an instant, the elders of the Yaoshenzong fell into a disadvantage, being oppressed by the big clan!

"Who are you? Why do you want to be an enemy of my God of Medicine Sect?" The elder of God of Medicine Sect asked with a very ugly expression.

"I am the elder of the great clan under the Phoenix Emperor!" The elder of the great clan replied in a low voice.

"What? You are from the Feng clan?" The elder of Yaoshenzong was startled, as was the entire main hall of the Qin Palace.

I only heard that the old man of the clan sneered and said, "Now that you know who I am, go with peace of mind!"

As he spoke, the elder's power doubled, and his killing intent became more determined.

Obviously, the old man of the clan is going to put the opponent to death!
"You want to kill me?" The elder of the Yaoshenzong was startled, and immediately shouted: "No, you can't kill me. I am the elder of the Yaoshenzong, a distinguished guest of the sixth prince's residence of the Great Qin Dynasty. You can't kill me!"

"Hehe." The elder of the clan sneered, and said, "I want to kill you, and no one can stop me except Phoenix! Even if Emperor Qin is here, I can kill you!"

While talking, the elders of the big clan made a move.

On that day, the elder of the big clan fought against four masters of the God Transformation Realm with manpower, and beheaded them all.

This Elder of the God of Medicine Sect is just an ordinary master of the God Transformation Realm, and it would be easy for a big clan to kill him!

In an instant, the head of the elder of the Yaoshenzong was in a different place, and the elder of the great clan released the red lotus karma fire, and the corpse and the primordial spirit were reduced to ashes together!
Everyone in the hall was horrified and looked at the elder in disbelief.

Although everyone knew that the elders of the great clan were very strong, they did not expect to be so strong that they killed an elder of the God of Medicine Sect at the Transformation God Realm with just a few gestures!

This... is really incredible!
Everyone gasped, their hearts thumped, and they never dared to offend this person easily again!

Qin Yue was the first to react, her face was very ugly, she stared at Li Ming and asked, "What exactly do you want to do?"

Li Ming smiled and said, "His Royal Highness, I have nothing else to ask for except that Daqin can remove the notice to arrest me. Whatever the God of Medicine Sect can give you, we can give you the same!"

"What a breath!" At this moment, a shout came from outside the hall.

It was the voice of the great uncle of the Qin family.

Immediately, all the courtiers in the hall looked out of the hall one after another, making gestures of greeting, and even His Royal Highness Yue stood up from the golden dragon seat.

It can be seen that the status of the great uncle of the Qin family!
Li Ming met the grand uncle of the Qin family once, when he followed Qin Yue to the imperial mausoleum.

After so many years, the great uncle of the Qin family has not changed at all!

When the great uncle of the Qin family came up to the hall, Li Ming politely bowed to the great uncle of the Qin family, smiling without saying a word.

 I'm going to attend a friend's wedding later, and I don't know when I'll be back in the evening, so I'll try to write another chapter in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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