The best immortal emperor

Chapter 696 Three Divine Cauldrons

Chapter 696 Three Divine Cauldrons
After leaving the capital of Qin, Li Ming sent a message to the old clan of the big clan, and asked several clan elders to gather in Luoshui City.

At the same time, Li Ming also passed on a spirit bar to Niu Wudi, asking him to come to Luoshui City as well!

This time, if he wanted to take action against Yao Shenzong, he would naturally do so with a larger scale.

Otherwise, how could he be able to shock the Shenzong of Medicine?How can I shit on his neck?

A few days later, the two arrived in Luoshui City!
I haven't seen Uncle Jiu for a long time. Uncle Jiu is still the same as before, indulging in fine wine.

This time Li Ming brought enough Wuliangye original brew from the earth, which made Uncle Jiu grin from ear to ear!
This time I came to Luoshui City, in addition to delivering wine to Uncle Jiu, I also invited him to 'watch the ceremony' together.

Earlier, from Uncle Jiu's words, Li Ming could feel that Uncle Jiu had a grudge against Shenzong of Medicine.

Inviting Uncle Jiu to go together, it's not that Uncle Jiu can make a move, it's just to support the situation!

Uncle Jiu heard that Li Ming was going to show his power at the God of Medicine Sect, so he didn't wait for Li Ming's invitation, so he said, "I have to go and join in the fun. I like beating up dogs that are in the water!"

"Haha." Li Ming laughed loudly and said, "Uncle Jiu, that's exactly what I mean."

"Then what are you waiting for? Why don't you go to the Medicine God Sect?" Uncle Jiu asked impatiently.

"No rush, I have invited several other elders in the clan, I believe they will arrive soon." Li Ming said.

Hearing this, Uncle Jiu was startled, a little surprised, and asked cautiously: "Li Ming, are you going to show off your power, or are you going to destroy the Medicine God Sect?"

"Haha, it's better to be able to destroy it. But the Yao Shenzong has some background, and it may not be easy to destroy it. This time, we will just beat them and ask for something back!" Li Ming said.

"Ask for something?" Uncle Jiu paused, a little suspicious.

"En." Li Ming nodded, and said, "The first lord of the Medicine God Sect once stole the three divine cauldrons of my Feng clan. Now, it's time to get them back!"

"This..." Uncle Jiu was surprised, extremely surprised.

A few days later, the elders of the Feng clan arrived.

A few days later, Niu Wudi also arrived in the wind and dust!

Now, Niu Wudi has already ranked in the realm of transforming gods, among the masters of the world!
Uncle Jiu was very surprised. When he first saw Niu Wudi, he was only in the Nascent Soul Realm, but he didn't expect that in less than 30 years, he had stepped into the God Transformation Realm.

This kind of cultivation talent can really be called a shocking talent!
The number of people has reached the full, five of the six elders on the island have come, one stays behind, plus the elders of the clan, Uncle Jiu, Niu Wudi, and Li Ming, there are nine in total!

A group of people left Luoshui City and flew towards Yaoshenzong.

It's been a long journey and I've been flying for several months.

On the road, light rain continued, pattering down.

Since leaving Luoshui City, it has been going down.

The rain didn't stop until they entered the territory of the God of Medicine Sect.

A few days later, Li Ming and his party came to the gate of the God of Medicine Sect!
The Medicine God Sect seemed to have been prepared for a long time. As soon as Li Ming and the others appeared, several powerful auras rose from the sect, and with a little effort, they reached the gate of the sect!
Those who come are all masters in the realm of transforming gods.

Moreover, there are as many as thirty people!

Thirty masters of the God Transformation Realm, this is a little less than Li Ming and the elders of the clan expected.

I thought, no matter how you say it, there must be half a hundred.

After all, the God of Medicine Sect has developed for so many years!

At this time, there were more than ten extraordinary auras flying from different places, and shouts echoed in the air: "Which family is the yellow-haired boy from? How dare you come here to make trouble? Can't you die?"

"I am the master of the Zhuxian Sect, and I am here to help!"

"The master of the Feiyun Sect is here!"

"The people who are dragons and pythons in the rivers and lakes!"

"Mo Juyi is here!"


These ten or so extraordinary auras are all friends invited by the God of Medicine Sect, and they are all masters of the God Transformation Realm.

In the blink of an eye, the dozen or so people landed in front of Li Ming.

The God of Medicine Sect originally had the advantage in numbers, but now there are more than ten people joining, which is even more domineering.

I only heard that the great elder of the God of Medicine Sect took a step forward, raised his head, his eyes seemed to be on his forehead, and asked domineeringly: "You are the ones who want to come to my God of Medicine to make trouble? Are you the ones who killed my elder of the God of Medicine in the main hall of the Qin Palace? Do you want to die?"

Li Ming glanced at the other party and said, "Old man, let's put out his anger first!"

"Yes!" The elder of the great clan replied.

I saw the elder of the great clan sacrificed a spear out of thin air, threw it at the Yao Shenzong elder, and said, "Take my spear first and then talk about it!"

The long spear was silver and white all over, with a cluster of red tassels on the tip of the spear. After being thrown by the elders of the clan, it turned into an afterimage and shot at the elder of the Yaoshenzong.

The Great Elder of Medicine God Sect's expression changed drastically, and he immediately sacrificed a shield-like treasure in front of him!

This shield is not an ordinary thing, but it is made of the tortoise shell of the ten-thousand-year-old black tortoise, which has been refined for [-] years.

The tortoise's shell is already extremely hard, and with the addition of nine years of refining, the hardness has reached an unimaginably terrifying level.

Wanting to break it open is simply a dream, whimsical!

At this time, I saw the silver gun thrown by the big clan elder hit the shell of the Wannian black turtle with a whoosh!
Immediately afterwards, the Elder of Yao Shenzong's complexion suddenly became ugly. He only felt that the shell of the ten-thousand-year-old turtle in his hand was about to be drilled, and immediately cast the blessing of true energy.

However, with his little ability, how can he stop the elders of the big clan?

The Great Elder of Medicine God Sect felt strenuous and couldn't resist, so he immediately shouted: "Help me!"

The other elders who stood behind the great elder of the God of Medicine Sect immediately made a move and cast their true energy together to bless the shell of the ten thousand year black turtle!

"Break it for me!" the old man shouted coldly.

I saw the tip of the silver spear suddenly turned red, followed by the sound of the Wannian Xuangui's shell snapping, and then it was torn apart, and several elders of the Yaoshenzong retreated in shock!

Seeing that the tip of the silver spear was about to be thrust into the chest of the Great Elder of the Yao Shenzong, the elder of the great clan suddenly shouted, waved his hand, and shouted: "Return!"

I saw the silver gun return to the old hands of the big clan with a whoosh!
The elders of the Medicine God Sect looked very ugly. They never expected that the elders of the Feng clan would have such power, and a single gun could make them so embarrassed!
The complexions of the dozen or so experts who were invited to help out before also changed, and they began to make other calculations in their hearts.

Li Ming asked, "Can you talk properly now?"

Although the Great Elder of Medicine God Sect was very upset, he didn't dare to show it any more.

Just now, if the other party hadn't stopped, his life would definitely be gone now.

The Great Elder of Yaoshenzong asked with a serious face, "What exactly do you want to do?"

"Ming people don't speak code words, so I'll just say it straight. Our Feng Clan is here to retrieve things that belong to our Feng Clan." Li Ming said directly.

"Things from the Feng Clan? What is it?" The elder of the Yao Shenzong was slightly stunned, unable to react for a moment.

"Three divine cauldrons." Li Ming said.

"Three divine cauldrons?" The Great Elder of Yao Shenzong was startled, and his expression changed drastically.

The reason why their God of Medicine Sect was able to rise in the troubled times was entirely by virtue of those three divine cauldrons!How can the Phoenix Clan take it back?
(End of this chapter)

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