Chapter 698

For a while, seven or eight masters of Huashen bid farewell and left.

Although the benefits promised by the God of Medicine Sect are good, they are insignificant compared to their wealth and lives.

The elders of the Phoenix clan can instantly kill the masters of the God Transformation Realm, and they definitely have the strength beyond the God Transformation Realm, and they may have reached the level of the master of the Medicine God Sect.Even if it doesn't, it's almost the same.

Fighting against such a strong man, even if there is an advantage in numbers, even if he really wins in the end, the price to pay is absolutely heavy.

They are only trying to seek the benefits promised by Yao Shenzong, but when life is really threatened, life is more important!

Of course, seven or eight chose to stay.

Seeing this, the Great Elder of the Medicine God Sect was very moved. He clasped his fists and bowed to these few, saying, "Everyone, I will never forget the great kindness of the Medicine God Sect today. When the Sect Master returns, I will come to the door to thank you in person."

One of them suddenly said: "Elder Elder, let's not be polite. You have seen and felt the strength of the Phoenix Clan. If you want us to work hard, the double benefit will be a bit small."

Hearing this, the Great Elder of the Medicine God Sect couldn't help but pause, this is a low price!
However, at this point, I can only endure it.

I only heard that the great elder of Yao Shenzong asked: "Everyone, what else do you want?"

"I heard that the God of Medicine Sect has a formula for bringing life back to life. The benefits promised before are not good for us, but we want one side!" said the Jianghu Longmang person.

"You..." The Great Elder of Yaoshenzong was speechless and very angry.The formula of the Resurrection Pill is the priceless treasure of their God of Medicine Sect, how can they give it?
After a slight pause, the Elder of Yaoshenzong said: "Everyone, only the suzerain has ever known the recipe of this resurrection pill. Now that the suzerain has gone to destroy the Yin Corpse Sect and has not returned, let's choose other benefits!"

"No, we want Danfang, nothing else!" Said the Jianghu Longmang person.

"This..." The Great Elder of Yao Shenzong paused, and thought: "Why don't you pretend to agree to them first, and find another way after repelling the Feng Clan?"

I only heard the great elder of Yaoshenzong say: "Everyone, I promise you that as soon as the suzerain returns, I will offer you the pill immediately."

"Great Elder, you are making cakes for us to satisfy our hunger!" said the Jianghu Longmang person.

"How dare, how dare, the benefits promised before are the same, and tripled!" said the Elder of the God of Medicine Sect.

"This..." The Jianghu Lomons hesitated slightly, and seeing other people nodding, they said, "Then it's settled! Your Medicine God Sect is a first-class sect in the world, so you won't deny it later!"

I only heard Li Ming whispering to the elders of the great clan: "Kill the leader of the dragon and python first!"

"Okay!" The old man of the big clan responded, and immediately shot at the dragon man in the rivers and lakes.

The Jianghu Lomona person was discussing benefits with the great elder of Yaoshenzong, when he suddenly felt that the strong wind was not right, his brows frowned, knowing that someone was attacking him, he responded immediately.

The dragon and python people in the rivers and lakes actually refer to people from a place where there is a river and a lake, and a powerful dragon and python was once pregnant in the river and lake.

The dragon python is extremely powerful, belonging to the sub-dragon species, and can compete with the sky.

The people living in that place took the dragon python as their totem and called themselves dragon python people!

This quack dragon man is obviously an outstanding person in that place, otherwise it would be impossible for him to be invited by the God of Medicine Sect.

At this moment, as soon as he made a move, the atmosphere around him changed drastically.

At first glance, he is also a master!The strength is far above the master of Haitianmen!

(End of this chapter)

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