Chapter 705

The Yin Corpse Sect shouted several times, but they were all repelled.

Now, he is entrenched on a hill 3000 meters outside the city, waiting for backup before making plans.

The person in charge of the Yin Corpse Sect is a guy named Liao Xiong. This guy doesn't know how long he has been dead. He has a very strong corpse aura and is very powerful.

Although General Situ has not fought against him, but watching the process of fighting against General Vanguard, he can roughly know how deep he is, at least he has the cultivation base of the middle stage of transformation.

It can be said that he is already a master of the world!

The Flying Eagle Falcon was always secretly monitoring the movement of the Infernal Sect's reinforcements, and never dared to relax for a moment.

Taking advantage of the brief lull before the war, General Situ ordered people to secretly set up formations outside the city in case of unexpected events!
In the blink of an eye, three days have passed.

The Yin Corpse Sect's reinforcements arrived, without any adjustments, they rushed towards the city in the north, trying to capture the city and conquer the territory, all the way south!
General Situ led the crowd out of the city to fight, in addition to the soldiers and horses of the Great Qin, there were also sects that had just joined the Great Qin.

Li Ming and the elders of the second clan also played together!

It's going to be a tough fight, no doubt about it.

The two armies faced each other far away, and the Qin army lined up in a three-corner formation. There were [-] small three-corner formations forming a large three-corner formation. .

From a distance, this triangular array looks like a sharp blade.

The Yin Corpse Sect was much more chaotic. It can be said that there was no rules at all, and it was chaotic.

However, Yin Corpse Sect relied on this formation to conquer the northern border of the Great Qin Dynasty from a corner in the northeast!
General Situ stared into the distance, watching every move of the Infernal Corpse Sect.

I saw the Yin Corpse Sect confront each other, the leader seemed to lose his patience, and shouted, "Come on!"

The Yin Corpse Sect disciples rushed up densely!

"Fire phosphorus arrow ready!" General Situ shouted.

I saw the soldiers at the end of the three-horned formation take out their bows and crossbows, put on fire phosphorus arrows, and wait for orders!
The disciples of the Yin Corpse Sect rushed forward, and they were about to reach them in a blink of an eye. When they were about a thousand meters away, General Situ gave an order, "Shoot the arrow!"

Then, the fire phosphorus sword shot out.

Thousands of arrows were fired together, falling like a rain of arrows.

The ones rushing to the front are the masters of the Infernal Corpse Sect. They are not afraid of these fire phosphorus arrows and continue to rush forward.

The Fire Phosphorus Arrow was specially refined by the Great Qin Dynasty to deal with the Yin Corpse Sect. The body of the arrow is made of fire phosphorus. The arrow is a sharp metal. If the fire phosphorus rubs against the metal, it will instantly catch fire and explode.

To put it simply, as long as this fire phosphorus arrow is hit, it will spontaneously ignite and explode!

The power of the Fire Phosphorus Arrow can only deal with low-level Yin Corpse Sect disciples, and it is completely useless against those masters.

In an instant, the outside of the northern city turned into a purgatory, raging with flames!

General Situ saw the strong men of the Yin Corpse Sect rushing forward, and ordered again: "The generals of all ministries will go out to fight, and the deputy general will lead the troops."

"Yes!" The generals listened to the order, immediately sacrificed their magic weapons, and stepped forward to fight!
He will hang the seal and lead the troops!
These generals who attacked all had the cultivation level of transforming gods. According to Li Ming's visual inspection, there were at least twenty of them!

Those sects who had just joined Great Qin also shot out, led by the sect master and sect master, and killed them!
These sects hated the Yin Corpse Sect deeply, if it wasn't for the Yin Corpse Sect, how could they have left their hometown, abandoned their ancestral foundation, and left the sect?

At this time, he must vent his anger!

Li Ming watched the situation quietly, while the elders of the second clan stood by.

The two sides fought, and the scene was chaotic.

The masters of the two sides fought evenly, and the outcome was hard to tell!
At this time, suddenly a figure flew out, beheading the three generals of Daqin's Transformation God Realm in an instant.

Master, the top master of the Infernal Corpse Sect!
(End of this chapter)

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