The best immortal emperor

Chapter 715 A single spark can start a prairie fire

Chapter 715 A single spark can start a prairie fire
Fortunately, the Great Jin Dynasty had extraordinary adaptability, and immediately dispatched soldiers and horses from other places to guard it. In addition, the Great Jin Dynasty used thunder and lightning well to restrain the corpses, so the situation was stabilized, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable!

Another three months later, the Tang Dynasty located in the south was also attacked by the Yin Corpse Sect.

Although the scale is small, the battle has been guarded.

However, the signs that a single spark of the Infernal Corpse Sect can start a prairie fire have been revealed, which makes everyone quite worried.

Sure enough, two months later, the border of the Ming Dynasty was also harassed by the Infernal Corpse Sect, and many border cities were lost!The situation is urgent and urgent!
Faced with such a situation, Qin Yue once again convened an alliance of the three dynasties to discuss the matter of jointly dealing with the Yin Corpse Sect.

At this time, the other three dynasties naturally would not have any other ideas, and responded one after another. They are scheduled to gather in Huoyun Mountain at the junction of the four kingdoms in a month's time!
Suddenly, all the sects in the world will go.

The Feng clan is now a big clan, and they are also great allies of Daqin, so they naturally want to go.

After receiving the news from Qin Yue, Li Ming, the elders of the big clan and the elders of the second clan set off.

Fengdao is located in the depths of the sea, so to go to Huoyun Mountain, you have to cross half a continent.

And this area has long been reduced to the territory of the Yin Corpse Sect.

It can be said that this trip is quite dangerous.

If they encounter a ten-thousand-year-old corpse halfway, a fierce battle will definitely not be avoided.

Recently, the Feng Clan has stopped transporting pills to Daqin, and will only supply them after the teleportation formation is completed.

The teleportation array is a big deal, and both Daqin and Fengzu are working hard day and night.

It is estimated that it will be completed in another four to five months.

At that time, once the teleportation array is repaired, it will be very easy to transport pills and communicate.

For such a long time, Brother Zhu has been researching corpse awakening water and ancient corpses, and he seems to have figured out the way.

Li Ming left Fengdao with the elders of the big clan and the elders of the second clan and rushed to Huoyun Mountain!

After flying over the sea for seven or eight days, I finally saw land.

However, the land scene is not very good.

The originally lush mountain forest has now become smoky and exudes an evil atmosphere.

Obviously, these are left by the Infernal Corpse Sect.

Li Ming didn't dare to imagine, what would happen if such an existence as the Yin Corpse Sect came to the earth?
I'm afraid that within half a month, the earth will become a dead planet, right?

There is still a lot of distance to Huoyun Mountain, and a group of three people are rushing day and night.

On this day, through the clouds, Li Ming saw the slaves of the Yin Corpse Sect migrating below.

Judging from the direction of their actions, they should be going to the Dajin Dynasty.

Seeing this, Li Ming's face darkened slightly, and he said to himself: "The world is really in dire straits and heat!"

Ignoring the army of corpses moving below, Li Ming and his party continued on their way.

After half a month, Li Ming finally saw the green grass and forest.

Obviously, this place has not been eroded by the Infernal Corpse Sect.

Now, it is less than three days away from Huoyun Mountain.

The three rushed to Huoyun Mountain in one go!

At this time, many sects have arrived, waiting for the alliance to discuss.

Two days later, troops from the Ming Dynasty arrived.

On the third day, the troops of Daqin and Dajin arrived one after another.

On the fifth day, Datang arrived late.

However, the date of the alliance is set for tomorrow, so it is not too late.

This time, there was an old friend of Li Ming among the members of the Datang League, which surprised Li Ming very much.

That person is none other than Shi Yan who left with Datang's escort team that day!

 I'm at my husband's house, and I'm celebrating Chinese New Year at my wife's house this year!I will write another chapter later.I have nothing to do tomorrow, and I will try to write four chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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