The best immortal emperor

Chapter 730 You are stupid, just leave if you are told?

Chapter 730 You are stupid, just leave if you are told?
"Third sister..." Situ Jianren wanted to say something else, but the third sister stared at him, so Situ Jianren could only shut up obediently and exit the bedroom.

After some time, the third sister said, "Father, I'll go and get you a glass of water, so that you can feel better."

"En." Lying on the hospital bed, General Situ snorted and snorted.

Afterwards, the third sister left the ward.

Before Situ Jianren went far, the third sister quickly called Situ Jianren to stop, and said angrily: "You are stupid, just leave if you are told?"

"I..." Situ Jianren looked aggrieved.

"I haven't brought the medicine yet," said the third sister.

"No..." Situ Jianren didn't know what to say.

I only heard that the third sister said: "You don't know about your father's temper? In the past year, my father has taken at least ten thousand kinds of medicines, but the injuries have not been effective, and I have already developed resistance. I will secretly mix this medicine later. In the water, give it to my father, I hope it will have some effect."

"Then I'll trouble Third Sister." Situ Jianren said.

"What nonsense, isn't my father my father?" The third sister took the white porcelain vase angrily, and then went back to her father's room this time.

At this time, the third sister already had an extra bowl of water in her hand, mixed with a few drops of spiritual water.

The third sister came to her father's hospital bed, helped her father up, and said, "Father, drink some water and let your breath flow."

As he spoke, he handed the bowl to General Situ's mouth.

Who can be quite powerful, the general Situ who rules the world is now bedridden, unable to take care of himself, and even needs someone to serve him to drink water.

Li Ming and the elders left General Situ's mansion and walked towards the residence of the Feng family.

I only heard the elder of the great clan say: "Patriarch, just now I caught a trace of corpse aura unique to the Yin Corpse Sect in General Situ's mansion, and I don't know what happened."

"There is such a thing?" Li Ming paused slightly, wondering in his heart: "Could it be that General Situ captured the disciples of the Yin Corpse Sect and imprisoned him in his house?"

After a slight pause, Li Ming said, "Old man, don't mention this to anyone beforehand."

"I understand." The elder of the great clan replied.

General Situ's mansion.

General Situ drank water, lay down and continued to rest.

However, after a while, General Situ suddenly opened his eyes and asked, "Third brother, what did you give me to drink just now?"

"It's Shui, Father." Third Sister said quickly.

"Tell the truth!" General Situ asked majestically.

"Father, don't be angry. I just mixed some Phoenix healing holy water sent by the fourth child in the water. I hope father can understand my daughter's painstaking efforts." The third sister said.

"Hurry up, give me that healing holy water, it actually has an effect on my wound." General Situ urged.

"Ah." The third sister was stunned for a while.

"What are you still standing there for? Quickly, give me the healing holy water of the Feng clan." General Situ urged again.

"Yes." The third sister replied quickly.

Immediately, the third sister took out the white porcelain bottle and gave it to her father.

General Situ took the spirit water, and his black and purple face became flushed and radiant. General Situ asked, "Is there any more?"

"The fourth brother will send you a bottle." The third sister said, and then said: "I will let the fourth brother go to the Feng clan to ask for some more."

"En." General Situ snorted.

Immediately, Third Sister hurried out of the ward.

General Situ sat cross-legged with difficulty, and healed his wounds with luck.

General Situ has followed the Emperor Qin for thousands of years, and he has seen a lot of knowledge, but he has never seen such a strong spiritual energy that can force out the dead energy in his body.

This time, there is definitely hope for healing the injury!

(End of this chapter)

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