The best immortal emperor

Chapter 738 Patriarch, is this news true?

Chapter 738 Patriarch, is this news true?
It took a long time for the six clan elders to come back to their senses.

I only heard that the elder of the great clan asked: "Patriarch, is this news true?"

"Yes, patriarch, is this news true?" A group of clan elders asked repeatedly.

"I'm not sure, but there's no need for the deputy general of the Imperial Guard to make such a joke. It's probably true." Li Ming said.

"If this is the case, why do the four dynasties still stick to this place?" This is obviously hitting a stone with an egg! " said the elder of the great clan.

Li Ming nodded and said, "Indeed, this is exactly what I'm confused about. With the shrewdness of the four dynasties, they would not do such a stupid thing. There must be a reason for this."

After a slight pause, Li Ming continued: "I called everyone here just to talk about this matter. In addition, everyone pay attention everywhere, maybe you will find something."

"Yes, patriarch." The clan elders responded.

I only heard that the elders of the second clan asked for instructions: "Patriarch, restaurants are the places where news circulates fastest, so I will let the clansmen pretend to be diners in the city and collect information secretly."

"En." Li Ming responded with a nod, and then asked: "Is there any news from the elders of the Seven Clans?"

"Not yet." The elder said.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but frowned, and said: "Old man, you can contact some big gates in private to see if you can spend a lot of money to buy a planet suitable for living, we can't just wait like this forever , you have to prepare with both hands.”

"Yes, patriarch." The elder of the great clan replied.

"By the way, don't leak out the 10-year-old corpse beforehand, so as not to cause panic in various sects. Now we still need to work together to defend against the enemy." Li Ming said.

"Understood, patriarch." The clan elders responded.

Afterwards, the elders dispersed.

Li Ming thought for a while, and decided not to go back to Fengdao to ask Zhou Chen.With Zhou Chen's status, he may not be able to ask anything.

Now, I just hope that Brother Zhu can understand the method of dealing with the secret technique of corpse control as soon as possible.

The days, as always, were uneventful.

During this period, the corpse army of the Yin Corpse Sect invaded several times.

However, they were all suppressed by the "Boundless Dharma" Jin Zhong, and many ancient corpses of thousands of years were beheaded.

Now, the morale of the whole city is high, and they have crazy ideas that they want to be defeated!

In a blink of an eye, half a month has passed.

The people of the old sect of the second clan did not gain much from inquiring about the news in the restaurant. It seems that such news is definitely confidential and important news, not known to ordinary soldiers.

Li Ming was also lucky, and happened to compete with the deputy general of the Imperial Guard.

On this day, Situ Jianren came to the mansion suddenly, and General Situ, acting father, invited Li Ming to the mansion for a talk.

Li Ming didn't evade it, and it was inconvenient to evade it, but brought the elders of the big family to the banquet together.

People's hearts are separated, General Situ is General Situ, not Situ Jianren, Li Ming has to be on guard!Only then did the elders of the great clan go to the banquet together.

After all, the impression that General Situ left on Li Ming was not very good.

Lingshui is not an ordinary thing, and General Situ has experienced it personally. No one knows what kind of heart is under his belly?
After leaving Feng's mansion, the group arrived at General Situ's mansion after a little effort.

Entering the mansion, led by Situ Jianren to the restaurant, General Situ had already been waiting for a long time.

Today, General Situ is full of radiance and extraordinary charm.

General Situ walked out of the dining room, greeted him, and thanked him: "Clan Chief Feng, I hope you are here, please come inside, please come inside."

"General Situ is too polite." Li Ming replied politely.

"Haha, yes, yes." General Situ laughed.

After entering the dining room, the table has been prepared with food and wine, and at the invitation of General Situ, Li Ming and the elders of the rich family attended the table.

There was no one else at this meal, just Situ and his son, Li Ming and the four elders of the big family!
"Come, try my fine wine, it's definitely not inferior to Wuliangye from your hometown." As he said, General Situ served it to Li Mingman himself.

Hearing that General Situ mentioned Wuliangye, Li Ming guessed that Situ Jianren had already told his father what he had heard from the restaurant.

However, what is the purpose of General Situ's mention at this time?

Is it to remind myself?Or is there another purpose?
Li Ming remained calm, just picked up the wine that General Situ had just filled, took a sip, then drank it all in one gulp, and praised: "Good wine!"

In fact, Li Ming wanted to say that this wine was far worse than his own Wuliangye.

"As long as you like it, come on, if you don't get drunk today, you won't return!" General Situ continued to serve Li Mingman.

Li Ming smiled and said: "It's better to drink less, in case the army of the Yin Corpse Sect attacks the city!"

"Haha, what are you afraid of? With Da Zongbo of the Qin family sitting in town and the golden bell of 'Dharma is boundless', no amount of corpses can break through the city! Let's drink to our heart's content." General Situ said.

Li Ming smiled apologetically, and didn't go any further, just drinking with General Situ.

The drinks in General Situ's Mansion are mediocre, but the food tastes very good, much better than those in restaurants!

After chatting for a while, General Situ raised his wine glass and thanked again: "Clan Chief Feng, the elder of the clan, thank the nobleman for the healing holy water. Otherwise, Situ's injury would not heal so quickly."

"General Situ is out of touch. We are allies, and we should help each other. It's just a mere healing holy water, which is nothing to worry about." Li Ming said with a smile.

"Haha." General Situ laughed for a while, and said: "Old Feng Clan, Situ has written down this kindness. If there are any difficulties in the future, just ask, I, Situ, will definitely live up to expectations."

Li Ming smiled apologetically and didn't say anything more.

After eating a little more, Li Ming saw that it was getting late, so he said goodbye, "General Situ, it's getting late, let's stop here today."

"Okay, Jianren, you send off the distinguished guest on behalf of the father." General Situ said.

"Yes, father." Situ Jianren replied.

Afterwards, Situ Jianren sent Li Ming and the elders out of the mansion.

On the way back to Feng Mansion, Li Ming asked in a low voice: "Old man, can you sense the corpse aura in General Situ's mansion today?"

"It's faintly visible, it's hard to catch." The old man said.

After a slight pause, Li Ming murmured: "It seems that something unusual must have happened when General Situ chased him out of the city last time. It is definitely not an ordinary existence that can seriously injure General Situ."

"Indeed." The elder of the great clan replied.

"Okay, regardless of these things, let's quickly investigate what the four dynasties have planned." Li Ming said.

"I know, Patriarch, I will send more people to this matter." The elder of the clan replied.

"Yes, is there any idea about buying the planet?" Li Ming continued to ask.

"We are still negotiating, and we have found two planets that are willing to sell, but the asking price is too high." The old man said helplessly.

"The Yin Corpse Sect is powerful now. Although Daqin has the golden bell of 'Boundless Buddhism', the situation is still complicated, and the price will definitely be raised." Li Ming said, paused, and Li Ming continued: "Think of a way to lower the price. If it really doesn’t work, if you suffer a little, you will suffer a little, I have a hunch that this city won’t last long.”

(End of this chapter)

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