The best immortal emperor

Chapter 749 Why Are They All Just Golden Core Cultivators?

Chapter 749 Why Are They All Just Golden Core Cultivators?
I only heard Li Ming say: "Go, find a place to hide, Liu Hen, let these corpses attack the magic circle."

"Li Ming, what are you going to do? Are you crazy?" Zhou Chen said in surprise.

Li Ming ignored Zhou Chen, just looking for a hiding place.

Zhou Chen had no choice but to hide Li Ming temporarily.

Li Ming asked Liu Hen to call out a group of corpses to attack the defensive formation in order to lure out the cultivators in Heihe Mountain. He wanted to see who the cultivator in the sun and moon robe was?
After the group of people hid properly, the corpse group began to attack the defensive formation under Liu Hen's order.

In an instant, the defensive formation was triggered, and Heihe Shannei immediately sensed the abnormality here, and immediately sent someone to deal with it.

Li Ming and the others waited in the dark for a while. Sure enough, a group of men and horses rushed out from the formation, each wearing a sun and moon robe, holding a long steel sword, heroic and extraordinary.

In total, there are almost a hundred monks here, but none of them are strong, only in the realm of Golden Core!

Li Ming paused, and thought, "Why are they all just Golden Core cultivators?"

Seeing this, Zhou Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and said to himself, "Fortunately, the ones who came were only Golden Core cultivators, otherwise it would be troublesome."

Just when Li Ming was hesitating, a beast roared suddenly, and a huge creature rushed out from the formation.

Li Ming heard the reputation, and couldn't help being taken aback, it was a giant ape that rushed out.

"It's him, it's definitely him!" Li Ming said in his heart.

That's right, it was none other than the peerless fierce ape who followed Shen Junyi and Shui Ling'er out to roam around.

Just, why is he here?

Wait, will Shen Junyi and the others be here?

Peerless Fierce Ape is stronger than before, a full three meters tall. Judging from his current state, he should have reached the peak of Jindan.

In addition to his burly figure, the white hair on his ears became more obvious, which reminded Li Ming of the white-eared ape in "Shan Hai Jing".

The peerless fierce ape joined the battle, like a mad dragon, those low-level corpses had no power to resist, and were directly smashed into meat by the peerless fierce ape.

Li Ming was stunned, Chuan Nian said to Liu Hen: "Liu Hen, use that [-]-year-old corpse to lure that great ape away, remember, don't hurt him."

"En?" Liu Hen paused for a moment before recovering, and immediately responded, "Yes, my lord!"

Immediately, Liu Hen exhaled the ten thousand year ancient corpse.

As soon as the ten-thousand-year-old corpse appeared, the expressions of those monks in sun and moon robes couldn't help but change.

You know, the ten thousand year ancient corpse is an existence that can fight against the masters of the gods.

These monks are only in the realm of golden core, how can they be the opponents of the ancient corpse of ten thousand years?

Only one person shouted: "Everyone, don't panic, sacrifice the spirit-suppressing talisman. As long as the ten-thousand-year-old corpse attacks, everyone will use the spirit-suppressing talisman together. Even if it can't be completely suppressed, it can delay him. This time is enough for us to escape." Back to the defensive formation!"

As soon as this remark came out, the flustered group of monks immediately calmed down, and everyone sacrificed spirit-suppressing charms one after another, and retreated to the defensive formation in an orderly manner.

Under Liu Hen's control, the Wannian ancient corpse glanced at the monks, but then focused his gaze on the peerless ape.

The ancient corpse of ten thousand years opened its mouth and let out a piercing roar towards the peerless fierce ape.

This is provocation!
The peerless fierce ape seemed to be enraged, and also yelled at the Wannian ancient corpse.

I heard a monk shout: "Great ape, don't pay attention to him, let's retreat to the defensive formation."

After hearing what the monk said, the peerless fierce ape calmed down and withdrew to the defensive formation.

At this time, the ancient corpse of ten thousand years lifted a huge boulder and threw it at the peerless fierce ape!

 Four out of four!It's four more, it's not too much to ask for a ticket!smash it.

(End of this chapter)

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