The best immortal emperor

Chapter 757 Afraid, Who Can Not Be Afraid?

Chapter 757 Afraid, Who Can Not Be Afraid?
In the valley, Li Ming and the 3-year-old corpse confronted each other, and neither of them had any intention of making a move first.

Suddenly, as if the 3-year-old corpse had received an order, it let out a low growl and rushed towards Li Ming.

The 3-year-old corpse is a well-deserved king of the ancient corpse, and the speed is so fast that Li Ming only felt an afterimage left in front of his eyes. When he realized it, he was hugged by the 3-year-old corpse king!

"Not good!" Li Ming was startled, and immediately circulated his true energy crazily, exerting the power of the golden flame and phoenix feather cloak to the extreme.

The 3-year-old corpse king raised his fists and threw them at Li Ming.

The fist as hard as a stone was smashed down, and the flames on the cloak of Jinyanfengyu were so hot that Li Ming only felt a huge force coming through the cloak of Jinyanfengyu.

The internal organs sank, and there was a bang.

Li Ming only felt that his internal organs were about to explode, and it was very painful.

Then, a mouthful of blood spewed out, Li Ming seemed to have collapsed, and his whole body was numb.

The huge brute force galloped vertically and horizontally, spreading to every part of Li Ming's body. Li Ming felt that every cell in his body seemed to be torn apart.

However, fortunately, there is an immortal heart.

The injury gradually healed, and finally only the original pain remained.

Li Ming took a deep breath, and said to himself, "I've made it through. The strength of the 3-year-old corpse king is really extraordinary. If it wasn't for the golden flame and phoenix feather cloak that can absorb half of the strength, I would definitely suffer more than this injury!"

In the distance, Li Ming's physical body recovered as before.

Li Ming smiled evilly and said, "It's time for you to taste my golden lightning!"

As he spoke, Li Mingyi punched the 3-year-old corpse king in the abdomen.

The ancient corpse king is different from ordinary corpses because of his physical body, which is undoubtedly tougher.

Li Ming punched down, just like an ordinary person's fist hitting a steel plate.

The force of the shock was transmitted back to Li Ming's arm, and his entire arm became numb.

"Break!" Li Ming yelled loudly, and the golden thunderbolt was running crazily, making a heavy explosion.

The skin of the 3-year-old corpse king is like armor, but it is nothing in front of the golden thunder.

In the blink of an eye, the abdomen of the 3-year-old corpse king was pierced by golden lightning.

Immediately, black air emerged from the hole, and the ancient corpse king groaned in pain.

Li Ming showed no mercy, and bombarded the ancient corpse king. The golden thunder and lightning pierced through the ancient corpse king, smashing him to pieces.

After killing the ancient corpse king, Li Ming sat down on the ground, as if his whole body had been emptied, with no strength in his body.

However, Li Ming knew that he couldn't just sit like this. The ancient corpse king might appear anytime and anywhere, so he had to maintain his combat effectiveness.

Immediately, Li Ming drank a bottle of spiritual water.

The exhausted body was like the surface of the dried sea, absorbing the spiritual water frantically and greedily.

Only a domineering existence like Lingshui can replenish the depletion so quickly. Li Ming slowly let out a mouthful of turbid air, and his expression became relieved.

Recalling the fight just now, Li Mingshang still had lingering fears.If he hadn't been carrying the two sacred relics of the Feng clan, he would have died tragically at the hands of these ancient corpses!
"Sun Moon Sect!" Li Ming gritted his teeth and said in his heart, "I have written down this account, Li Ming!"

Li Ming recovered, survived his still numb muscles and bones, and continued walking to the depths of the valley, hoping that there is an exit in the depths of the valley!

However, at this moment, a figure appeared.

It was none other than the elder of the Sun Moon Sect who had been keeping an eye on the situation in the valley.

When Li Ming saw a monk flying over, he couldn't help being startled, and thought, "Is he also a monk who was forcibly expelled from the Sun Moon Sect?"

However, after seeing the magic robe on the opponent's body, Li Ming's expression couldn't help but change.

The sun and moon robe, and it looks very delicate.

"This person's status in the Sun Moon Sect is absolutely extraordinary!" Li Ming said in his heart.

The elder of the Sun Moon Sect flew in front of Li Ming, smiled, pointed to the cloak on Li Ming's back and praised: "Your flame cloak is not bad, it is a treasure!"

Hearing this, Li Ming's heart skipped a beat, with an ominous premonition.

Li Ming looked at the other party vigilantly, and asked, "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

"I am the elder Mingri of the Sun Moon Sect. I don't want to do anything, but I just want to ask you where you bought this flame cloak? Not only does it look cool, but the defensive effect is really amazing!" Elder Mingri praised.

After a slight pause, Elder Mingri continued: "The brute force of a 3-year-old corpse is no small matter. Even a cultivator in the realm of transforming gods may not be able to withstand it, but you are safe and sound. It is a miracle! Tsk tsk, I really want to There is also a flame cloak like yours!"

It goes without saying that Elder Mingri has the idea of ​​winning the treasure!
Li Ming looked at Elder Mingri calmly, and said, "This cloak is actually only average. I have seen cooler and more dazzling cloaks with better defensive effects in Qindu."

"Oh? There is such a cloak?" Elder Mingri was slightly surprised.

"Yes, do you want it? I can take you to buy it." Li Ming said.

"Okay!" Elder Mingri replied.

"Then you have to take me out of this valley first." Li Ming said.

Elder Mingri saw that Li Ming didn't speak, and was silent for about two seconds. He asked, "Does my face look stupid? Do you think I'm stupid?"

Li Ming was silent and didn't speak!
Elder Mingri showed a ferocious face and said, "Hand over your flame cloak, or you will die in an ugly way!"

"You think I'm stupid?" Li Ming asked back.

"Huh?" Elder Mingri paused.

"Hand over the cloak, can you let me go?" Li Ming asked.

"No!" Elder Mingri replied.

"In this case, if you want a cloak, let your horse come here!" Li Ming snorted coldly.

"Looking for death!" Elder Mingri snorted coldly.

"It's dead anyway, why not be more arrogant?" Li Ming asked back.

Hearing this, Elder Mingri smiled instead of anger, and said: "Interesting, you are interesting! Which monk came to this valley and didn't cry and beg for mercy, and you are the only one who is free and easy."

"Hehe." Li Ming smiled and asked, "There should be no exit from this valley."

"You are very smart, indeed not." Elder Mingri replied.

Hearing this, Li Ming's heart sank. It seemed that he had entered a state of death!
I had hoped to go to the deepest part of the valley to find the exit, but now my only hope was shattered!

"Are you going to die here?" Li Ming's heart sank, his face was not very good-looking!

Seeing the change in Li Ming's expression, Ming Ri couldn't help laughing, and asked, "Are you also afraid of death?"

Li understood Elder Mingri's glance, and asked back: "Aren't you afraid of death?"

Elder Mingri paused, laughed loudly, and said, "Scared, who can not be afraid? But, you are the one who wants to go to hell!"

"It's not that easy to kill me!" Li Ming snorted coldly.

"Really? I'd like to see how many lives you have! Is it really that hard to kill?" Elder Mingri sneered, and immediately showed his power, killing Li Ming!
(End of this chapter)

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