The best immortal emperor

Chapter 762 Opportunity is here!

Chapter 762 Opportunity is here!

When Li Ming saw Mingri's appearance, he knew that he had suffered another crime by leading the thunder into his body, and the injury was serious!

Can you not suffer?
Li Ming secretly changed a few sentences about the trick to lure thunder into his body, only if Mingri succeeds is a ghost.

Even if you practice it forcibly, you will definitely go crazy later.

Li Ming looked at Ming Ri calmly, waiting for him to attack!
Ming Ri looked at Li Ming coldly, and asked, "Does it have to lure the thunder into the body?"

"Naturally!" Li Ming said noncommittally.

"Okay, in a few days, I will bring out the sect, and if the cloudy sky thunder fails to enter the body, you can wait to go to the underworld!" Elder Mingri said fiercely.

Then, he walked out.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being overjoyed, and secretly said: "The opportunity has come!"

During this period of time, Li Ming has been thinking about how to get the emperor's decree.

However, I have never thought of a good way.

Now, Mingri wants to take himself out, the opportunity is not to be missed!

A few days later, Elder Mingri, who had recovered from his injuries, came to the door again, ready to take Li Ming out!
Mingri specially prepared a sun and moon robe for Li Ming as a cover, if he knew that he would not go to the Qidian to steal it some time ago.

Mingri took Li Ming out of the mansion and walked towards Zongwai.

With the guidance of Mingri, the disciples of the Sun Moon Sect naturally wouldn't ask too many questions.

So, Li Ming swaggered out of the Sun Moon Sect!

After leaving the Sun Moon Sect, Mingri captured Li Ming and left immediately, so as not to be seen by other elders!
Now, Elder Mingri has become obsessed with the Sutra of Immortality and Immortality, and he will never give up until he masters it.

After leaving the Sun Moon Sect, Elder Mingri searched for Tianlei.

In fact, thunder is very early, and where there are dark clouds, there will be thunder.

However, Ming Ri did not intend to trigger thunder near the Sun Moon Sect, so as not to attract the attention of other elders.

This is exactly what Li Ming wanted, the farther away from the Sun Moon Sect, the better!

A few days later, Elder Mingri found a place where there was no one around, and there were a few black clouds floating in the sky, which was a good place to lure the thunder into his body!
When they arrived at the place, Elder Mingri made some preparations, and repeatedly asked Li Ming about the details of leading the thunder into his body.

After confirming each step, Elder Mingri prepared to cross the catastrophe in three days.

Li Ming remained calm, success or failure depends on three days later!
In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

Elder Mingri woke up from breath adjustment.

At this time, Elder Mingri is in very good condition and full of confidence!
Looking at the few black clouds floating in the sky, I only heard Elder Mingri murmured: "This time, it should be able to attract lightning into the body and refine the seeds of lightning!"

With that said, Elder Mingri confirmed with Li Ming the details of how to lead the thunder into his body.

Elder Mingri took a deep breath and said, "Come on!"

Before the words fell, several black clouds in the sky rolled up, and there were faint flashes of thunder and lightning.

Li Ming secretly accumulated strength, quietly waiting for this opportunity!

Phoenix Island.

The elder of the great clan led five elders and hundreds of Yuanying clansmen to go out to look for Li Ming.

Through the phoenix statue, the old man sensed that Li Ming was in the northeast.

However, it is impossible to be precise about where it is!

The group of soldiers was divided into six groups, each elder led more than ten tribesmen, and searched along the northeast direction with a net.

However, more than ten days had passed, and the group still hadn't found anything.

At this time, a group of people flew from the sea to the land unknowingly.


Isn't that the location of the Infernal Sect's lair?

The six clan elders became more and more frightened as they thought about it. Li Ming was the only inheritance left in the Phoenix King's bloodline. If Li Ming had something wrong, wouldn't the inheritance be broken?
The six elders are very anxious, but being anxious can't solve the problem, everyone can only keep looking!
On this day, the elders of the second clan noticed a few black clouds in the sky, as if someone was about to cross the catastrophe.

Now, the elders of the two clans are all focused on looking for the patriarch Li Ming, how can they have the heart to watch people cross the catastrophe?Then move on!

Elder Mingri was ready, and he opened his mouth to inhale. Several black clouds in the sky trembled, and then turned into a thin line, which slowly penetrated into Elder Mingri's mouth.

The black cloud was accompanied by thunder and lightning. As soon as Ming Ri inhaled the black cloud, he felt numb all over.

Sky mines are much more powerful than land mines and residual mines.

It is precisely because of this awareness that Mingri absorbs the black cloud thunder and lightning carefully, instead of swallowing it with his mouth!
With a cultivating level of God Transformation, it is easy to swallow a small mountain, let alone a few small black clouds!
Ming Ri was numb for a while, but he didn't dare to use his true energy to resist the power of thunder and lightning.

The Sutra of Immortality and Immortality says that to lure thunder into the body, one must first lure thunder to cleanse the body. Only when the body is clean and not polluted can one successfully lure thunder!

Elder Mingri tried his best to relax himself, not to repel or resist the baptism of thunder and lightning.

Fortunately, Elder Mingri has been struck by lightning these days, so it is still acceptable at this time!

With the inhalation of the black cloud, the power of thunder and lightning became stronger and stronger.

After a little effort, Ming Ri's complexion became a little ugly.

Li Ming quietly waited for the opportunity to make a move, and he must kill with one blow!

Otherwise, the tragedy is myself!
Mingri's lips were a little purple, his face was pale, and his whole body was numb for a while.

However, don't expect that this will hurt the root of the powerhouse of the God Transformation Realm, it is far from enough!
Li Ming is waiting for the dark day to turn the sky thunder to temper the body. As long as it is tempered, it will definitely move its roots, whether it is the correct nine-day thunder or Li Ming's tampering.

This is also the reason why Mingri has been using the thunder charm all the time. He can still bear the consequences caused by landmines and residual thunder, but the sky thunder is a bit huge!
If it weren't for the fruitless attempts, Mingri would not be so determined to try Tianlei!
With a little effort, the black clouds in the sky were sucked away by Elder Mingri.

It seems that Mingri is about to induce thunder to temper his body!

Li Ming took a deep breath, ready to attack at any time.

Elder Mingri took out a pill and took it, then let out a breath slowly, and then all the breath in his body condensed.

Li Ming knew that the dark sun was going to induce thunder to temper it!
Sure enough, Elder Mingri controlled the Tianlei that had just been ingested into his body, and began to temper his body according to the mental method that Li Ming taught him.

The process of Yinlei tempering was painful, I saw Elder Mingri's face turned blue and red for a while, and sweat broke out on his forehead not long after.

Li Ming hasn't attacked yet, now is not the best time!
The process of Elder Mingri's tempering with lightning was quite smooth.

At this time, Elder Mingri's face darkened, and he became extremely serious, as if he had reached a critical moment.

Li Ming's mental strings also condensed, he knew the time was coming!

Elder Mingri took a deep breath, his breath became more careful, and he said in his heart: "We have reached the most critical place, it's nothing to lead the thunder to temper here, it's all in vain, I hope there will be nothing wrong with Tianlei this time! "

Immediately, Elder Mingri began to temper carefully!
(End of this chapter)

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